

Very Urgent Messages #64

Contents: In summary, God The Father speaks of earthquakes to come soon to the southern part of the U.S.A. and the southern hemisphere and requests that we all pray for those who will be lost at sea.  He speaks of the destruction of churches with improper altars and where there is no obedience in the sanctuaries.  He speaks of the coming of St. Gabriel.  He says the true prayer book will soon be in the churches, and all must all pray for Him to give all the true and sacred, true and faithful, true and sound, true and loyal...  

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 15, 2013 at 9:12 am.:
… “The twelve tribes of Israel will be made to see the true Son and I will give Him the true blessing, the true Faith.  He will give the true blessing and the true Faith to all the whole world, and this will be very soon.  I am going to tell all they all must see the true Son in the true sanctuary, and the true Faith will be restored as well… A True New Time will be established, and the true time will be the True New Time.  Then the true new time I gave you when you asked me will be the true way to tell time.  All will tell time according to that new time.  I am going to say now, the true time will be equivalent to the true saints’ time and the true saints’ time will be equivalent to the time I am in.  And then there will be the true heavenly time which is forever.” 
 “The true Faith will be the Faith I have already given, and then the true Faith will be to tell all they all must use (this Faith).  They all must all see, and they all must all believe.  All must all say, all must all distribute, and all must all pray.  I am going to tell all they will all be given the True New Time, the true New Faith.  The true New Faith will be the Faith that I taught My Only Son, and this Faith is the true Faith.”…
 “A true message will be the one I give to you.  Now I am going to secure all who have read all the true messages, and I will say now here they all are… All will tell Me now, ‘Heavenly Father, I am going to do and say the true following.’  I need all to all go to the true sanctuary and tell Me they are all going to see the true Son, the true Jesus Christ, and the True Saint will say all must all do as I ask.  All must all pray the way I ask.  All must all reveal to Me the true way they all feel when they all see My Son Jesus Christ as the true passionate figure on the true altar.  I want them to tell Me how do they all feel.”…
 “All things will be reckoned with, and I will say all things must be in the true sanctuary.  All must all pray the way I ask.  I am going to tell all they all will all see the True Saint in the true church and all the true houses of worship.  The true houses of worship and the true churches must all obey in the true sanctuary.  If they will not, after I send My Son, I will destroy all of them.  I will not let them stand anymore.  This is their only chance to repent and tell Me they all will all do this.  I am going to tell all they will all see My Son Jesus Christ, and then after that there will be one to say now there will be no other time to disobey.  All must obey.  And all will all say they will all pray the way I ask.  And the True Saint will tell all they all must all pray the way I ask.  And they all will all see the true churches, the true houses of worship all be destroyed if they do not obey Me, their true Heavenly Father.  I am He.  I have said ‘I am He, and I will tell all I am the Alpha and the Omega.  I am in the beginning, and the true faithful must all say I am and always will be, always have been.  And the True Saint will say all must all pray the way I ask.  (Margaret says to see Rev. 1:8)

