

To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Wednesday,
August 26, 2015 at 9:47am.
“My dear child,
“I am your Heavenly Father, God of Love. Keep in mind that I have gathered all the chosen children in My plan in order to save those who do not know Me that I am the Living God and the Judge of their souls in the next life.
As you know, My love for mankind beyond their imagination and no one in this world loves you as I do. Moreover, I have all the power to turn the world upside down and bring good out of evil. In other words, I can touch those who have stone hearts and lukewarm souls.
“However, I let people make their own choice and everyone has a free will and do whatever they want, because I have established ten commandments through Moses and I have shown all the miracles to let mankind see that I exist, and they must obey in order to be God’s children. Even the miracle of Jesus who raised from the death, including all the miracles which He had performed during His lifetime on earth.
“Time goes by, many years have passed, but mankind’s sins never decrease, instead of that, their sins are getting worst. Especially at this time, in this modern world, they live in advance to have all the technologies to make their lives comfortable and convenient for the bodies. Therefore, their hearts are cold for the love of Me and most of them have no faith, because they believe the realities of the world. Especially those who are wealthy and they believe their own power through the luxury that they have.
“My child, on one of these days, all mankind will see My wrath to purify this sinful world. At this time, My heart is full of anger and sadness. But I tried to hold it back, because many people love Me and they pray unceasingly, they soothe My anger. Can you imagine that one blow of My breath will destroy the world in a second?
“I bless you all. Thanks for responding to My call, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“Our Merciful God.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(September 11, 2015)

Important Message #312
from Mary, our Spiritual Mother
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Saturday,
August 29, 2015 at 8:40am.
“My dear child,
I am the Virgin Mary, your Mother of compassion for those who accept Me as the Mother of God and all Christianity.
“As you know, God is not happy about this generation, because many ungrateful people do not want to acknowledge how much He loves the world. In fact, He had sacrificed His only Son Jesus to save their souls from the original sin of Adam and Eve.
My Son Jesus has suffered tremendously to die on the cross including Me to see His lifeless body in My arms. And My sorrow was so much intense, and no one could not know how much sorrow I endured during His agonizing to shed His precious blood on the ground and all over His face and body. However, God knew everything in My heart and He also suffered to see both of us suffer in order to fulfill His will to save all His children from the fire of Hell.
“Unfortunately, many years have passed, but mankind’s sins are greater than ever because they do not want to obey God’s commandments, and many people nowadays went in a wrong direction on their journey home. Keep in mind that God’s eyes are powerful and He can see through each of His creations. In fact, no one can escape His judgment.
“For this reason, mankind’s sins have the impact between God and men. But they do not know when God will purify the world because it needs the light of Jesus in order to spare many souls who are in darkness of sins. I do not know when and how it happens, but it will. Otherwise, many more souls will be sent into Hell with their leader of sins, who is in control of the world at this time.
“God has the power to save all His children and He wants them to see His real face in the next life, but sadly many of them will not make it, because it is up to them and they have the free will whether to follow God’s way or the devil’s way. It depends on how they take care of their souls before they pass this world.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“Mary, your Spiritual Mother.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(September 11, 2015)