

Very serious and important
Message #78
from The Holy Trinity

to Do Van Nguyen
in HoustonTexas on September 24, 2013

“My dear child,”
“I know how hard you tried in order to achieve your goal that I have entrusted into your care; you are very special among the chosen ones. In fact, your grace is overflowing.”
“For this reason, keep up with your belief. Just focus your life to serve Me as your wish to be My faithful servant and beloved child. Keep in mind that your body belongs to the Earth and one of these days, it will return to dirt, but your soul is in My Hand, as well as those who are chosen and obedient to follow My way and want to be with Me in paradise.”
“It is so simple to understand why you must obey and choose My way since I have made a plan for you.  I am the Truth, and the Truth is always the same, and It dwells only within Me Who am called Holy, the Holy God, and no other god.”
“However, mankind has different beliefs because they do not believe in Me. For this reason, they rather choose different religions and worship their own god with different denominations.”
“My child, My Words are very serious, because I want to confirm with you that there is only one God Who is The Father of all mankind, but no other god. Therefore, without Me, The Holy Trinity, no one can be accepted to enter Heaven.  Besides that, people must do good, follow My commandments, confess their sins often to the priests who represent Myself for forgiving sins and taking care of their souls before they expire in the world, as well as stay away from many temptations of the world that can cost them to lose their souls.”
“My child, if you know completely about Heaven and Hell, you would give up everything in this world, but your faith will take you there. For those who choose My way and are close to Me by practicing their faith, they will be accepted as My chosen children.”
“I am happy about you and those who believe My messages. Keep in mind that you will never be deceived as humans deceive each other.”
“I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.”
“The Holy Trinity.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(September 29 2013)

Very serious and Important
Message #79
from God The Holy Spirit
to Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on September 22, 2013

“My dear child,”
“I am God The Holy Spirit Who is your light and love. Indeed, My light shines upon each of you and frees you from the darkness of sins.”
“Keep in mind that you worship the Truth through your eyes of faith, and you will have My strength in order for your mind and body to endure as long as you still live in this temporal world. Furthermore, your heart is My temple, because you have received the tremendous grace through the holy sacrifice of the true Mass and it is also the merit to take you to Paradise.”
“For this reason, cling to Me Who am your Guardian, Wisdom, and the Master of your knowledge. Little by little you will get better in your spiritual life, and by nature you will be able to recognize that I am the Authority for everything you do, because I mold you in the way I want. In fact, I only allow you to do My will because you have offered your life to Me and accept to be a part of My Plan among the chosen ones. In other words, you are under My direction, and I am the Way.”
“This world nowadays is not the same as it was, because mankind’s sins are getting worse. In fact, they cannot distinguish between right and wrong if their actions. Most of them have no God in their belief. For this reason, they do things without consciousness. Moreover, the seduction and temptation of the world are so great, because the human nature is weak, and the flesh cannot control the mind because the desire of the mind always has the temptation in so many ways in this reality of the world.”
“For this reason, people have to pray, because praying is a way of purifying the mind and receiving the supernatural strength for the body. As a human, one must know that God is the Creator, and He must be loved by all mankind, and He is the owner, the controller of everything.”
“I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.”
“God The Holy Spirit.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (September 29, 2013)