

Urgent Messages #30

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on May 17, 2012 at 12:45 am. in Evansville, Indiana:

… “When we go to the true sanctuary, ask the Heavenly Father if He will secure us in the recesses of His Holy and Immaculate Heart… The true saint must do the following:  She must tell Me that she will tell all the true Father, the true Heavenly Father, very soon will chastise all who have not told Him that they all want to go to Heaven.  I have said I am going to secure all of My children.  I have said I am going to ask all if they will all do as I ask.  I am in the True Arena.  I will tell all they can, they must, all pray the way I ask.”…

“Now, I am going to say the new battle will very soon take place, and the true battle will be to tell all they all must go to the new sanctuary to pray to end the true saints’ way of telling all that all they need to do is to go to Confession.  They must say they all need to confess their sins.  Then, they need to go to Holy Communion.  They must attend the full Mass, the Holy Mass that I instituted.  The true Mass that I instituted is the true Latin Mass.  This is the only Mass that I want.  The true Holy Mass will never be the true Holy Mass that I want all of My children to go to unless they are under the guidance of the true Roman Catholic Church, and the Roman Catholic priests.  And the priest must be a consecrated priest.  And the true priest must be in the true vernacular.  And the priest must say he will do as I ask.  The true saints must all say they will attend a true Latin Holy Mass.  They all must all say they will all pray the way I ask.” 

“All of those who do not have the true Latin Mass to go to must tell Me.  Then they are to say, ‘O Heavenly Father, I am in the True Arena.  I will go to the true Holy Latin Mass as soon as I can.  I will pray the way you ask.’… A true victim will say all are in the True Arena.  All must all do as I ask… I am going to tell all they all must all do as I ask.  All must all say they will all ask Me, ‘Heavenly Father, do we tell each other that we are to all attend the Holy Latin Mass?’  I will say, ‘Yes.  This is the true way.  I want all to go and attend the true Holy, Immaculate, and Triune Mass, the true holy and divine and sacred Holy Eucharist.  Now all of My children must all pray, pray and pray to end the true sacrilegious.’  And the true way one must all go to the true Holy Communion is to go to confession, and then attend the true Holy Mass that I instituted.  This is what I need.  This is what I want.  The true saints must all tell Me they will all go to My Holy Mass and say they will all do as I ask.  The true saint will say they are all going to the true Latin Mass, and all must all go to the true Latin Mass, the one that I gave to the holy and the true consecrated Roman Catholic priests.  And the true priests of the holy and vernacular.” 

“The true priest will say the holy, the vernacular, is the true way one must conduct the Mass, and the true way one must say all the true words in the true Holy and the True Divine Holy and Sacred Latin Mass… The true holy and sacred will never be in the true English Mass the way I instituted the true Holy Mass, the true Latin Mass.  All must all say they will end the true English Masses all over the world.  Now all must all be in unison.  All must all know I am not in the true English Mass.  I have said over and over, they are not doing as I have asked, as I have instructed my holy priests to say and do.  All Masses must all be conducted in the true Latin way, the true way I am in the true Holy Mass.  All are going to be in the true Holy and Divine Mass that I once gave to My holy and divine apostles…  I have made a command, and I expect that it will be carried out, and I will say all of My holy priest-sons will not be the priest-son if they do not do as I ask.  I am going to tell all they are not in the True Arena when they do not go to the true Latin, Holy Mass.  I have said I am going to chastise all who do not go to My Holy and Divine Mass, the true Latin Mass.  Now, those who cannot go for the reasons that the only Mass is the true English Mass, they must find a true Latin Mass.  They must tell me they will.  The true saints must do as I ask.  And all must all do as I ask.  All must all go to a true Latin, Holy Mass to pray to tell all they are all in true unison… I am going to say all must not partake of the Eucharist in the true English Mass and never in the true vernacular Latin Mass unless it is a truly validated Latin Mass.  This is not permissible, nor is it advisable, and never will be.  All who do are not in the True Arena, nor will they be.”…

“The true child of Mine will now do the next task.  All will all say they all must all go to the Latin Mass.  All must all attend the Latin Mass regularly.  Then, the true Mass will be celebrated.  They must never go to the English Mass… I am going to tell all they all must never go to any English Mass.  All must all go to the true Latin Mass, the one that I have told all that they will all go to.  I am not in the English Mass.  I have not instituted the English Mass.  I have said this more often than not, and I will say it over and over and over.  I have not told my priests-sons they can offer the  true Mass, the true Holy Mass, in such a fashion.  I am never going to tell them this.  I am never going to say they can say the true Holy and Divine Mass in the true fashion they do.”

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on May 18, 2012 at 4:40 pm. in Evansville, Indiana:

… “ I am going to say to all the whole world the true faith is the faith I am, and the true Church is the true Church I am, and the one I gave to the apostles.  Now, there are and have been many changes in the true Faith, and all have made the changes.  All must all know the true changes are not the changes that I gave to them.  All will soon see the changes are not what I want, or what I want to see.  The true saints will see the changes be in the true saints’ church, and are the true saints’ pathway.”…

Message continued at 10:30 p.m. as follows:   “The true English Mass is not the Mass I told my apostles to celebrate.  All of them have told Me they are all not in the True Mass.  They have all said they are not in the true Mass.  And they have said they are not going to be told they are.  I am in the true Latin Mass.  I will tell all they are all going to go to the true Holy  Latin Mass, and you explain to them that Margaret said the true Tridentine Latin Mass is the true Latin Mass that I am talking about  here… the true saints all must go to the Latin Mass and tell each other they are there.  This must be.  They are to quote to each other the true message.  I am asking all to go to the Latin Mass.  I have instituted the Latin Mass.  I have told all they all must all pray. The Latin Mass is the most important and the one I am in.  I am not in the English Mass.  I have said I am not in that Mass.  All must all go to the Latin Mass.  All must all pray the way I ask.”

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen

Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207