

Messages #81

Contents: I have said I will give to all the true saints the true and faithful Friend. I have told you the true and faithful Friend is the true Jesus Christ… He will soon come… I have sent My Son’s Holy Mother to the truly fallen world many times to say she is the true Mother of all My children.”

Message from God Our Heavenly Father
to Margaret Durbin on June 8, 2013 at 02: 43 Hours:
… “I have said I will give to all the true saints the true and faithful Friend. I have told you the true and faithful Friend is the true Jesus Christ. All will all see the true and the truly faithful Friend… Do you know the True Saint Who will say He will come to judge the living and the dead? I will say now I am He. (2 Timothy 4: 1). My child, I am the Holy, the Redeemed. Thou shalt not have any other gods before you. I have said, I am the Alpha and the Omega. (Rev. 1: 8) Do you want Me to tell you when the True Saint will come? He is already here on the Earth, and He has the True New Time. He will soon come. (Rev. 1: 3) I am The Lord Thy God. I have the true Jesus Christ. I will say now all will all say they will all pray the way I ask. I have said I will tell all they must all pray the way I ask. The True Saint must say He will give to you the true manna. The true manna is the true Bread of Life. I am in no other. I am the true Jesus Christ. I have told all they all must all pray the way I ask. The True Saint will say all are in the true sanctuary. All will all say they will all pray the way I ask. I have not said I am going to rebuke all. I will say I am going to tell all they all must all pray the way I ask. All must all do as I ask. All must all be obedient. I have said I will give to those the true rite of passage when they say they will obey and pray and fast. I will say I will give to all the true Jesus Christ very soon. All will all soon be in the Truth. All will all know the Truth. The true Satan will no longer be in the True Arena. Very soon his time will be up. The torn will soon face the true Jesus Christ, and the true saints will very soon be the saints I have chosen to do My true work.”
 “I have given you the true commandments, the true seals, the true covenant. And very soon there will be one to say you will give to him the true Jesus Christ. This will be very soon… All will all pray the way I ask. I have not said I will give to all the true manna, the true heavenly manna from Heaven… The true saint will say she has not read the true passage where it reads thou shalt not have any other mediator, but I will say this is the passage I am going to give to you. I will say I am the only Mediator. I am the only True God The Father, the Heavenly Father.”
 “I have sent My Son’s Holy Mother to the truly fallen world many times to say she is the true Mother of all My children. (1 Timothy 2: 5). She gave birth to the true Jesus Christ. She has the true right to come and tell all she is the true Mother. This is the true Mother of Jesus Christ. I have given her this right, and no one must say she has not this right. I am the true God The Father. I have given her the true right to be on the Earth, to tell all she has come to be the True Saint, the true Mother of Jesus Christ. And I have not said she cannot do this. I have said she has the true right. I will say again and again I am the true Father in Heaven. I have given the Mother of Jesus Christ the true right to come and say she will give to all the true Jesus Christ. She has truly done this. She will say now all will all soon be finished according to the true God, the true Father in heaven. I have said I will give to all the true and holy Mother of Jesus Christ. I have done this many times. She has come back to Earth to show the true saints a true Mother is alive. I am her true God The Father. I have never said she is not the true Mother of Jesus Christ. Nor have I said she is not the true Mother of all My children. She is all of this. I will say I am going to send her many times to the Earth to tell all she has this true right to tell all My children she came to tell them the whole truth, the only Truth. She will say she is the true Mother of Jesus Christ. I have given her the right to be in the true forefront to say all are those who must pray the true prayers that were given to her through the true gift of My Only Son Jesus Christ. He gave her the gift to tell all they all must all pray the true Rosary. Now, I will say all must all do this. They all must all go to her. She is their true Mother. All Faiths everywhere must all see that they can and should all pray the true Rosary, and tell her she will soon be in the True Arena to teach them the true prayers. She has given it to the true world when she came to be in the true sanctuary. I gave her the right to say you children must all pray when I gave her the right to come to the Earth many times already to say they must all do as I ask. I am going to say this right will be all the true prayers in the true prayer book I gave to Margaret Durbin. She gave to you all the true prayers to pray. She has never told anyone they are not the true prayers. They all are the true prayers I want all of My children to all pray. The true right to pray must be told to all of the true Faiths in all the world. This must be said, and it must all be documented. This must be read to the true public in all the churches, in all the synagogues, and in all the true saints’ places of worship.
