

To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Monday,
September 14, 2015, at 10:30am.
“My dear children,
Your Heavenly Mother is speaking to all of you through this message of love. Keep in mind that God is here on Earth, and He uses each of you for His purpose, especially Do Nguyen, who has a big role to carry God’s mission in order to alert mankind who must take care of their souls from this world. Otherwise, they will have no chance to save their souls in the next life.
“As you know, God is merciful and powerful, but His mercy only applies for the living souls, because He is willing to forgive people’s sins as long as they repent. Moreover, He knows their weakness and problems. For this, His love for mankind is beyond their imagination, no matter how sinful, they are, but He wants to forgive rather than to punish them.
“But unfortunately, many people neglect their souls, because their mind is occupied by the reality of the modern world. In fact, there are not many people who live in this world, but prepare to be ready for the everlasting life.
“God is nowadays not happy, because many ungrateful people no longer respect His Holy Name. In fact, they follow their own way in the wrong direction, in which their souls are under the control of the Falling Angel who has the victory through the sins of the world.
As the Mother of Christianity, I have a big mission that is to watch over God’s children and to lead them into the gate of Paradise. But sadly, many people reject Me. It hurts My Son Jesus very much, because I carried Him who was born by the power of the Holy Spirit to become the Savior of the world. But on the other hand, for those who accept Me as the Mother of God and love Me, it is a good sign for their predestination in the next life.
“Therefore, please pray for the unbelievers, so that they will be saved. God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“Mary, Mother of God.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(October 02, 2015)

Important Message #318
from Mary, Queen of The Rosary
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas, on Monday,
September 21, 2015, at 10:56am.
“My dear child,
I am Mary, your Blessed Mother of love and mercy. Be courageous to continue to help each other in this dark time. I will never leave your side in order to protect all of you from the snare of the Devil who is so envious if one soul will be saved.
“As you know, I pray for you as I asked you to pray for those who do not believe your heavenly work which God has instructed you to fulfill His will. It is a mystery, but it is the truth. And He never put you into shame, no matter how your life is. But the grace of God will remain with you forever, because you did not choose Him, but He chose each of you to save His children.
“My child, time goes by and the life on earth is very short, unlike the life after death, it is endless. For this reason, you must be strong in all things and never give up your belief. And have confidence in Me as your Advocate Mother, Queen of your souls, as well as the helper for all your need in this material world.
 “My child, praying and doing God’s work are the priority of your life, because nothing will last without God’s grace, but your heavenly work. Keep going on as God’s confirmation to you that He is the authority on everything you do.
“For this reason, be thankful for being chosen for God’s mission. Keep in mind that He is alive, and His spirit is among you, and He continues to watch over each of you, including your loved ones.
I am your Spiritual Mother and I ask you to pray unceasingly to deliver all the bad spirit who is roaming around to harm wicked souls. Keep in mind that the Holy Rosary is the powerful weapon to drive away the Devil. But unfortunately, many people do not know and do not believe the Rosary as the ladder to go up to Heaven.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“Mary, Queen of The Rosary.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(October 02, 2015)