

Very Serious and Important Message #8
from Mary Queen of Angels
to Do Van Nguyen
in Houston, Texas on April 8, 2013

“My dear child,
“I am Mary your Spiritual Mother of love and mercy. Today, I want to thank all of you for being God’s obedient children.
“As you know, nowadays, it is very rare to find the people who love God with all their belief as you do. This also is the gift from God that He has given to you.
“My child, the more you focus your life on God, the more He will shower you with His tremendous blessings but you must do your part because He wants you to ask Him for all the grace and He will refuse nothing as long as it doesn’t go against His will. In other words, God wants you to call Him often by the name of the Father because He is your Heavenly Father, and He wants you to recognize Who He is especially at this time of His darkness and confusion in the Catholic faith because of the resignation of the last  Pope.
“My child, at this time, the weather is different compared to before; this also is a sign of the unstable world. In fact,  it will have no peace because the war will start soon due to hatred, envy, power, fame, money, politics and soon…
For this reason, be closer to God in every minute of your life and pray unceasingly for the safety of yourself and family because you do not know what is going to happen in the world. All the cause of this does not come from God because the issue is the sins of mankind, therefore, whenever war starts, people kill people by man-made weapons, nuclear weapons, and it is also the act of the evil in their hearts and mind.
If God doesn’t punish the world by His nature’s catastrophes, mankind will also create many problems by their own sins. For this reason, the world will suffer one way or another. For this reason, pray for protection wherever you may be and always bless yourself with the sign of the Cross, carry the Holy Water, and Rosary.
“God bless you; so do I, in the Name of The Fater, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
“Mary Queen of Angels”
                                          Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (April 10, 2013).

Very Serious and Important Message #9
from Saint Joseph
to Do Van Nguyen
In Houston, Texas on April 9, 2013

“My dear child,
I am Saint Joseph who is head of the Holy Family on behalf of the Heavenly Father. I want to thank for your prayer and your love of Me.
My child, each of you is very close to the Blessed Trinity because of your belief (faith) and this also is the key to enter Heaven. Nowadays, many people have different ways of understanding, and the sad thing is there are not many children of God who know about God having come down from Heaven in order to gather all His children to alert them that they all  must go back to the Traditional Mass instead of the way the churches worship Him now.”
“Many years have passed as God said His mercy is more than people’s sins. However, the sins are getting to be worst. In fact, He cannot tolerate any more; for this, His command is all His children must obey and follow what He said, because this is very important for the living souls before He destroys all the places that go against His will, but not everyone knows about this.
“As you know, to be free from sins is not easy in this modern world, but to fall into sin is easy. Therefore, one who must pray with an open heart in order to receive graces, because without God’s grace, people do not earn the benefit of their prayers.
“For this reason, many people ask God why their prayers are never answered and it is because they only pray when they have the problems. Even worse, when they gave up their faith and blame God for their problems and difficulty.
My child, being God’s child, you must be faithful to Him at all times, whether sad or happy because some times God allows things to happen in your life, but never give up your faith and hope. Just pray for His mercy at all times I am very close to Mary and Jesus; therefore, I will help you to go through all your circumstances and obstacles in life. God bless you all and so do I in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
Saint Joseph
Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (April 10, 2013).