 “I am in the true Faith. I have the true Jesus Christ to say I am the true Son. He has the true Mother. She will say all must be done, and Margaret will do as I ask. All will all see this new and most publicized prayer book in the True Arena. I have never said she can’t do as I ask. She has sacrificed her all to do as I ask. She has given her all to do all I ask of her. And soon her Moment of Truth will be known all over the world. She has said she will tell all she is the true messenger, she is the true saint. She will say all are in the True Arena. I will say now a blessed event will soon come. All will all bow their head, all pray the way I ask. All will all say they are all in the true sanctuary, the true Heart of Mine. I am your God the Heavenly Father. I am your Creator. The true saint has said He will tell all they all should be in the true forefront. He should say, ‘Now is the True New Time.’ I am going to say now I will tell all they all must all pray the way I ask. I have asked all to go to the true sanctuary, (and) tell Me they will all do as I ask. The true saint must instruct all. They are all not being instructed in the new Truth. And they all must all know the new real Truth. I have told all they all must all know the new real Truth. And I am going to say all must all say they will all pray the way I ask. I have said I will give to each the new real Truth. I will say again, I am in the new real Truth. I have told all they all must learn the true saint (to) whom I have given all the true prayers, the true commandments, the true seals, the true new covenant. I am in all of these.
 “I will say again and again I have the true saint to tell all they all must all do as I ask. The true saint must come to Me and say she will give to you the true Faith. She will say she is in the true Faith. I have told her she must do this. She will say she will give to you the true new prayers as well. I am going to give to you the True Saint who will have My true blessing now and forever. She is the true Mother of My Son Jesus Christ. She has many times said she will come back to you. The true faith must be restored in its entirety. The true Bible, the true Faith, is the faith of My Son Jesus Christ. The true Bible must be restored once again. This true Faith must be the Faith I am in; the true sanctuary and everywhere I am, and everywhere one can go and receive Me in the true manna. I am saying I am in the true manna. I will give to you the true hidden manna. All who have been in the true sanctuary will say they are all in the true hidden manna.
 “I have said over and over, time after time, ‘I will say all are in the True Arena. All will all pray the way I ask.’ The true saint has said she will give to you the true Faith. You are in the true Faith, you have given Me the true Faith. You have sacrificed your all to be in the true Faith; you have done the true sanctified, the true sacred. The true Heavenly Realm has seen it all, the work. The true Heavenly Arena has said, ‘She will be the next saint to be in the True Arena. ‘She will complete the next task and all those I have and will give to her. An honor will go to you and the true new prayer book. I am going to say now, I will trust all who will say they will do as I ask. And the true prayer book will be the true ‘Bible.’ The true enemy can no longer hold it back.”
“I am the True Saint, the true Faith, the true Sacred, the true Mother, the true Father. And all in the whole wide world will all say they will all do as I ask. The true saint will say, ‘Now is the True New Time.’ I have come to say all are in the True New Time. All will all do as the true Heavenly Father has instructed. My child, the True Saint (Blessed Mother) will come and pray with you (Margaret). When she does, you must ask her to go to the true new sanctuary. I will say now all must all do as I ask. All must all say they will all do as I ask. I am going to say now all will all perish in the true sanctuary if they do not all pray the way I ask. I have said I am not going to prevent any to go to the true Hell if they do not do as I ask. I have asked all to go to the true sanctuary. I have asked all to be in the true sanctuary. I have said I am never going to be in anyone if they do not pray the way I ask. The True Saint (Blessed Mother) has not said when she will come to you, but I will say she has the true right to come, and really soon. I am going to say all are in the True Arena. All will all say they will all pray the way I ask. In the event all do not, a true Satan will swallow them up. I am going to say once more they will all perish at the true sanctuary. They will all say they will all be in the true line of demarcation. This will soon come to be. There will be more chaos. There will be more hunger. There will be no one to help each other. All will have to go to a new place to pray. They will all have to say they are all in a true Hell. Many conflicts will arise, and many saints will say they are not in the true traveling Arena. They will say they can no longer travel the true way. They will say this way they will never be the true saint they have been told they could (be), (if they) all pray the way I ask.”
