

Message #73:  

Contents: God The Father has the true key for entering heaven and will give to all the true kingdom if they all obey Him.  God The Father is sending His saints in heaven to earth to lay hands on all of us. 
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on March 25, 2013 at 15:39 Hours:
My dear child, the Master has the true key.  The true Master will say all must enter with the true key.  The true key will be the only way one must enter the true Kingdom.  I am in the true Kingdom.  I am the true God The Father.  I have spoken.  (Revelation 3:7-8).  The tried and true will inherit the true Kingdom.  I will say I am going to give to all the true Kingdom if they all obey Me.  I am going to say all are in the true Kingdom...  Do you need Me to tell you the true saints are all coming to the true Earth now to give to all the true blessing, to say they are all going to Heaven?  I am sending them to the Earth as I speak to lay hands on all of you as well.  I will say they are all doing this as I speak to you.”  (Psalms 90:9-15).   (As Margaret wrote down this message from God The Father, she experienced hot tears rolling down her face.  She felt the urgency that this message needs to get out right away, so this message is out of sequence from the other messages, and it is placed in advance to those that still need to be typed for March, 2013.) 

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen