November 13, 2010
To: POPE BENEDICT, XVI, Your Holiness - Vatican City
From: Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar, Secretary/Family Life Congress 1527 Darnley Lane; Houston, Texas 77077 – USA.
– Tel: 1-832-512-5668;
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Subject: God The Father Now Commands That His “Our Father” Prayer for All His Children of The True New Time Be The One He Gave to The Apostles.
The peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Your holiness, in the first edition of God The Father”s prayers for the True New Time for His children of all Faiths, we printed, at God The Father”s instructions, the “Our Father” prayer with the ending found in the post Vatican II Mass that is now known by a majority of His Protestant and Catholic children. However, as we now get ready to print the larger quantities of the second edition of God The Father”s prayer book, He is requesting that all His children pray the “Our Father” prayer that He “gave to the Apostles.”
We see God The Father now making all His children of all Faiths more and more ready for the restoration of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church for which God The Father promises we will all be strengthened by the imminent Outpouring of The Holy Spirit. Thank you for perusing the revised “Our Father” prayer attached, which is the one given to the Apostles and which is the one God The Father now wants in the second edition of His prayer book for the True New Time.
Respectfully submitted in filial submission with love for The Christian Mind of Jesus,
Mary Agnes Kumar
Her Majesty, The Queen of England William Cardinal Levada - Rome
Antonio Cardinal CaƱizares Llovera - Rome Daniel Cardinal DiNardo - Houston
Archbishop Vincent Michael Concessao - New Delhi Archbishop Nicholas Chia - Singapore
Bishop Gali Bali - Guntur, A. P, India
Msgr. George Sheltz, Chancellor - Houston
Msgr. Rolando Diokno - Houston”s Pastor of Notre Dame Church, the headquarters of Our Lord”s Precious Blood Devotion in the Americas.
Various Heads of State