

Urgent Messages # 29

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on May 11, 2012 at 8:15 pm. in Evansville, Indiana:
“I am going to reveal to you a timeless warning.  All will all see the Great Warning, and very soon.  They will all be in the Great Warning very soon.  All will all say they are all in the Great Warning.  All must all prepare to be in the Great Warning.  All will all say the Great Warning will be felt all over the world.  Now, I want you to tell all now, I am going to tell all they will all be in the Great Warning… I am going to prevent all those from experiencing the worst, all those who have helped you in any kind of way.  The true saint will never tell you anymore that you can’t do what you are told to do… All will very soon see the severest test I have given.  All will all say they are in the test.  I am going to reveal to you, Margaret, the true test, and I will say all must all be in the true test.  I have told all they are all in the true test.  All must all say they will all pray the way I ask… Do you know I am going to reveal to you the true area one will be when the true test will occur?  I will say all are in the true test.  All will all say they are all in the True Arena… A true battle will occur and the true saint will say he will go to the true battle.  All must all pray the way I ask.  All are all going to the true battle, and very soon.  All will say a true saint will say he is in the true battle… I am going to say a bloodless saint will arrive and say all are in the True Arena.  All will all pray the way I ask.  The new saint will tell all they all must do as I ask.  All are going to be revealed and very soon.  The timeless warning will come.”

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on May 12, 2012 at 8:33 pm. in Evansville, Indiana:
… “I am going to say all will experience a world-wide warning very soon.  All will all see the world-wide warning.  This warning will be the true warning that will escalate all over the world.  All will experience the true warning.  The true warning must be.  It will be the true warning of the true saints.  All must come to Me, their Jesus Christ.  All will all see their souls in the true warning…  A true monitoring device will be developed.  This will see the true saints go to and fro.  Then, they will say they are here and there, and the true device will search all the homes and all the places where they go, and all they do will be talliated, and this will be the real saints’ way they are going to be seen and heard.  This must be the true faithful to see and hear the true scenario.  All will all say they are not allowed any privacy anymore.  The true saints all will all say they are not in the True Arena, but I am their God The Father.  I have told them they all must say they are all going to pray the way I ask.  The true saint will say all are in the True Arena.  All must all pray the way I ask.  A gun will rule the true saints.  The true saints will not be able to go anywhere.  The true saint will say he or she will never be the same.  All are in the True Arena.  All will say they are not going to the true refuge.  They will say all must go to the true refuge where they are safe.  But I will say all are in the true safe refuge when they come to Me, their true Jesus Christ.  I will secure them, one by one.  They will all say they will all be in the true refuge, the true refuge of the true Jesus Christ.  The true saint will inform all the true way one must tell all they are all in the True Arena.”

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on May 13, 2012 at 2:15 am. in Evansville, Indiana:
… “ The true saint will never say she is not in the True Arena.  She will say a dividing line will very soon be drawn.  All will see the true dividing line.  It will be the true area between the true saint and the martyr.  All will all see this.  The true saints will all have to suffer much, and the true saints will all say they are not going to be the true victim.  They will say they will fight to the finish.  The true saint will not say she is not going to fight.  She will say she is in the Arms of the true Father in Heaven.”

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen

Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207