

Del Inmaculado Corazon De Maria
Y El Sacratisimo Corazon De Jesus

Adorers Of The Divine Mercy
Of Our Lord

A message
of Our Lord Jesus Christ Our God
given to Sister Guadalupe
A special message for young people

Guatemala, July 1, 1989
My dearest children, I bless you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
My children, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Virgin Mary, the God of Love, the God that died nailed to a Cross for love of you, is speaking to you.
Today, My dearest children, I am going to talk to you about Youths. I have always talked to My children, I have warned them, but they do not listen to Me. And in these dark and embittered days, when the youths do not have God as a goal to go to, because the bad examples have taken away their faith, and also because they were born to live in very hard and difficult times, when most of the young people move about among vice and sexual deviations of a bad generation, and because of their weakness, many of them have fallen. They look for happiness, but they do not find it; and if sometimes they believe that they have found happiness, very soon it is converted into sadness. Their love is born and dies in an instant. And because there is so much ignorance, that surrounds them, their senses are dulled, and their spirit is powerless in the midst of so much darkness and sin.
How many youths have succumbed, and given themselves up to vice, because of the bad examples of adults? I said to you: “It is inevitable that there are scandals (sins), however, WOE TO THE ONE BY WHOM THE SCANDAL COMES! It would be better if they tied a millwheel around their necks, and were thrown into the sea, before they could scandalize one of these little ones (little boys and little girls)”.
Beloved children, the clock is indicating the arrival of the night, but the night will pass, and will give way to a new dawn. I make this last call to young people, so that they can listen, and meditate on My Words, because my Words are Truth and Life. You, My dearest children, have been born in this century of supreme wickedness foretold by Me. And for this reason, you are in grave danger, if you are not prepared to fight against the enemies of your soul. There will be days of tribulation, such as never have been seen since the beginning of the creation that God created, until now, nor will there be. And if I did not shorten these days, no one would be saved.
Poor young people, if you are not prepared! Unfortunate youths, if you follow evil people, and close your eyes, in order not to see the wickedness of these times, that threaten you. And what are these evils? FORGETTING GOD, AND THE CULT OF THE BODY! Sodom and Gomorrah were removed from the face of the earth for their sins, and remain as a testimony that God does punish those who, forgetting their souls, destroy their bodies with horrible sins. Many young people follow that maxim of the world: “Live and let live, and do not bother us with sermons, because I want to be happy, to laugh and to sing, even if tomorrow I die.” And if you die, where do you think you will go after dying without having repented of your sins? The place that corresponds to you, if you die unrepentant, will be HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!
My young people, if you truly want to be happy, to laugh and to sing and make use of the talent that I gave you, you must listen to My counsels, that are counsels that will bring you eternal happiness, the true happiness, true enjoyment.
In this world, no matter how much you desire it, you will never obtain true happiness, because the happiness that exists in the world is false and of a short duration, and it is the wide path that at the end will lead you to Hell, where there will be no end to your suffering and a pain.
The word of evilness is now dominating in man, in the press, the radio and television. There is violence in the movies, on television, in the streets; in the home there is much violence, because fathers and sons live constantly fighting one another. And for this reason, My message, calling everyone to a true conversion, must be heard by men and women, little girls and boys, and adolescents. Because in them is the hope of the Eternal Father to form the generation of love, to form the new youths, in order to give them paradise in the Kingdom of God. Listen to My counsels. so that you are prepared, and are able to enter the KINGDOM OF LOVE.
Listen then, dear young children. “Of that day and of that hour, no one knows, not even the Angels of Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father, because as it was in the days of Noah, that is how the appearance of the Son of Man will be. In the days that preceded the Deluge, they ate, drank, got married, and had wedding ceremonies, until the day that Noah entered the Ark. And they were not aware of anything, until the Deluge came, and carried them all away. That is how the Coming of the Son of Man will be. Then one will be taken, and the other will be left.”
