

Very Urgent Messages #69

Contents:  "I am going to say I am going to give all My great Mercy, and very soon a rousing moment will come.  All will all see the true rousing moment.  I have said I am in the true rousing moment, and I will say the rousing moment will be to tell all they are all in the True Arena...  The true marriage of the true Lamb will be very soon...  I am going to reveal to you the true final chapter of the true book.  And this final chapter is the true change in all the whole world.  All will all soon see a big change in the whole world... And I will say, 'OK, I will reveal to all the true hardship all have made.'  All will all see the true hardship they caused Me, and the true grieving Heavenly Father... The true saint will say an alarming sound will soon come to be the true wake of a true catastrophe."

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on February 14, 2013 at 13:49 Hours:
… “The true agreement must be met in a true fashion that is agreeable to the true saint, and it must be met in an orderly way that one will say all is complete.  I have stated this.  I am in agreement of the true saint to do as I ask, the true saint to tell all they all must all pray the way I ask.  I have the true saint in the palm of My Hand, and I will say all must all pray the way I ask.  All must all do as I ask.  All must all be in the true sanctuary to pray in unison…  The true saint will say now all of the efforts must now be made to ensure the true saints who are deserving will get the true prayer book.  The true saint will say all are in the true prayer book.  All must all pray to be the true revealer.  I am going to say all must all be revealed.  And this will be very soon.” 
“The true saints all have longed to see the true prayer book be on the true shelves of the true stores in the True Arena…  I am going to say I am going to give all My great Mercy and very soon a rousing moment will come.  All will all see the true rousing moment.  I have said I am in the true rousing moment, and I will say the rousing moment will be to tell all they are all in the True Arena…  The true saint will say a really hard lesson will be when all stand in front of Jesus Christ, and they all have to say they have all sinned.  And the true hard lesson will be to tell all they are all sinners.  The true marriage of the true Lamb will be very soon.  And the real sacrifice of the true Savior will very soon take place.  The true Holy Spirit will come.  All will say a triumph has taken place.  (Revelations 21:9)   And all will all see the true marriage of the true Lamb.”

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on February 15, 2013 at 10:00 Hours:
… “I am going to reveal to you the true final chapter of the true book.  And this final chapter is the true change in all the whole world.  All will all soon see a big change in the whole world.  All will all soon be revealed.  All the whole world will see many changes as never before.  And the true changes will be revealed.  There will be no money, no way to buy and sell anything.  All will all say they wish they had all prayed.  I am going to say all will say they wish they had all prayed the way I ask.  The language of the people will change.  And all will all say they are in great despair.  They have nothing to eat, and they need something to eat.  All will all say they will all pray the way I ask…  A slumber has been the way of life.  Now all are not in the slumber anymore.  All are in the true triumph, and all are in the true faithful.  A planet will be revealed to bring new life and this life will say all will have the true saints, the true faithful, the true food, the true water, all the true necessary things all will need.”…

Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on February 16, 2013 at 01:41 Hours:
… “I am going to say the true deadly will come down on their knees, and very soon when I send my Only Son to them.  They will all say they must pray the way I ask.  This will affect many when they try to sleep, or they are at work, or they are all driving their vehicles.  I will say, ‘OK, you are now going to obey and tell Me the True New Time is now.’  The true saint will say he will engage them in the true new battle, and I will say all will be in the new battle very soon.  The true saint will say, ‘OK.’   All are going to all pray, and all do as I ask.  All will all say they are all in the true unity.  They all will do as I ask.  The true saint will say all are in the true unity.  All must all pray in accordance to the true organized saint.  He tells them the true power of the Almighty Father in Heaven will point to the true Son who has the true Mother.  She will say all must be done according to the holy and divine Will of God The Father.  The true Savior will say, ‘OK, I am coming.’  I will say, ‘OK, I am here, and I will stay until all the work is finished.  I am going to stay in the forefront.’  And I will say, ‘OK, I will reveal to all the true hardship all have made.’  All will all see the true hardship they caused Me, and the true grieving Heavenly Father… The true saint will say an alarming sound will soon come to be the true wake of a true catastrophe.”…

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen