
Email from Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar to Priest “Peter” Khoat Van Tran

Email from Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar to Priest “Peter” Khoat Van Tran:


       From: preciousbloodhouston@yahoo.com
       To: PI PO
                  Lan Nguyen, Lac Tran, Angel Truong
       Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 4:13 PM
       TO: Priest “Peter” Khoat Van Tran of USA and Vietnam...

This morning on June 12, 2024, Our Blessed Mother Mary in Heaven spoke onto the tongue of my daughter Sara (so I could hear also) a clarification of what happened in the big miracle yesterday following the submission of your proposed, annual Marian Cycle for the True New Time on Earth of God Our Heavenly Father... and during this Purgatory Rescue Movement that Our Lord Jesus has with you.

Our Lady saw your intention to start privately the Marian Cycle, and She realized your need for an Assumption chasuble to celebrate this important Marian Cycle. So, She, with the approval of God The Father, decided to help you. She clarified to Sara that She obtained the help of two angels. One angel transported the chasuble from Heaven to that store where you were headed, and the other angel placed the phone call to the store owner alerting him of your coming for it. This was truly a great miracle of Our Lady, and so we never forget June 11, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

You said the phone call actually came to the store owner a couple of minutes before 11:00 a.m., and at 11:00 a.m. the store owner came to you and greeted you in front of his store asking if you are the priest seeking the chasuble. This was Our Lady’s perfect intervention for you! Alleluia!!

With this explanation this morning from Our Lady, I was SO excited and gave Her an enthusiastic, “Praise You!" despite a small inner voice warning me not to say that. Then, Our Lady immediately spoke up and said, “Do not say that, because praise in this way is a form of worship. You must save that word only for God.” I was sorry immediately, and marveled at the humility of Our Lady. When I asked Her if I needed to go to Confession, She said to speak to God. She also did not want me to speak of Confession in front of Sara. Our Blessed Mother is so humble, so prudent, so wise, and so loving. Priest Khoat, I never forget Her concise clarification today of what happened yesterday in Her big miracle for you. God is with us.

Deo Gratias!

Love in Christ to you and to all our families and clergy in the True Arena of God The Father for His True New Time,

Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar, Secretary/Family Life Congress (no time for website yet); 8541 Howell Dr.;
Frisco, Texas 75034 - USA
Mobile Phone: 832-512-5668;
Email: preciousbloodhouston@yahoo.com