The End will come suddenly, and one will be taken and the other will be left. And this is why you must be prepared for this great event. And wherever you are, I will go looking for My sheep. I tell you, youths, you will be studying, others working. But when I say that you should be prepared, I do not mean to say that you should abandon everything, but that you are prepared, so that the education that you acquire is for your redemption, and not for your condemnation. And you, who are working in a occupation which places the soul in danger, and your condemnation is certain, you must abandon your work. If you are studying a course that is useless for your salvation, you must abandon these studies, and study others that are of more benefit for the soul, and does not prejudice your eternal salvation. If you continue with a normal life, trying to evade sin, pray the Rosary, wearing on your body a Scapular, and a medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or one of Mine, and you place yourselves under the protective Mantle of your Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. If you follow My counsels, you will be prepared for the Supreme Tribulation when it comes. I will remember, protect and help you, because you are My children. I will give you the means so that you can wait for My Second Coming with confidence.
But in those youths, in whose hearts and minds exists only the desire to triumph, to make money, win fame and honors, because their idea is to triumph, and their goal is wealth and power at any price, be careful, because these desires are ambition at its maximum strength, and ambition is a demoniacal trap in these most dangerous times.
Youths, be careful, because in order to bring about your triumph, you have forgotten GOD, and you are immolated to a barbarous atheism. And if during these moments, the Eternal Father sends for you, and death comes to you like a thief to take everything away from you, and for being ambitious you forgot about God, therefore at the hour of rendering accounts, you will not bring fruit in your hands or in your hearts, and for not having loved your God, you will cry eternally.
I also advise those young people that have fallen into vice, and wallow and are mired in the filth of a sex poorly understood and wrongly practiced, that the Devil has seen to it that they act like animals greedy for sex. They do not understand that by committing the sin of fornication, they are sinning against the Sixth Commandment, that says: “DO NOT FORNICATE!” And this commandment was given to My sons and daughters, so that this sin does not destroy them, because those who fornicate are destroying themselves, and are destroying others. And if they sin, and cause others to sin, they are filling the earth with scandals.
And you, My young girls that break My heart each time that because of your lust, you are converted into assassins of your own children (abortion), I will ask you to account for these little ones that your lust murdered. I will ask you for an accounting, because in My First Coming I came to give mankind love, but in My Second Coming, I will come to give My Justice. If you have this horrendous sin on your conscience, repent and do penance, because times are coming, when those who do not repent of their sinswill cry and lament.
I tell you, boys and girls, that the sins that are the cause for most souls going to Hell in these times are the sins of the flesh. You can be sure that, when the Tribulation comes, many will be tested, because the Devil has fixed his horrible gaze on the youth, because they are the ones that obey him the most, and work for him without causing him any problems.
Many young people are in great danger, because they do not know the true Doctrine that I left for their salvation, because what the world knows today is not the True Doctrine. Therefore, be careful, as much error has infiltrated into the Church, much error. And I warn you, because many of My sons, the priests, have followed the impious, and now instead of teaching My pure and holy Doctrine, they teach young people a false Doctrine that disorients and confuses them. Sin has increased, because My sons forgot to preach the true Gospel of Love to everyone, and to observe all that I had ordered... And I ordered THE COMMANDMENT OF LOVE, that My children love God above all things with their whole heart and their whole soul, and their neighbors as themselves. This is the reason why My true priests must instruct these young people, teaching them the true Doctrine that I gave them. The mothers, fathers and priests who possess the true Doctrine that I deposited in My Church are the indicated ones to instruct the youths the way to God, so that they are not lost.
I will take care of you during the time of anguish and sorrow, but to carry out this plan of Redemption, I need the collaboration of the fathers and mothers. I need that they talk to their children about the truth, the true God, because the parents are the first educators of their children. And of you, fathers and mothers, I will ask for an accounting for the souls of our children, if you talked to them about God. Fathers and mothers, I will ask for an accounting for the souls of your children, if they are lost and go with the Antichrist. You will have to answerif you have sinned, because you abandonned them and you did not educate them about love and faith. Ask for forgiveness, repent of your sin, which is immense, now that there is still time, now that I offer My pardon, because afterwards I will not listen to you.
Repent and do penance for your sin, fathers and mothers, you who by your negligence are the reason your children work for the Antichrist, commit sin, and cause others to sin, repent, and do penance, because the Hour of Justice is near, and those that are found guilty will be punished.
