

Important Message #236
from Saint Joseph
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Wednesday,
October 22, 2014 at 10:00am.
“My dear child,
“On behalf of The Holy Trinity, I am Saint Joseph, who is the chaste husband of the Virgin Mary. We love all of you and we continue to assist you to fulfill God’s plan for the salvation of souls.
“As you know, the world has so many problems at this time. It is the worst in the history of human beings because of the power of the things that mankind can see. In fact, they want to have war, they have so much hatred toward one another, and they do not recognize God any longer because their hearts are covered with sins that are also the work of the devil who is the controller of all the numb hearts and stained souls.
“My child, I am giving this message in order to remind you that you have a big role in God’s plan. For this, you work harder than the rest of the chosen ones, because God has chosen all of you for His purpose. For this reason, you must be strong and patient on your journey home. Keep in mind that God has given you a supernatural strong and potential to do the heavenly work. And He guides you in His way and He will take care of the rest.
“My child, there is nothing easy. It is also a part of your test in order to gain the immense blessing in your next life and I know that each of you has a gift of faith. In fact, no one can convince you to change your way. And I am happy for all of you to be called God’s servants as the way I was. God gave Me a special power in order to grant and answer the prayers of those who pray to Me and ask Me for help. For this, do not worry about your difficulties such  as money, health or whatever you need. I will help you and you will receive the assistance that I will provide. I also protect all of your families. For this, pray and continue to fulfill your goal.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Saint Joseph.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(October 28, 2014)

Important Message #237
from Jesus Christ, The King
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Sunday,
October 26, 2014 at 10:30am.
“My dear child,
I am Jesus, who is your Master of everything. Keep in mind that following My way of the cross is not always easy, because you must accept the pain, suffering and difficulties as I did before.
“For this reason, you have accepted Me as your God and the giver of everything you have. Amen, I am telling you the truth, your earthly life is full of spiritual blessings by giving yourself as a faithful servant to serve Me in order to bring hope for people. Many of them do not know how important it is for them to take care of their souls when they are still alive, because I will come back on the earth on one of these days to judge the living and the dead.
“My child, it will happen sooner or later because the world must be purified due to its sins. Otherwise, many more souls will be condemned to hell because this modern world has created so many things which make mankind embrace the power of the world such as fame, money, prestige and so on… And the result is that the world has so much trouble that is happening now in the Middle-East, but it will affect the entire world.
“My child, all the bad things that come from mankind’s sins have happened, but it is not finished yet. In fact, it will never have the solution to stop war and it will take many lives of innocent people, including children, because the evil ones hate Christians. In fact, they want to massacre them all.
“For this reason, it will be difficult to live in the world, because the world is under the control of the fallen Angel who is the creator of all the deadly sins, by which people want to kill each other in the battle of the war. In fact, about their actions of violence, you can say that they are part of Satanism who turns human hearts into evil hearts. They are totally opposite to God’s children who respect life, pray and obey God’s commandments and avoid sins. Pray for this trouble world.
“I bless you in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“Jesus Christ, The King.”

Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(October 28, 2014)