
MEMORANDUM 14 February 22, 2011 _ Official Documentation Of The Beginning Of The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

February 22, 2011

To:          POPE BENEDICT, XVI, Your Holiness – Vatican City
From:      Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar, Secretary/Family Life Congress;
                1527 Darnley Lane;  Houston, Texas  77077  -  USA
                Tel:  832-512-5668; Email:  preciousbloodtexas@yahoo.com
Subject:  Official Documentation Of The Beginning Of The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit, Also Known As The Parousia, The Second Pentecost, The Illumination, And The Awakening.  This Outpouring of The Holy Spirit at the end of time is foretold in Holy Scripture in the Books of Joel and Revelation.  In more recent times, it has also been foretold by Our Blessed Mother in Amsterdam, by Our Lord Jesus in Nigeria, and finally by Our Heavenly Father in His voluminous messages in Houston, Texas/USA.
The peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  When I witnessed our government leaders in Washington, D.C. pondering their “lack of intelligence” at the prompt liberation of Egypt recently, I realized a quick email detailing the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit was in order, and so I excitedly sent an email to our Church and government leaders with some information pertaining to this marvelous unfolding of events.  Recently, however, in God The Father’s message of February 14, 2011 to His locutionist and messenger, Margaret Durbin of Houston, He stated, “I am going to say all must be documented in the true manner.”  The Holy Spirit began to move me that a proper and official documentation of the beginning of the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit must be written to our Church and government leaders, and that is the purpose of this papal memorandum.
For 25 years I have taken concepts from my deceased Dad’s three works on the True New Time, and mailed them to the Pope and to leaders around the world.  My Dad’s many teachings to me about the True New Time, which were later recalled to me by The Holy Spirit after Houston’s (then) Bishop Joseph Fiorenza called RENEW for Houston in 1984, propelled me to spread the necessary seeds around the world for the accomplishment of two things:  First, a “Table of Plenty” (series of special congressional meetings) to be called by our U.S. Congress to drop trade restrictions around the world and to open up free, fair, and global trade for all nations, which will require the help of expert economists and produce a new science that is critical for saving the planet.  (This is to be followed by our U.S. Congress laying the foundation for the first Planetary Economic Congress to save the planet and renew the face of the Earth.)  Secondly, a “Table of Restoration” for the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church that is essential for securing the sciences of the True New Time and securing the salvation of many souls to be gained in the EVANGELISM Movement following the RENEW Movement.  This “Table of Restoration” is to be convened following the reinstatement of our secular prayers across America.  My Dad had taught that the reinstatement of our secular prayers is achieved through the travel of our Pope across our nation from east coast to west coast, as He invites our Americans back to the secular prayers in secular places in city after city.  These and many other teachings I received from my deceased Dad, George Russell Vaughan, on the topic of the True New Time which, under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, he called “Metacracy,” meaning “rule beyond the people.”  Indeed, this True New Time brings us into another world in which we are in the Hands of God The Father Himself, and all His children are in the True Arena with Him.  We experience, then, a preview of Heaven on Earth before Our Lord Jesus comes and takes His chosen ones to Heaven for all of eternity.
In the recent past, God The Father has given voluminous messages to His locutionist/messenger, Margaret Durbin of Houston, containing much detail about how He insists we pray now during this True New Time and forever.  He explains that the saints in Heaven are praying these prayers now, and will continue to do so for all eternity.  We wait for Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Houston to edit the second edition of the prayer book of God The Father for His children of All Faiths for the True New Time, so that the second edition may be Church approved, as requested by God The Father.
God The Father had stated to His locutionist Margaret that after we finish distributing the first edition of His prayer book for All His children of All Faiths across Houston, He would begin the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit.  God The Father was true to His Word, because on October 7, 2010, after we finished distributing the first edition of the prayer books across Houston, I received a call from Priest Michael Earthman (who works for Houston’s Cardinal Daniel DiNardo) to advise me of the news that Houston’s Catholic Chancery Office had received a communication from Vatican City regarding what is happening in Houston?!  I gave some information to Priest Michael Earthman, including news of the first Mass that had been celebrated in Houston for the intention of bringing our Pope to Houston.  Due to Priest Michael Earthman’s limited schedule, I could not convey much detail in that one phone call alone, but The Holy Spirit grabbed me, reminding me that we had just finished distributing the first edition of the prayer books of God The Father.  Indeed, He made it so clear to me that He was *linking* Vatican City with Houston.  Thus, on October 7, 2010 the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit began in Houston as promised to us after He had gone first to Vatican City to link leaders there with Houston’s leaders, and I marked my calendar on October 7, 2010, as instructed by The Holy Spirit.  Because The Holy Spirit is the Author of RENEW around the world since the beginning of man’s final chapter on Earth, He has been most active for some time now preparing all of God the Father’s children for His ultimate “Parousia” or the “Great Outpouring of The Holy Spirit,” known also as the “Second Pentecost,” the “Illumination,” and the “Awakening” about which we read in the Book of Joel and the Book of Revelation.
The following month, on November 6, 2010, The Holy Spirit was active to bring President Barack Obama and a large portion of his administration to India for their important visit with Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, to whom I had also been writing for quite some time.  Prime Minister Singh is an economist with a keen vision regarding the opening of trade and the economic restoration of all nations.  As “India Abroad” has written, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has played the part of  “professor” to our humble President Barack Obama, who told upon his inauguration in Washington, D.C., “I cannot do this job without your help.”  God can do a lot with a humble man and the many prayers around the world for a humble man.  After God The Father conveyed the message in Houston for President Obama *not* to attend a certain meeting of world leaders who were attempting to bring about their own ideas for a man-made New World Order, we conveyed that message from God The Father to President Obama, and he did not stay to attend those meetings, praise God, despite the criticism he received afterwards from those leaders.