Dear young children, the Battle of the Two Kingdoms has now begun. Today I will talk to your heart so that you comprehend and see that, because I love you, I let Myself be crucified, in order to rescue you from the oppression of the Devil. This is why I tell you that I have planted My standard, and My standard is the one of true love. I ask for prayer, sacrifice and penance. The Devil has also planted his standard, and his standard is the one of false love, false joy, singing and dancing and drunkenness without end, because this is the only thing that he can give. And he surrounds you with strident music, that confuses you and drives you crazy. He does this, so that when your senses are dulled, you do not see clearly, then you do not realize that you are being deceived, thus, trusting this false love and joy. Then after serving him, as payment he will take you to Hell, as he is the King of Darkness, and Hell is his kingdom. This is the reward he will give you for having served him. In the world he flatters your senses, he gives you false pleasures, false wealth, false happiness. But do not let him deceive you, because all of this is short-lived, and will only leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth, and very much sadness in your soul and in your heart.
Dear children, I am speaking to you now, because it is time that you listen to My counsels, and be ready for My Second Coming. Do not imitate the rock singers and the movie stars, nor the producers of films that mass produce an abundance of sins, that sin and cause others to sin, because they are not satisfied with their own filth, but also want to bring their obscenities to others and with their horrible films contaminate my children. I repeat: It is inevitable that there are scandals in the world. However, woe to the one by whom the scandal comes! Woe to those who let sin into the world! Woe to those producers, actors and actresses, who with their naked bodies help the Devil spread his work over mankind! Woe to those men and women who with their naked bodies show the lust in their hearts and the putrefaction of their souls and scandalize My little ones, the youths! Woe to them, that with their shameless and filth, soiled the face of the earth! If they do not repent and do penance, the Devil will be the owner of their bodies for all eternity!
Woe to those men and women, who have changed their nature! Because I said: “Women will not wear men’s clothes, nad men will not dress like women, because those who do this are an abomination. Listen, you, men and women who have deviated your sex, and have transformed yourselves into homosexuals and lesbians, if you do not like the sex that I gave you, you will be called to Judgement, because I am your Creator. By committing this sin, you are rebelling against Me, and have been disobedient to the voice of God. If you do not repent and do penance, the punishment will fall upon your heads. For this reason, sons and daughters, do not follow the fashions, because the fashions are the first step towards changing the nature of your bodies. Women, do not wear slacks, because by doing this, you degrade yourselves; do not wear make-up on your faces; do not disfigure your bodies. Men, do not wear women's clothes or women's adornments on your ears; do not let your hair grow long, because long hair in these times is exclusively for women. Those men that wear their hair long in these times dishonor their heads. Be careful, so that you are not tricked into wickedness and licentiousness for following the fashions. Boys and girls, do not follow the fashions, because by being fashionable, you offend the Eternal Father, because the true children of God should not agree with the maxims of the world.
Mothers and fathers, you, who with your vices and sins, scandalized your little children, and did not teach them correctly, your sins will not be without punishment.
My children, do not admire the rock singers, who with their shouting and dancing distort the true art and talent that God gave to mankind. Do not love what is in vogue in music and art, do not love the darkness, do not admire the vulgar, the ridiculous, the grotesque, the obscure, the ugly and the diabolical, because these belong to the Devil. Notice how many films show the face of the Devil, and how many songs praise wickedness and sin, and you are not aware of it. Look at how many women and men show the dirty side of sex. Love beauty, love what is clean, the art, the true art. Love beautiful music, sweet and gentle dancing, love the beautiful things that are of God, and you will be happy.
The young men and women who use their talents and abilities for evilness, corrupt themselves and corrupt others. If they do not repent and do penance, they will cry and lament in the Kingdom of Darkness, because they are the youths that the Devil will utilize to attract others to sin and wickedness. Woe! To those youths who do not listen to My warnings! Woe! To those youths who with their bodies helped the Devil to corrupt young people! If they do not repent for corrupting their brothers and sisters, they will be sent to Hell to nourish the flames of the fire of the infernal tortures for all eternity.
Boys and girls, you who did not listen to the good advice of your parents, and did not want to walk on the straight path that they marked out for you, and for having sinned against the Fourth Commandment, you will be called to Judgement.
