

Important Message #40
from Saint Joseph
to Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on June 7, 2013

“My dear children,
I am Saint Joseph. Today, I continue to give you My message on behalf of the Almighty God Who has chosen you and others in His plan at this urgent time of darkness and confusion that happens in the Catholic Church.”
My child, many Catholic people are deceived by God’s enemy, but they do not realize about it.  In fact, they continue to go to church and glorify God in a wrong way by attending the Mass that is not the true mass, and the devils have won over the sins in the churches. For this, the churches are not holy any more because of God’s absence and no grace is bestowed upon the faithful who gather on Sunday Mass as well as daily Mass because of all the change of the Canon introduced into the new Mass.
“For this reason, I urge you to remain faithful to God by your belief of the privilege that He has given to you everyday through His chosen messenger who is your sister in Christ, as well as to help Margaret to distribute His Words by your sacrifice and effort in everything you do constantly.”
“My child, you are pleasing to God more than you can imagine, and because of His love for you in return, He revealed Me to you because I am the head of the Holy Family and He wants Me to be head of your family as well.”
“For this reason, do not worry about your circumstances, rely on God’s Words, and pray to Me for your needs. I will take care of you.  Remember that by the sacrifices of the Vietnamese Martyr Saints in your own country (Vietnam), you have their Merit to be chosen as God’s instrument for His will to be done.”
“I love you all and I bless you in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.”
Saint Joseph.”
Do Van Nguyen; 
PO Box 262482
 (June 17, 2013).
Important Message #41
from The Holy Trinity
to Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on June 8, 2013

“My dear child,
“As I have said, you belong to Me in this world by all the great things that you have done for Me and it will be returned to you in the next world, and you will continue to serve Me forever and ever.”
“My child, your life is full of grace and blessing. In fact, several miracles have proved how much I love you because your life was spared for this; your faith has become stronger and stronger. Do you know that you are closer to Me than you know, because of My Sacred Words that you read every day? In other words, 'I am yours and you are Mine'.”
“My child, I remind you again that you have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to recognize Who I am. Moreover, you have My power within you. Therefore, you are capable to do heavenly things for Me that no one can do because I have created you the way you are and the way I want you to be, including Theresa. In other words, you can do whatever people do, but they cannot do in the way you do, because My gift has been given to all of you including those who are chosen in My plan.”
“My child, your effort, sacrifice and commitment to serve Me in this world, I appreciate very much, even though it must come from Me as a gift, but you have the free will and you have opened the door of your heart to invite Me into your life and accepted the great gift which you have received. For this, you will never be lost on your journey home, and My reward for you will be great when your names will be called to go home.”
“I bless you all in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.”
“The Holy Trinity.”

Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (June 17, 2013)