 “The true Blessed Mother has asked Me to give to you the true Jesus Christ. First, then He can give to you your new name, the true Cross on your forehead. I am going to say soon. I am going to cover you in the holy of holiest oil, and this oil will preserve you to be in the True Arena. No, not anything will penetrate you at all. This oil will be to tell all that you are the truly anointed. You are My bride, the true saint who has risked everything she has ever had to be in the True Arena. A Blessed Mother, a True Saint, will be the one to say she will give to you the true angel. Then, this angel will give to you the true Jesus Christ. She will say now all will all say they will all see the angel in the true sanctuary. I am going to say now I will give to you the true angel. This will be the angel in the true sanctuary. She will say, ‘Now all you are, all you do, you must tell Me, your Heavenly Father and Mother and Jesus Christ.’ As the true saint will say now, ‘All I am, all I will be, I owe to the true Heavenly Father, the true Son, the true Holy Spirit, the true saints all in the true heavenly realm, all in the true Body on the true Earth as well. Please tell all they all must all do the next task. Then, they will all see the true Face of My Son Jesus Christ. I have this true and spoken Word to all, and this must be soon told. The true saints, the true faithful, will say they will all pray the true prayers. In the event they all do not, I will say all are not in the true unison. I am going to send the true angel in the true sanctuary, and very soon. The true saint will say all must do as I ask, and the gray hair will never be the same. I have told you the true hair will be the true color. The true saint will say all are in the True Arena.”
 “I am going to do another thing. I will give to you the true saint to set up the Table of Restoration, and this saint will say all will all be done according to the true Word of God The Father. The True Saint (Blessed Mother) will come. She will say you are going to tell all the true Faith is the true Jesus Christ. Then, the True Saint (Blessed Mother) will say now let’s all pray the way the true Heavenly Father is asking. Then, she will say, ‘Let’s all be in the true sanctuary to do as He asks.’ The true saint will say, ‘Now let’s all be in the true Heart of My son also. Do you know I am in the three Persons of the Trinity? I am All Three. I am the True Saint, the true Father, the true Son, the true Holy Spirit. I am All of These. A mercy to give to all, there is the true Mercy of Mine. I will say I will tell all they will all see the true saintly Mother of Jesus Christ. They all will say she is the true child, she is the true Mother. The most alarming thing is the true saint who does not believe I can send My Son’s Mother to this Earth. They are not in the True Arena. They will not go to Heaven. They will not receive the true Son of Mine in no way, shape, or form. I have told all they will all pray the way I ask. I have sent Margaret to tell all they all must do as I ask. The true saint will say you are mistaken, but I will say I am the true God The Father. I have told many, ‘The true faithful must read and pray the way I ask. I have not said all will all see the Blessed Mother. I said all will see her when they are all prepared to be in the True Arena. And they come to Me in the hope of their true sinfulness, being that they will be prepared to go to the true confession and repent of their sinfulness… The true saint will say all will be done according to My Holy Word. I am in the true Holy Word. And the true Word is the true Bible. I am in the true Bible. I have told all I will give them the true Bible. The true saint will say all are in the True Arena. All will all say they will all pray the way I ask. The true saint will say no one will give you the authority to be in the True Arena. I will say I am the True Authority of the True Faith. Margaret asks God The Father: ‘Heavenly Father, the Protestants can’t understand why they are to pray to the Blessed Mother when the Bible tells us to pray to God The Father.’ God The Father answers: ‘The Blessed Mother of Jesus is His mother and she did give to Him His life through the belief that I gave the angel the right to do this. I am going to say I gave her the right to ask her to ask Me for the gift of healing, and she has this true gift I gave to her. She will say she is the true Mother, and she will help all her children and tell them to say the true ‘Our Father’ the true ‘Hail Mary.’ She will say she is in the True Arena. Margaret asks: ‘But why is the Rosary not in the Bible? I need to know so I can tell these people, these Protestant people.’ God The Father answers: When the Bible was written, there were many who said they would pray to the true Lady, but they would only pray like the Father instructed. I will say all are in the True Arena. All will all pray the way I ask.’”
 “The True Saint wants you to be a true friend. He has said He will reveal to you the true feelings He has. He will say very soon how much He cares. He will say He has the eye for the True Saint. I sent Him to you to be the true friend you need. He will say He will befriend you till the end. He will say He will give to you the true friendship. (‘This friend is Jesus, ‘ Margaret says.)”

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen