November 4, 2010
To: POPE BENEDICT, XVI, Your Holiness - Vatican City
From: Mary Agnes Kumar, Secretary/Family Life Congress
1527 Darnley Lane; Houston, Texas 77077 - USA.
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1527 Darnley Lane; Houston, Texas 77077 - USA.
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Subject: Some Recent Words of God The Father And of His Locutionist Margaret Durbin, In Houston, Texas, USA.
The peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Margaret Durbin, the locutionist and messenger of God The Father, has written faithfully and carefully into many notebooks the messages of God The Father. She has persevered with this difficult task, writing quickly and suffering agonizing pains of the crucifixion while she writes. Often exhausted upon completion of God The Father”s messages; she has to take rest and then goes into prayer to console Him in order to avoid further chastisement to the world. Some of Margaret”s notebooks containing messages of God The Father are being safeguarded by her good friends in Owensboro, Kentucky, while more recent notebooks are with her in Houston here. Margaret Durbin is very direct in her speech and sometimes her temperament reminds me of Elijah, because I sense her eyes “emitting fire” as she tells loudly the messages of God The Father. Due to her temperament, Margaret can be challenging to work with, but God The Father loves her dearly. Also, God The Father has stated that, unlike many saints of the past, her faults are being revealed to the world. Your holiness, because God The Father has chosen to reveal the faults of this enduring, end time saint who: works so hard for Him, and because He has chosen to reveal also His special love for her, we can envision the greatness of His love for ALL His children, as He states again and again that ALL His children are in the arena with Him.
Margaret has agreed to let me summarize the following recent messages of God The Father: He is requesting now that all His children who can, must go to daily Mass. I have read also in His messages the importance of our trying to be on time for Mass. God The Father has also recently requested that we not take Communion in the hand, and that we kneel down to receive the Body and Blood of His Divine Son Jesus. He has given specific instructions to all priests that all the faithful must kneel down for Communion, and Margaret has explained that those who cannot kneel may give a deep and reverent bow as desired by God The Father. In the past, we have reported to you about God The Father Himself delivering Communion to Margaret. Your holiness, a clarification is in order, because in the last few days I learned from Margaret that she, to date; has seen the Forearm and Hand of God The Father approach her and place Communion on her tongue on four occasions: one time in Evansville, Indiana, two times in Owensboro, Kentucky, and one time in Houston while she was living at St. Joseph Condominiums. On each occasion, she saw God The Father”s Forearm and Hand deliver the Communion to her, placing it on her tongue. God The Father has stated that He Himself will Hand deliver Communion to His children in the future when it becomes necessary. I am thinking that perhaps God The Father”s great love to deliver Communion Himself to His children may occur during the brief reign of the Anti-Christ, who falsely claiming credit for the beautiful True New Time (“Glorious Reign of Peace”), may close churches, and require people to worship him. If this happens, then the beautifully restored Mass may go underground into garages, homes, and refuges until the Groom arrives in Person to rescue His beautiful Bride. While “in Mattoon, Kentucky, I heard a lady tell how Our Lord Jesus Himself assisted with the construction of a chapel in her garage, and she showed the beautiful chapel to me and to Margaret Durbin.
Margaret always closes her phone conversations with the words: «God bless you. I love you.» I commented to her that I don”t hear such a closing from many people, and she stated that those words are the instructions of God The Father. May the “Table of Restoration,” which God The Father is requesting we pray for now, be a true labor of love on the part of all.
Following are some words of God The Father spoken to Margaret on October 8, 2010: «My child, the most powerful tool to bring My children back to Me is the true Rosary. All the world needs to pray the true Rosary. And all Faiths, all denominations need to know the true Rosary… And they can all learn of this as well. And the true saint can tell all this as well. The most Holy Rosary is a true weapon against Satan and his cohorts. And all must pray the true Rosary. My child, the true Rosary must be prayed daily, and the true “Saint Michael” prayer, the true “Guardian Angel” prayer, and the true “Divine Mercy” Chaplet. And the true prayer in the Precious Blood book, the “Chaplet of Renewal”.» And all the saints must now pray the true “Sinner”s Prayer”. The true form of all the prayers must all be prayed every day, night, and without ceasing. My child, I am in the True Arena, and all can all pray the way I ask.”…
Following are some Words of God The Father spoken to Margaret on October 10, 2010: ... «A finality will soon come and the true bugle will blow. The true Star of David will shine and the true saints will tell all to all pray the way I ask. And all will all say they will all fight the fight between good and evil… And I will not let the true tyrant, the true dragon have all of My children… I am going to give to each one of My children the true Face of Jesus and very soon. I love all of My children. I am the true Heavenly Father, the true Son, the true Holy Spirit. I am all Three. I am the Holy Redeemer. I am the true Saviour. I am the true Holy Virgin Mary Most Holy. I am the true Revealer. I am the true Visionary. I am the true Saint. I am Everything on Earth. I have come to prepare all of My children: The True Awakening will soon come to be in the true Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. And all Faiths everywhere must now prepare themselves. I am coming and very soon… My child, I want to say I want to prepare the world for the final battle, and they all must all pray the way I am asking… I am going to say all must give to My messenger, the true saint, the true answer when she teaches: Do all want to learn to pray the way she will instruct? And then they can begin to be in the True Arena. And others can teach each other, as well, the way I have instructed… And the true saints must all learn and say they want to all learn how to all pray the way I ask… I am inviting all to prayer, now and forever and ever. All must believe I am their God in Heaven. I am the true Holy Trinity, the True Saint, the True Unbeliever, the True Believer. I am their True Creator. I am the True Star of David. I am All of these. I am the True Bitterness of the true life they live. I am the True Sweetness. I am All of the above. I am their Hope. I am their Salvation. I am this and more and more.» God The Father has commanded prayers for the restoration of His Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and precisely He requests prayers for the “Table of Restoration.”
All these messages need to be studied in detail someday soon, if it is the Will of God The Father. Respectfully submitted, in filial submission, with love for The Christian Mind of Jesus,