

Important Message #433
from Mary, our Spiritual Mother
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Friday,
January 27, 2017, at 11:30am.
“My dear children,
I am Virgin Mary, Mother of God and all mankind. As you know, God have appointed Me to take care of all His children around the world in order to bring back souls to Him in spite of their sins which separate them from God and out of His sight. This is very dangerous for them, because the life on earth is so fragile and no one knows about the future.
“I am also in the title of the mother of sorrow because I see how much souls suffer in their eternal lives. In fact, many of them will never be able to see God due to their grave sins, especially those whom no one prays for after their death.
“For this reason, I urge each of you to pray for the conversion of sinners before their souls leave the bodies no matter what religion they are in, but they have been created by God, and whether the believe in Him or not but they are God’s children. I remind you that God have gathered all the chosen ones together in order to help others who are less fortunate than you through your prayers, heavenly work to spread His love to the world.
“At this time, the world is full of darkness, because most of the people of mankind worship the world, and you know what I mean (money, power, material things and anything that satisfies the body but harms the soul). Moreover, the more mankind commits sins, the more power is added to God’s enemy. It is so sad to see many souls lost on their way home.
“For this reason, your prayers are very important to help others, especially in your family.
Pray and do not worry. Have confidence in God’s love and in Me. I protect you and those that you pray for.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
“Mary, your Spiritual Mother.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(April 23, 2017)

Important Message #434
from Saint Joseph
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Thursday,
February 02, 2017, at 10:33am.
“My dear child,
I am Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus and the Chaste Spouse of Virgin Holy Mary. On behalf of Almighty God, I am giving this message to all of you as well as to those who believe the way of truth that God has revealed about His love to the world through your heavenly work that you have been doing since He gathered all of you in His plan to save the world.
“My child, Heaven is your real home and everlasting joy when your mission is fulfilled on earth and time is going on. That is why you must be strong in all things, because it is not easy to live on earth if you are chosen to be God’s special children and you must carry your daily cross and pray for God’s strength, endurance and perseverance. Ask God to sustain your unhappiness and everything which cost your pains and sorrows in your daily life.
“Keep in mind that all must carry the cross whether big or small, in order to purify your sins and to help other souls as well.
“For this reason, being God’s children, you muss follow the way of the cross. Keep in mind that God is powerful. He will never abandon His faithful children helpless at the time of difficulty. In all kinds of problems, He is watching over you, and He will not allow something to happen without His permission.
“My child, keep up with your faith and pray as much as you can to save the souls of your family and to help those who are in danger of losing their souls through many temptations of the world. Pray also for you to overcome your sadness and to gain more strength and the blessing to help souls who are in limbo.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Saint Joseph.”

Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(April 23, 2017)