I continued mailing out the messages of  God The Father around the world and eventually prepared for my journey for the Christmas/New Year holidays 2010 to London, where I witnessed Anglican bishops, priests, nuns, and their families on the altar of Westminster Cathedral being received into the Catholic Church.  God The Father had petitioned His messenger, Margaret Durbin, much earlier on several occasions that the Queen of England receive all His messages, and He made evident His love for her.  So, her majesty has received all the papal memoranda carrying the messages of God The Father from Houston.  She also had been receiving my previous papal memoranda carrying the teachings I had received from my Dad on the True New Time of Metacracy.  While in London during the Christmas holidays, I witnessed with great appreciation The Holy Spirit being poured out across the UK as The Holy Spirit unites His Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and His Anglicans, even now with the structure for the unification in place.  This occurs while God The Father petitions our Americans for the necessary prayers to achieve the restoration of His Holy Catholic Apostolic Church at a future “Table of Restoration,” about which my deceased Dad also taught me about 50 years ago.
There are definite reasons that this imminent restoration of the Universal Church at a real table, around which our Church leaders will sit, should occur here on American soil with our Church leaders strengthened by the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit and His strong love that makes possible this battle of good and evil in which God The Father declares He will be involved.  God The Father states more than once that He is in the battle of good and evil… and so we know He has also been in that battle in Egypt recently.  Indeed, His battle continues as He liberates the entire Middle East, one country at a time.  He has indicated to His locutionist Margaret in Houston that there is no place in the True New Time for tyrants and dictators.  So, we see The Holy Spirit being poured out throughout the Middle East now, giving to God’s children the strength they need to fight the battle of good and evil for the ultimate triumph of Jesus, King of Kings, during the True New Time. 
My deceased Dad foretold to me when I was a child that after the Iron Curtain falls, democracies will spring up everywhere around the world in a domino effect.  He explained to me that if free, fair, global trade is properly opened among all these democracies (and among all nations who may rush to secure human rights), then the first new science of the New World will evolve that is critical for saving the planet.  I have been writing to leaders of Rice University in Houston about the proper way to open up trade for all nations in order to protect the development of this first new science so that the ensuing new sciences (all critical to saving the planet) can also be secured. The fourth new science, “Metacracy:  The New Science of Integration” is a pure science that is sweeping in that it encompasses all fields of learning and requires all tools of learning, including textbooks, which we had to fight to save in Texas back in the 1990’s.   The Science of Integration cannot be done with pieces of information thrown together in a computer.  Copyright dates are important and notes in the margins of texts are important, and all sources of learning are vital.  This science must be secured with secular prayers again and the restoration of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.  My deceased Dad wrote a parable concerning Metacracy:  The New Science of Integration, which reveals its importance and its place in the True New Time, and many documents I have sent into Vatican City on the subject of this new, pure science.  In the near future, people will be getting degrees in this new science.  It follows that the restoration of our Holy Catholic Apostolic Church is a most serious topic and God The Father’s pleas for prayers for an upcoming “Table of Restoration” must be heeded now.   This week, Rice University is hosting an all day “Symposium on Emerging Disciplines” that treats of the integration of fields of learning. There is no time for our Church leaders to waste.  We do not need another Vatican Council that can overturn a previous council, which could occur again and again.  Rather, God The Father is requesting a “Table of Restoration” for the Universal Church that stands for all time. This “Table of Restoration” is essential to secure “Metacracy:  The New Science of Integration,” the fourth new science of the True New Time.
I ask for your prayers for Rice University at this time.  I also ask for your prayers for our Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Houston that, God willing, he will do the needful to study, correct, and achieve the final editing of the second edition of the prayer book of God The Father, because God The Father has requested this, and He has also requested *church approval* for His prayer book of the True New Time for All His Children of All Faiths.
When Margaret Durbin asked God The Father about my deceased Dad’s writings, He replied that they are extraordinary, and they mark a new category in the history of mankind.  Indeed, God The Father has promised that in this, mankind’s new category of history, New Truths will “pour out from the ocean of Heaven into the tributaries of Earth.”  I know these New Truths will impact the sciences, the humanities, and more… as God’s active expression enters secular places soon to penetrate all fields of learning and integrate all the disciplines.  There is more than one type of integration, so this is truly a new science to be taken most seriously.  
I hope that with your prayers, The Holy Spirit will be poured out upon our Cardinal DiNardo and our Houston Chancery soon, because God The Father has spoken that if all His children will pray as He commands now, He will spare us the perils of the Anti-Christ and all future tyrants.  As Margaret points out, how many times in history did God The Father spare His people?  Margaret Durbin, locutionist and messenger of God The Father, is currently in the hospital, so I appreciate your prayers for her also.  She has unselfishly written most carefully all the messages of God The Father to prepare all His children for this True New Time, and she has recorded by pen all the prayers commanded by God The Father now for the True New Time, His New Covenant for the True New Time, His 16 New Commandments for the True New Time, and His New Seals of the True New Time.  God The Father has stated that I can tell to the world, “Now is the True New Time.”  We witness now the beginnings of the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit into the world with our most grateful hearts to God The Father for His bold intervention to save everything on Earth and prepare us for the Garden of Love on Earth before the coming of His Divine Son Jesus.  Alleluia!  Amen.
With love for The Christian Mind of Jesus guiding us and His Most Precious Blood covering us,

Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar
Secretary/Family Life Congress
1527 Darnley Lane;  Houston, Texas  77077  -  USA
Tel:  1-832-512-5668; 
Email:  preciousbloodtexas@yahoo.com
DISTRIBUTION:   The Same Church, Government, and Academic Leaders As Before.