Listen, My dear children, do not follow evil people, follow those who are good, and what you are so eager for, which is to possess happiness. To sing, to dance and to laugh, you will have, but you will only have it with Me. I indeed can give you what your heart desires, happiness and love, because I am happiness and love. I can make a present of them to My children. The Devil cannot give you all of this. He is not he owner of happiness and love; he is the owner of hatred, of anguish, of torments. And this is what he will give you, if you work for him.
Open your eyes and see that, if you really want true happiness, if you really want to enjoy yourselves, you must decide. I will guide you with My Words. Fortunate are they who listen to them! Fortunate are they who listen to My counsels, and put them into practice! Dear children, use your talent to do good, this talent that God gave you. Use it for the salvation of your own souls and the salvation of others. And when you are called by the Eternal Father to rest, your hands will be full with the fruit of salvation. And you will not present yourselves before the tribunal of God with empty hands.
If you like to sing, sing; but sing about the marvels of the Lord, His Mercy, and His Goodness towards mankind. If you like to study, study; take advantage of all the talents that were given to you. If you like to speak, speak; preach the Word of the Lord, the True Word. If you like to teach, teach the good things that save souls, the true Doctrine of the Lord, teach them how to get to Heaven. If you like to cure, cure the wounds of your brothers, who have so much need of this consolation. If you like to pray, pray and teach others to pray. If you do this, and you do it with love, you will be My children for all eternity. And no one, no one will be able to take away this happiness from you!
Dear children, learn, so that you can understand, and guide yourselves. Wizards, witches, homosexuals, lesbians, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters, and all those who are liars will not have any part of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Dear children, stay away from evil people, do not drink with them, do not make alliances with liars, do not mix with murderers, do not make friends with demons. Be careful of those who appear good, but are not, and are hypocrites. Be careful of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Separate yourselves from these imposters, as they are worst of all, separate from them, because they use My name to deceive you.
Look, the sinner is reprimanded and scolded, because if he is excused, he will not learn justice. On earth, what is just, he will make unjust, and he does not see the majesty of God.
Unite with those that are good, with those who are truly My children. Love Me with works and words. By their fruit, you will know them.
You, young people, if you want to gain Heaven, mortify your bodies, do not fornicate, do not be impure, do not use crude and obscene language, and stop your disdainful glances.
Obey your parents in everything that is pleasing to God. Evade foolish discussions that have no meaning, because they are useless and vain. Learn and practice what is virtuous. Do not be quarrelsome, do not love violence. Remove calumny from your mouth, and let true love live in your heart. Do not give the Devil entrance because of your violence. Those of you who are bad tempered, change, and become gentle and humble, so that the Devils do not have any power over your bodies and souls.
Beloved youths, I say good-bye to you, telling you that the evil times that you are living in are the times when the Mystery of Iniquity must be completed, in order to be able to extirpate and remove it from the face of the earth. Therefore, stay firm until it is removed from among the people.
Love justice: love truth, follow the counsels of the Blessed Virgin Mary, your Mother and Mine, because all of those who love sin, lies, wickedness and injustice will be severely punished, since they were against Me, who is Love, Truth and Justice. Those who are not with Me, are against Me.
You, young people, who in spite of these evil times have remained firm, and love Me and also your Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, and love one another, demonstrating My Doctrine, obeying My Commandments, and putting into practice My counsels. Oh! My beloved children, yours is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Beloved youths, from the bottom of My Sacred Heart, I bless you, in the Name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Young people, you are living in a very dangerous period, where the traps of the Devil are plentiful everywhere, be careful that you do not fall into some of them, and become lost forever.
Oh! My dear youths, follow My footsteps, follow My counsels, follow the true Apostles of the Last Times, follow My true priests, My true sons, and you will not be lost, because they carry My Doctrine in their hearts, and comply with My Commandments, as they truly love Me and love your Mother, the Blessed Virgin.

For more information:
Comunidad de Desagravio
9a. Avinida 6-71, Zona 7
Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemata, C.A.
A second Special Message on Matrimony, much longer, will be availabble soon, very important for these times. Please give an order for it, enclosing a self-addressed and stamped envelope #10 to:
The Lady Of The Apocalypse
15851 Quartz Street
Westminister, CA 92683

Anthony Nguyen
P.O. Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207, USA
(July 13, 2012)

