

Important Message #210
from Mary, Mother of Christ
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Sunday,
July 06, 2014 at 9:36am.
“My dear child,
“God loves you beyond your imagination and He knows how hard you tried every day to fulfill your goal. For this, I am your Advocate Mother and I never stop to pray for each of you as I have asked you to pray to console God at any moment of your life. Indeed, your prayers are very important for souls, even in your family.
“As you know, each of God’s children must recognize The Heavenly Father through your eyes of faith in order to be called God’s children to inherit the everlasting life. Especially, for those who believe in God, it is the way of the truth to be obedient to His will. Even though I do not have to tell you, your wisdom would know what I mean.
“My child, Heaven, Earth and under the Earth belong to only one God Who is the creator of everything, as well as the giver of all the things in this universe. Unfortunately, many people in this modern world are so proud of themselves, especially the rich ones who have everything in this world. However, the money can create many problems because it is also a source of evil things if people, when doing these things, break God’s commandments of his Laws.
As you know, the money and the power of the world can cost many people to suffer in their next life if they neglect their souls. And most of them already do, because they worship one who can make them rich, famous by following the evil ways. The result is that they sold their souls to the leader of sins by worshiping the reality of the world and by not caring for the destination of their souls as long as they can enjoy the world as much as they want. It is so dangerous to lose their own souls. Pray for the conversion of their souls.
“God bless you, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“Mary, Mother of Christ.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(July 12, 2014)

Important Message #211
from God The Father
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Tuesday,
July 08, 2014 at 8:19am.
“My dear child,
I am your Heavenly Father who is your Light and Love. For this, hold your head up and cross your heart to say: ‘Bless Me, Father, my body and strengthen my faith at the time of my difficulty!’
“I know how you feel because of the problem that you have. Amen, I am telling you now, I am your Father and I know what you need. Just let it go because it is only a small thing that has happened to you. The most important thing is to relax your body, and pray for your healing to restore to normal in order to continue your journey of My great Mission that I have entrusted into your care.
My child, I know how much you love Me. In fact, you are waiting for My words and these are My words to give you in return for your Love to Me. Moreover, I will never put you into shame or difficult situation because I am the best Father of all mankind, especially, for those who offer their lives to serve Me in the way you are.
“My child, it is not always easy to be closer to Me, because you must accept your daily cross as the purification of your soul. As I said before, little by little, I will lead you into perfection. Right now, you cannot understand why you have to confront with many difficulties in your life, but later on, you will be glad. I would rather purify all the chosen ones in this world than in the life after death because it is a shortcut way to get into Heaven.
“My child, you still belong to the world, for this, you need to take care of your circumstances, if you need to see the doctor, do not hesitate and I will bless you tremendously.
“Eventually, you will be fine. Do not worry, be at peace, I am watching over you at all times.
“I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“God The Father.”

Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207

(July 12, 2014)