

Very serious and important
Message #72
from Mary
, Mother of Sorrow

to Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on July 21, 2013

“My dear child,
 “I am Mary, your Sorrowful Mother. Today, I want to tell you that abortion is a big issue to impact between God and Humanity. Day after day, the world is covered by darkness, because there are so many unborn babies who are being aborted each second around the world, and the blood of these tiny innocent ones continue to pour out from their mother womb after the fetus were destroyed by the hands of the doctors whose hearts are numb to dismember their bodies by the equipments that they use to murder the precious gift from Heaven.
“As you know, each baby is created through God’s own image and she or he has a soul. Therefore they can feel the pain and they suffer so much by by violent procedure to take them out. In fact, in many cases, their bodies came out as piece by piece. Moreover, the doctors who perform the evil act know those babies can feel the pain but they do not care. How much violent they do to kill the helpless who can not speak for themselves and scream in terror.
“For this reason, the world is getting worst because the sins of killing unborn babies will cost the world’s suffering in many ways and the enemy is happy because each unborn baby who is killed will increase their power, that is what they want. However, in the end, God’s enemy will be held in the fire of hell forever.
“At this time of sins, the world is in danger because of many issues against God’s will. For this, the world will be punished by its own sins whether coming from God’s wrath or from mankind, and you can tell people that they kill one another more than ever before. Killing is an evil act that breaks God’s commandment “thy shall not kill”.
Please pray harder because God’s mercy will end soon.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.”
“Mary, your Mother of Sorrow”.
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(September 9, 2013)

Very serious and Important
Message #73
from God The Father
to Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on July 20, 2013

“My dear child,
“I understand how hard you try and how much difficulty you went through, but do not feel uneasy because people who turned you down or rejected the work that you do. Remember that without My grace, you is only an ordinary person like others. But you are totally different. In fact, the more people turn you down, the more you try to accomplish your goal.
“For this reason, I will never leave your side because you need My strength to continue doing My will that you are chosen in My plan among others before My mercy will turn to My wrath because the sins of the world make Me have no choice. No matter how sinful they are, I always give mankind the chance to repent because time is running out.
“My child, your good work will never put you into shame and My words are the truth, and the truth will come out as I have said.
The world must suffer for its own good. For this, it must be changed from bad to good as the way I want it to be. Otherwise, many souls will be condemned to hell. This is My biggest concern, sadness, sorrow, because My own image will be destroyed by human being.
“My child, every day, I speak to you and I express Myself in different words. For this, believe in this privilege because it is worthier than anything. It is also the treasure that you cannot find in this world. For this, embrace and store it because all My words will fill your heart with joy, and little by little I will lead you into perfection.
“I thank all of you for helping each other to fulfill My will. Keep in mind that you are under My roof (care). I am the best Father who is your powerful God and whom you can only rely, trust.
“I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
“God The Father”.
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (September 9, 2013)