

Important and Urgent Messages
from God The Father
and Mary, Our Heavenly Mother of God
and Saint Joseph

1) God The Father said on 11-27-2012:
«… I also want to thank each of you for helping each other and (for) keep moving toward My direction (so) that My light has shined on your way.  Moreover, I am in control, and I am your Protector, because day in and day out, you have to travel on the road.  And many dangers (are) out there nowadays, because you do not know everything can happen in this world from the force of nature.  For this (you have) My Protection always (to) keep you away from the thing that you do not expect to happen.
«My child at this time I can not control My anger any more. As I have said, the sins of the world over My limitation, therefore the world  is in peril, it is too much for Me to be patient because the act of the devils spread to the entire world such as doing the evil things and most of sins which I can not tolerate any longer is the sin of killing babies who still alive in their mother’s womb, this terrible act must be stopped but they will never stop because people do not want to believe: I will punish the world because the big impact to destroy the gift of life that I have created to be born to the world and to die for eternal life.
«My child, all My Words are sacred something in this world will pass away but My Words will not pass away and you will see one thing to happen after another and mankind will learn how angry I am for doing many evil things for this reason, the world will be fallen apart and all must see the power of Mine as the fire of wrath to pour out upon them and no scientists or technology in this modern world which can make the power of electricity work because the destruction of the world by the powerful earthquake, tsunami and so on…
«Pray and give Me thanks for all the blessing that you have, take My heart as your refuge all the chosen ones will be saved from dangers of the world. I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.»
 (God The Father).

2) God The Father said on 11-29-2012:
«… But do not worry about your tomorrow, keep up with your hope, trust in My immense mercy for you and for those who are chosen in My plan, very soon My time will arrive and all mankind will be shocked by all the things which happen through the force of the Nature which the fire of My wrath will purify the darkness of the world due to its sins.
«The world will never be the same as I have said: Over and over, and I repeat again that all must live in the terrible way as the terrible sins which they commit every day. In fact, the number of sins keep growing as the grass on the field which are uncountable, for this, I must stop them by My action which I have hold it in many generations and this is the first and the last generation to confront with My power of wrath such as the catastrophe and many will come from the powerful Nature.
«For this reason, pray the living souls as well as the dead ones because My justice must be served and all must suffer for the way the live in a different way without power of electricity, therefore people’s life is inconvenient, it also is the answer for those who know about My command but they do not want to believe: all My Words are the truth and they will see the truth will happen as I command.
«I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.»
(God The Father)

3) God The Father said on 11-25-2012:
«… My child, for those who are enjoying the world, they will suffer with the world because it will pass away and be destroyed inn many places and the entire world must see the wrath of God will fall on it like never happen before. My mercy equal as my justice, therefore for those who do the good things as they support to do good work, they will get the reward. But for those who do bad things and against My will, they will suffer because of My judgment will punish them.
«My child, believe Me, as I have said several times that the catastrophe will happen to this generation, it is the first and the last in order to change the face of the earth whether mankind believe or do not believe, My Words are worthy and sacred.
«If I hold My wrath back as before, much more souls will suffer due to their sins and at this time, the world’s sins go over My limitation because they have free will but they all are My creation, even the evil ones who wanted to challenge Me because they wanted to have My power but it must be fulfilled in the Scripture in order to judge between the good and the bad.

4) Mary the Immaculate Conception said on 11-24-2012:
«I am your Heavenly Mother, I bless all of you from My Immaculate Heart.
«… My child, I am your country Vietnam is growing many sacrilege sins because most people of people who are unbelievers and it is under control by the communists who have no God in their hearts, besides that, many foreigner tourists who are in and out the country for their own desires as doing their business or seeking something for their interesting. For this, many young adults who are slaves of sins to sell their bodies for the money and many young people are out of control of their lives to have so much temptation such as sex, drug, and money. Those three things have made people not to be able to think between good and bad.
«As a matter of fact, the number of abortions is getting worst due to the pro-choice and people committed the grave sins like other countries around the world. But in Vietnam, it is the worst due to sex slaved. For this reason, sooner or later, God’s hand will turn to His action because He cannot be patient any more due to the big impact of this terrible crime that His precious tears come out from His loving Heart. As I have said in My message to whom I have chosen in Vietnam that your country is one of the several countries will suffer by the purification that will happen and it already happened in some countries.
«My child, as I have said, I can not beg God’s mercy for the world any more because His cup of wrath is overflowing at this time. In fact, He loves the world so much and He had accepted to sacrifice His Only Son who is Jesus, His beloved Son in order to give them the everlasting joy in heaven but unfortunately, the world no longer belong to God’s plan instead of belonging to the devil’s plan in order to push many souls to be blocked in the gate of Hell and it already happened because many sinners who passed this life and their next lives are hell.
«My child, My Heart is filled with grief for people who still live in this world but their souls already belong to Satan and you know what I mean. It is so dangerous by the way people do in this modern world that has created so much technology, therefore the Nature is gone in their hearts. God bless you so do I in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.»

5) Saint Joseph said on 11-26-2012:
«… My loving children, on behalf of the Holy Trinity, I am Saint Joseph who is the protector of all Christian families.
«… My children, I love all of you and I am your spiritual father, My Holy Family always take care of your circumstance and do not be afraid of your sickness and problems in your daily lives. Everything will fall in place, remember that each of you is God’s faithful child, therefore, His blessings always shower in your family. We all love you.
«Pray, my children, because the whole Heaven is so sad at this time to see God is not happy any more because the sins of the world become darker and wherever is covered by the darkness. The devils truly present and the light of God is distinguished by the sins.  For this, God will defeat the evil act very soon because He wants to save more souls by His purification.
«I am glad that each of you listens to God’s call and dedicates yourself to serve God as the best you can. God bless you and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Saint Joseph)

Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
 (December 01, 2012).