Very serious and important
Message #70
from Mary, Mother of Love and Mercy
Message #70
from Mary, Mother of Love and Mercy
(China will attack Vietnam)
to Do Van Nguyen
inHouston , Texas on August 23, 2013
“My dear child,”
”I am Mary, your Advocate Mother Who continues to speak to you through this message of love. As you know,
each new day, a new message is given to you because the Almighty God is already
here on the Earth in order to save all His children from the slavery of sins,
and He is among you, as I am.
“Your country Vietnam will be suffering in the future, because it is
under attack from another one (China ),
and in the end, the Vietnamese people will be controlled. Even though
the Vietnamese communists have the power to do whatever they want at this time,
they must surrender to the one who has more power than they have.”
“This country (Vietnam ) is blessed because so many
saints there have made great sacrifices to accept God in their faith. For
this reason, God pays attention to your native land, and the fact is that He
has chosen some of you to be His instruments for the world in His plan for
saving souls.
“But on the other hand, this country (Vietnam) is
getting worse because it is enslaved by sins and many bad influences from other
countries around the world, and most of the people there have no religion, no
God in their hearts, and the Catholic people are very little in comparison with
the population.”
“As a matter of fact, many clinics of abortion
continue to grow in the country in both the North and the South. There
are also the multiplication of gay people, prostitution, the state of living
together without marriage, and people cheating on one another.”
“In fact, they do many bad things for money and
they do not care about sins, because most of them have no God in their hearts.
These things above are some examples which I point out, but there are also still many other sins and you cannot imagine how sinful
they are nowadays.”
“For this reason, pray for the
poor people, especially the unwanted children, the beggars, the hungry, as well
as those who suffer all kinds of problems.”
“God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The
Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.”
“Mary, Mother of Love and Mercy”.
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
PO Box 262482
Very serious
and Important
Message #71
from The Holy Trinity
Message #71
from The Holy Trinity
to Do Van
inHouston , Texas on August 25, 2013
“My dear child,”
“Whether mankind believes My message or does not
believe, My purification will happen in this generation because I want to save
souls more than to condemn them to Hell. For this reason, each of you must
help one another as long as My desire permits you to do the heavenly work.”
“In your human eyes, the world is big, but it
fits on the palm of My powerful Hands. Therefore, I can turn it upside down any
time and there is only I Who can do whatever I want as long as it is good for
souls. As I have told you, this world
still exists, because My sanctuary on the Earth is worshipping through the
Traditional Mass, and it is the hope for those who believe in My Words, as all
must go back to the old rite, the tradition
of the true Roman Catholic at all times,because I am truthful and faithful. In fact, I would never change My institution; the Mass has changed because of the
human error, and the Devil who took advantage
of people’s weakness when they did not respect My true Words and they changed
the Mass into their own words. In fact, they have given
to My enemy the chance to enter the Church by wrong doing, and their sins keep
growing which have rendered the big issue to destroy My holiness in the
Traditional Mass in the world by replacing it with the New Mass.”
“For this reason, many faithful people are
deceived by My enemy, but they do not know. And, on the other hand, other
people know the Traditional Mass is the true privilege, but for their own
interest and convenience, they do not want to follow the truth, but they will
confront My judgment when they pass this world.”
“My child, do not be like others who are lukewarm
and stonehearted. Your part is to believe in My Words completely, because
My Words are your happiness, and it is a great blessing to embrace My Mission,
as I am using you for My purpose.”
“I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son
and The Holy Spirit.”
“The Holy Trinity”.
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
(August 26, 2013).