Comunidad de
a Los Dos Corazones
a Los Dos Corazones
For more information:
Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemala (C.A.)
15851 Quartz Street
Westminster, CA 92683
Lancaster, CA 93534
Comunidad de Desagravio
9a. Avenida 6-71, Zona 7Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemala (C.A.)
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
The Lady of the Apocalypse15851 Quartz Street
Westminster, CA 92683
Crusaders of Our Lady of Fatima
P.O. Box 751Lancaster, CA 93534
Guatemala, May 13, 1990
My beloved children, I bless you
in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
My children, the Blessed Virgin,
the Mother of God is speaking to you. I am communicating with you, because I
want to talk to you about THE LIGHT
For a time, the Light will still
be among you. Walk in the Light while you have the Light. Believe in the Light
so that you can truly be children of the Light.
The times that you are in, My
children, are very dark, dangerous, and difficult, and are the times when the
demons walk freely throughout the world, and are attacking My children. And
because these are .times of sufferings for humanity, My Devine Son, Jesus, and
I talk to Our children, so that We can
destroy, with Our Words, the confusion and the darkness that originated with
the devil and his followers, and which now reigns over the whole world.
Today, My dear children; as an'act of love for you, I am going to
unmask the Devil, because as a Loving Mother, I don't want you to die in his
horrible hands.
Yes, My children, I am going to unmask him because I am the One Who is going to crush his head.
I am not going to allow him to keep on
destroying the Lord's flock. Believe in My words, because if you believe them,
you will be saved. Look, what I want
is your salvation. Do not mix the Light
with the darkness, because if you do, the Devil will annihilate you. He wants
to destroy the Church and Her Doctrine.
He began with the Holy Sacrifice
of the Cross, the innermost part of all of the Doctrine of My
Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Now My sons, the priests, are passing through a
deadly crisis, because they introduced into the Church false prophets, false
seers, and false priests, who, as predatory wolves, are deceiving the Lord's
flock, and are teaching an adulterated doctrine with other beliefs that were
born of men. They do this so that My other children lose the magnitude of the
Passion and Death of the Lord. They are teaching that the Death of My Divine
Son, Jesus, has no value for humanity, and this was done by the Devils, who use
men to help them destroy the faith in the hearts of My children.
My Divine
Son, Jesus, died on the Cross for you and His Sacrifice is the offering that
made to God the Father, because this Sacrifice destroys the Devil, death, and
sin, and opens Heaven, so that you can enter and reconcile yourselves with the
My Divine
Son, Jesus, redeemed sinful man with His Precious Blood. He was sacrificed to
save humanity, to make the supreme dominion of God, and to apply to you the
satisfying merits of His Passion and Death. The Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary. This is why you must not say that the Mass is a
banquet, or a simple meal, because it isn't.
Leave this
grave error, because with this error in your hearts, and in your minds, you
insult God, you despise His Sacrifice, and you trample on the Precious Blood
that He shed on the Cross for you.
My children,
I am going to tell you a great truth. The Mass that is being celebrated in the
Church is not the true Mass.
It is not the Sacrifice of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, because the priests, in
their tremendous pride, have changed everything, even the words of the
I want to
make it perfectly clear to you that this Mass is not the Sacrifice of My Divine
Son, because what the priests celebrated today is a product of an apostasy. An apostasy
that began in the Church Herself, where proud and presumptuous men wanted to be
more than God, and in an ominous Council, where the Holy Ghost was not present.
But who was present, was the unclean spirit of the Devil that changed the Mass,
and renovated the Doctrines, the Laws, and the Liturgy of the Church, and
placed next to the true God false gods, false doctrines, and false rites.
My children,
I am speaking about the Council that spread confusion, darkness, error, and
lies in the Church and in the whole world. It is the Second Vatican
My dear children, run
from the ominous Council, so that its darkness does not contaminate you, and
dim the Light that My Divine Son, Jesus, gave you when you were baptized. Run, My children, from its renovated, dark, and confused doctrine, because
it comes from Hell and its only goal is to deceive and destroy My children.
Listen and discern! These are the times of the false
prophets, false seers, false priests, false apostles of the last times, and
false children of God. In order that you are able to discover who they are, and
that they do not deceive you, I am going to give you a sign, so that you will
not be confused. All those that say that everything that is new, renovated, and
changed in the Church and in the Doctrine, and that everything that comes from
the ominous Council is good and true, do not believe it, because it is false. This Council was not inspired by God, but
by the Devil. Everything that comes from it is evil.
I am talking now to My true children, to the true
children of God, because you are in the time when the true children of the
Light must stand up, and fight against the errors.
The children of the Light should not be afraid,
lukewarm, timid, or weak, because My Immaculate Heart will be with you. Begin
now to defend, as true children, the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. Fight against the children of darkness,
against the servants of the Devil who, with lies and deceit, are devouring the
Lord's flock. Do not hide the Light that My Divine Son Jesus Christ gave you at
Baptism, because in His First Coming, He said: "No one lights the lamp,
and put it in a corner, nor do they hide it under the bed, but they put it in a
candle stick so that those who enter can see the Light. The lamp of your bodies
is your eyes, and if your eyes are pure, your entire body will be illuminated.
But if they are evil, your body will be in darkness. Be careful, and see to it
that your Light does not have any part of darkness, because if your whole body
is illuminated, and does not have any darkness, all of it will shine as if a
lamp was illuminating you with a bright Light."
This means
that the Truth of God, His Light, His Wisdom, His Doctrine should not have any
darkness, and that is to say, be mixed with other doctrines invented by men.
You must not mix the true God with the false gods that were invented by the
Devil. Because if you do this, your Light will contain darkness and be dim, and
your lamp will not illuminate.
The true children of God must show His Light, His
Wisdom, His Doctrine so that everyone can see it, and by seeing it, find the
way and be saved.
Do not hide the lamp of the doctrine of the true God,
but show it so that everyone receives the Light. Children of the Light, show
your light which is the Doctrine of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, to those who
do not know it, so that the ferocious wolves, who attack, and want to destroy
them with lies and deceit, will not be able to do so. Fight, children of the
Light, so that no one takes from you the Light that was given to you at
Baptism. Fight, and don't be afraid, because the Holy Ghost will argue against
the world about sin, justice, and judgement, and will lead you to the whole
truth. He will communicate to you the things that are coming.
Believe, My children, believe and prepare. Walk in the
Light so that you do not stumble. Do not wait for the night to fail on, the
world when there will not be any Light because you will stumble, and fall. Do
not wait until the dark and obscure night covers the world in darkness, because
then you will not be able to walk. Take the Light; dear children, and Light
your lamp so that it lights the road. And you are able to walk and follow the
true Christ, because they that have will be given more, but those that do not
have, and even if they think they have it, it will be taken from them.
Times are
coming when the true adorers will worship the Eternal Father in spirit, and in
truth, because these are the adorers that the Eternal Father is seeking,
because God is a Spirit, and those who adore Him will adore Him in Spirit and
I bless you, My beloved children, in the name of the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
May the
peace, the joy, the faith and love remain in your hearts. And do not forget, My
children, that in the middle of the horrendous darkness, My Immaculate Heart
will triumph. With My triumph, you will triumph. Don’t fear, because My Divine
Son Jesus defeated the world.