

Important Message #421
from God, our Heavenly Father
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas, on Tuesday,
November 22, 2016, at 10:30am.
“My dear child,
“My grace continues to pour out upon each of you. And I guide you all the way toward Heaven. As you know, how much you please Me through your dedication to serve Me in order to help other souls who are not close to Me as the way you are because of their lack of faith and their seeking for the material of the world.
“However, I desire to give mankind many chances to know Me before they pass this world in spite of their sins, because I know how weak they are. Especially I am the mystic, invisible God. But in contrast, the reality of the world is their dream, satisfaction of all the visible things. Besides that, this modern world deprives the nature of love in people’s hearts, because most of the things in the world nowadays are created through technology. For this, the more people live in advance, the more souls will not be saved.
“As you know, I am the powerful God, and I can reverse the world in the way I want. However, I want people to repent by themselves, and they must choose between the good and the bad in order to keep My law, obey My commandments for the good of their souls. That is why I have established My Law through Moses, and it will never be changed. Moreover, My words are sacred and worthy, and mankind should know that I am the Lord of lords, the God of love and justice.
“My child, I know each of you more than you know yourselves. As you know, each of you have a different task but under My roof. For this, do not give up your good work. I am always with you on your journey home. Keep in mind that My power is over you. For this, you have strength, love and motivation which you need to go on. And I am watching over all of you to protect you from the dangers of the world.
“My child, your good work will be rewarded. In fact, your best effort pleases Me more than you can imagine. Pray for those who embrace the world and for those who do not believe in their next lives, and for the conversion of sinners.
“I bless you all. Go in peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
“God, your Heavenly Father.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207

(January 06, 2017)

Important Message #422
from Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas, on Monday,
November 28, 2016, at 11:00am.
“My dear child,
I am your Blessed Mother who loves you very much, because you have accepted God’s will and continue to help others in His plan, as He wishes to bring back many souls who abandon and do not practice their faith any more for the salvation of their own souls.
“I know that God’s way is not easy, because you must endure the hardship and difficulties that you confront. For this, I cover each of you under My blue mantle in order to protect you from the bad spirits who want to destroy the work of salvation, because they do not want the living souls to be saved, even one. They are totally opposite to God. And in the end, they will be chained forever in Hell with their followers. They know that. At this time, the leader of sins, who is God’s bad angel, is holding the power of the world. He has created many satisfactions in this modern time in order to tempt the living souls and led the stone hearts and stained souls to his side, because they are unbelievers and they worship all the luxuries of the world. They satisfy themselves with bad entertainment, such as drug, alcohol, murder, money, sex and many other things which break God’s ten commandments.
“My child, the sins of the world are unspeakable and uncountable in human way. But God knows everything that people are doing, and only He has the power to stop them. But He allows people to choose between the bad and the good. Every one has the free will.
“For this reason, the world must suffer much, because God will purify people so that they are called God’s children before entering Heaven. But mankind does not want to accept the truth. So, they must be purified in this world or the next world. For this, pray for all God’s children to recognize Him as the loving God and the Judge of their souls.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
“Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary.”

Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207

(January 06, 2017)