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 16, 2013 at 2:35 am.:
“Do you want to pray for all those who will be lost at sea?  There will be many.  They will have the True Saint to pray for them, one by one.  I am going to say all will all perish.  A strong earthquake in the southern hemisphere will take many lives and (cause) the most deplorable conditions.  All will all say they are all praying as the boats are all being tossed around the true sea.  And the demanding current will be destroying many homes on the coastline.  All will all say they wish they had all prayed the true Divine Mercy prayers.  A strong and powerful earthquake will be in the southern region of the true United States and the True Arena.  All will all perish.  All will all say they have the true earthquake as well.  Do you know where there are many places to go to escape the true earthquake?  I will say all can go to the true saint who will come to the true sanctuary.  Pray for all those who will be lost in the sea.  Pray for all those who will never be in the True Arena.  Pray for all those whose lives will be lost in the true earthquake in the true United States.  This will be a big catastrophe.  All will all say they will all pray.  All will all see the true earthquake.  The true earthquake will be in the true southern part of the true United States.  All will all say they should have all prayed for the saints who will be in the true earthquake.  The true quake will be in the true southern part of the true United States, and many will never see the true light of the true day.  I am going to tell all they all must all go to the nearest place of safety when they can all travel.  All will all say they all will all do as I ask.  And the severe shaking will start very soon.  And the true saints all will be in the true sanctuary when the first of the quakes start.  Some will say they must go to the true sanctuary.  Some must go to higher ground.  The true elevation must not even be considered, because it must be (like this).  I am in charge.” 
 “I have warned all they have not obeyed, and they have told Me they will pray the way I ask, but they have not.  I am going to relieve them of their true life (and) happiness, and I will say now look at the true life you have lived.  The coastal areas will never be the same ever again.  And the true saints will all say they are in the beginning of the true birthpangs.  (Margaret says to see Rev. 12:2.)   And they must all pray to be in the True Arena.  A storm at sea will come and the true tidal wave will be the largest that has ever been, and the true saints will all say they will all pray.  I have strewn many and the true saints are going to say a boat will now be the only true safety.  I will say all must be in the true safety net.” 
 “A true test will say the true saints all must all do as I ask.  Now, all will all see the true devastation.  I have asked all to go to the true sanctuary to pray and tell Me when they are going, but they do not.  A sign in the true sky will be to warn all.   The True Saint has the true angel with Him.  And this will be the true Angel Gabriel.  (Margaret says to see Daniel 9:21.)  The True Saint will say He will give to all the true rite of passage.  And this rite of passage will be to screen all before He takes them all to Heaven.  I will say the true rite of passage will be to tell all they all must pray the way I ask.  The true saint will tell Me the true Faith will not wither and die.  It will last forever and ever, for all eternity.  The true rite of passage is the true way one should pray.  They must ask Me how do I want them to pray?... I have not said they can pray the way they want to.  I have said they are to ask Me the true way they are to pray… but I will say all must tell Me they will ask Me if they are in the True Arena.  And to be in the True Arena is to ask Me to tell them how I need them to pray.  The true saint must say he or she will ask Me to be in the True Arena, and I will say it is OK if you have repented of your sins, and you have told Me you are going to obey.  I have not said you are in the True Arena when you have disobeyed Me.  The true saint will say, ‘OK, You must tell me when I am in the True Arena.’  I will say all are in the True Arena when they are in the true sanctuary as well.”

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 17, 2013 at 7:20 am.:
… “The true saint will say now all must all pray the true Divine Mercy prayers.  I will say now all must say the prayer I gave to Sister Faustina.  She will be the one to intercede in the true catastrophes of the true saints.  She has the true Faith.  The true saint, Sister Faustina, will say she is in the true heavenly realm.  All must all pray to alleviate the true catastrophe.  A sunrise will be the true time all will all perish in the true ocean, and this will be very soon.  I will say I am going to prevent the true saints from the true catastrophe if all pray the true Divine Mercy prayers.  I will tell them they are in the true Mercy of Mine… An abomination is a sacrilege.  All must all say they will all do as I ask.”…

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 19, 2013 at 3:02 am.:
… “Now will you tell all they all must say that very soon they will see St. Gabriel blow the third part of the true stars away and tell all they have all gone away.  I am going to tell all they will all soon see this.   (Margaret says to see Rev. 8:12.)…  He must tell them that soon I will rip all the churches and the houses of prayer off the true foundation when they do not take up the true altars, the true tables that do not belong in the true sanctuaries.  (Daniel 8:11-19.)  I will say I will give the true saint the true Faith, the true new name, the true cross on his forehead, the true saint to lead him when he goes to the true sanctuary to pray.  He will see my only Son when He comes.  The true saint will say he will give to Me the true building.  He will say he will tell all they all will pray the way I ask.  The true prayer book will soon be in the churches, and I will say all must pray and ask Me to give them the true and sacred, and the true and faithful, and the true and sound, and the true and loyal, and the true and sacred, and the true and the loyal, and the true, and the true, and the true and remorseful.  The true and loyal and the true and really holy and all the saints will say all must all be in the true sanctuary.”

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen