

Urgent Message #175
From Margaret Durbin
in Evansville, Indiana, USA
on Friday, September 8, 2017

Note: This message was not given by God The Father, but anyway it is placed on the blog of God The Father at the request of Margaret Durbin, His messenger.  This message bears important information about the first traditional monastery in West Africa and the first traditional seminary in Nigeria during this era of the post Vatican II Church.

God has been moving His third world nations, especially Nigeria, to provide the priests we need in these end times.  We find the Nigerian priests in our parishes across America and throughout the world. There was a time in the world when God looked to Ireland to provide priests as missionaries for all the countries.  But now, He has turned East, and from among the poorest of the poor in Nigeria and India we find beautiful and bountiful vocations emerging to spread the Gospel in the West.  Who would have ever thought we would need missionaries in America?... but with the drought of vocations here in America, we are blessed by God with these easterners in our midst.  We are not forgotten by Our Lord.
Now, God is doing a new thing with Nigeria.  He is raising up priests in Nigeria who want to celebrate the Tridentine Latin Mass, and these priests have the moral support of their Church leaders there to accomplish it.  Specifically, Brother (Monk) Francis Maximillian Mary Ede is in the process of founding the first traditional monastery in West Africa and the first traditional seminary in Nigeria.  In this traditional seminary, the priests will be trained to celebrate the Tridentine Latin Mass as it was celebrated everywhere in the world before Vatican II council.   Brother Monk Francis Ede has been given the land for this traditional seminary and monastery, and he wishes to begin construction as soon as possible. He has opened the bank accounts for this traditional seminary and monastery, which numbers are listed below for those who would like to contribute toward the construction:
Local Bank:  Zenith Bank Nigeria
Intermediary Bank (for making donations):  Citibank
Name of Accounts:  Tridentine Strict Observant of Nigeria, West Africa
Naira Account:  1015269767
Dollar Account:  5070688125
Pounds Account:  5060176067
Euro Account:  5080167865
Below is a list of the clergy involved with this important project.  The Board of Advisors include:
●     His Grace, Most Rev. Alfred Adewale Martins, Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Lagos, Nigeria
●     His Eminence, Anthony Cardinal Okogie, (Spiritual Advisor)
●     Monsignor Christopher Boyo, (personal Spiritual Director of Brother Monk Francis Ede)
●     Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Ahukamam, OP (Vicar of Religious)
●     Very Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Bini Cap, (Legal Advisor)
The future name of the Seminary/Monastery is:  Holy Cross Seminary & Monastery of Mount Carmel, and it will be located in:   Imota, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria.
For any questions or to donate, you may reach Brother Monk Francis Ede at his contact information as follows:   1 Good Shepherd Garden Way;  Imota, Ikorodu;  Lagos State, NigeriaWest Africa
Telephone:  234-816-375-9393

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen