

Very Serious and Important Message #4
from Mary Queen of Angels
to Anthony Nguyen
In Houston-Texas, on March 26, 2013

“My dear children,
“Please pray unceasingly and offer your sacrifice, good work to console God because the world is in danger of the powerful earthquake, tsunami, nuclear weapon, and many things will happen without mankind’s expectation due to its sins.
“As you know my heart is full of sorrow to see many people who do not want to obey and follow God’s way any more. In fact, they try to blot out the name of God in the spiritual work they are doing now. Especially in the Catholic faith, they have many problems against each other because everyone wants to have the power and they are not humble any more.
“For this reason, this time is the worst in the history of Catholic faith because many Leaders in the Church – who are the priest – do not want to profess their faith as the way God wants them to do because they do not want to say the True Holy Mass as the great miracle of Jesus who had accepted the suffering to redeem the world and through the power of God, He had died and raised up from the death after three days, it was a big miracle and He went up to Heaven in front of His Apostles.
I always ask all the children of faith to pray the Rosary everyday, but it must come from the heart because through the power of the Rosary, the power of Satan will be decreased, for this reason, arm yourselves with this great weapon and pray with faith, love, joy and hope.
“All My secret will be revealed because God will do something to save His children from being slaves of sins. Otherwise, many souls will be plunged into Hell, for this reason, be strong in your belief because God has come down from Heaven in order to rescue His children and those who are blessed to believe and follow His will until the end.
“God bless you all, so do I, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.”
“Mary Queen of the Angels.”
Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (April 5, 2013).

Serious and Important Message #5
from God The Father
to Anthony Nguyen
In Houston-Texas, April 1, 2013

“My dear child,
“I am happy to see some places where the Traditional Mass is still offered to the faithful who come to worship Me in My sanctuary on the Earth and it is pleasing Me more than they can imagine.
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Light, therefore whoever believes in My way will be saved, because the Old Mass is the real blessing and this privilege         was given to the Apostles before Jesus went up to Heaven, and it has to be the same at all time, no changing in the Order of the Mass.
However, because of human pride and with the work of the devil, they eliminated My own words to replace with human words. How sacrelege that they did and until now even worst because the Heaven feast has turned to human feast and the result is: it was not canonized by Me but many believers who will never find out the truth and they all are victims of sins.
“For this reason, it is serious matter of the universal church because no graces instead of sacrileges of the way they worship Me without My desires.
“As I said, this generation is the worst in the history of the Catholic faith, therefore the force of the devil is stronger and you can tell by the way the Pope who had to step down and the sins covered with darkness and it will never get better even it will have more problems.
“For this reason, I encourage all My chosen ones who must keep  up with their strong faith and do not be afraid of your future. I am your insurance and I will lead you into perfection because you have God who I am, the Giver of everything you have. Just do your part, pray unceasingly and call Me often by the name of The Father as I wish and you will see how powerful  I am in your daily life.
“I bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
“God The Father.”
                                Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
 (April 5, 2013).