

To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Wednesday,
November 25, 2015 at 10:15am.

Important remark on IVF ([1]): God The Father said: “Human beings want to create their babies through scientists and their technologies. Anything that comes from technology is human creation, it does not come from Me…”, so the IVF babies have no souls.

“My dear child,
Your job is to fulfill your goal and I will take care of the rest. As you know, I have come down from Heaven in order to gather all the chosen ones in My plan for the salvation of the world in spite that it has a big impact between God and men.
“For this reason, I have marked each of you as My own, and you will never be separated from Me through eternity because My enemy is so envy with you and he never wants any soul to be saved. And he works very hard along with his agents to tempt the living souls as much as possible, because it adds the power to him. In fact, at this time, he is winning because of many death sins against My will. And the worst thing in this generation is that many people do not know how much they hurt Me through the evil work of abortion that has destroyed many innocent unborn babies which I have created as a gift of life. It is the most terrible sin in this world. They even sell the body parts for their desire to make money. In addition, on the other hand, they also create their own babies that do not come from nature, but through ‘In Vitro Fertilization’ (IVF). Mankind nowadays does not want to accept what they have and they want to create their own babies through scientists and their technology. It is also part of human weakness to satisfy their desire, but they do not think or do not want to think. Anything that comes from technology is human creation, it does not come from Me. Even though each baby is beautiful and innocent if it is successfully created through IVF.
“Pray much for this sinful world. I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
“God The Father.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
December 03, 2015)

Important Message #336
from Mary, Our Spiritual Mother
To Lan Nguyen for Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on Saturday,
November 28, 2015 at 12:30pm.
“My dear child,
I am Mary, your Advocate Mother. I love each of you more than you can imagine, because you follow the footstep of My Son Jesus to save the souls in order to inherit God’s Kingdom in the next life. For this, I encourage you to cling to each other as a chain to help each other to fulfill God’s desire which is to save all His children from the fire of Hell.
“As you know, the world is in danger of violent war and it will get worse because of ‘country against country’. Especially in the Middle-East, so many problems have been created. Even many Christians have to flee their own countries and to fight for their lives. And some of them were beheaded because of their Christianity, including some innocent children. They were also persecuted because of their parents’ faith.
“For this reason, please pray for those who suffer, affected by the war. In fact, many of them are still misplaced and they do not know where to go. It is a very sad situation of human beings.
“As you know, war is part of mankind’s sins. Unfortunately, many innocent people have suffered, it is also the work of God’s enemy who is the leader of hatred and dark souls. Even though God has not punished the world yet, He only showed His warning signs through the natural disasters little by little in some places, because He wants to let mankind to know that He exists and they must respect, honor Him and keep His Ten Commandments as His Law, and recognize Him as the only one God in Heaven and Earth that belong to Him forever.
“God has created the people of mankind as His children, whether they believe Him or not. But they will see the truth when they reach to their destination and all must hear His judgment for their souls.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
“Mary, your Spiritual Mother.”
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(December 03, 2015)

[1] IVF is the abreviation of “In Vitro Fertilization”. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus.