

Urgent Messages #34

Message from Our Savior And Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to Margaret Durbin on June 17, 2012 at 9:30 pm. in EvansvilleIndiana:

“My child, do you know Me?  I am Jesus, the true Savior.  I have come to ask you to tell all that I soon will give to them the true gift I want to give.  All must all receive them.  I have said I am going to give to each of My children the true gifts, and I will say all are in the True Arena.  The true saints must all do as I ask.  They all must honor only the true Jesus Christ, the true Virgin Mary, the true God The Father.  They all must all say they will all pray the way the Father is asking.  I have come this night to ask you to tell all they all must now be prepared to pray the way My Father in Heaven is asking.  All must all pray the way He will ask until they all go to Heaven.  I have said I am in the True Arena.  I have said I will tell all they will all see the true Face of Mine, and very soon.” 

“I will soon give to all the true gifts of the true Holy Spirit.  Now, will you tell all they will all soon see the true Jesus tell them they are in the True Arena?  A claim will be soon told that you are not the messenger of My Father in Heaven.  But, I am the true Son.  I am Jesus Christ, born to the true Mary, the Woman Whom My Father selected to give Me birth, and I have said I am He.  I am the true Jesus Christ.  Now, I am going to say I am going to be in the True Arena.  I will say all must all pray the way the Father in Heaven is asking.  I am going to reveal to you the True New Time.” 

“I will come, and an answer will be given to you the same way it was given to My holy and divine Mother.  An angel will come and tell you, ‘Margaret, you are chosen to be the true messenger.’  The true delight of Mine is to tell you now that My Father has chosen you to tell all that you must do as He asks.  And the true saints all must all do as He asks as well.  Now, do you want Me to tell you the true saints who must tell you the true way one must go to the true Heaven?  I am going to say now, all will all go when they all are in the true way of the true saint.  All must all say they will all pray the way The Father is asking.  I am in the true relationship of the true Father.  I am the true Son, and the true Holy Spirit is the true Holy Spirit, and the true Paraclete.  And I will deliver Him to the true saints, and very soon.” 

“My friend, I am going to say, all will soon see the true Holy Spirit.  All will all say they are all in the True Arena.  My dear friend, the true saint will say, ‘What in the world?  You are talking to Jesus Christ?’  I will say I am He.  I have told Margaret the true news, the true message, the True New Time.  I will send the true Holy Spirit, and I will say all will all see the true Holy Spirit.  All will all say they will all pray the way I ask.  All must all be in the True Arena.  I am going to tell you the True New Time.  I will say all must all pray the true saint’s way:  All must all bow down and kneel down on both knees;  ask Me to give them the true gifts of the true Holy Spirit.  I am going to say all must all say they will all pray the way the true Father asks.  I am going to tell them they all must pray the way the true Father asks, and all must all say they will all pray.  I am going to be in the true home more and more.  I will say I am Jesus.  I am the true Mother, the true Mother who gave birth to Jesus Christ.  I have told all, ‘I am All of These, and I am the true Father, the true Son, the true Holy Spirit by creation.’  I am All of These.  I am going to bless you, Margaret.  I must say all must honor the true words I gave to you now and all must all say they will all be in the true balance, and all must all say they will all pray the way I ask.  All must be in the True Arena.”…

Message from Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to Margaret Durbin on June 18, 2012 at 1:18 am. in EvansvilleIndiana:

… “I am going to say now, all must all see and feel (that) all the true saints (who are in the True Heavenly Realm) are all now going to reveal many things to all, and all will tell all they are all in the True Arena to fight to the true finish.  All must all pray to the true God The Father, the true Son, the true Holy Spirit.  All must all say they will all do as the saints ask of them.  And many will say, ‘OK,’ and many will be in the True Arena.  I am going to tell all they all must all say they will all pray the way I ask.  And all will all be in the True Arena.”

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen

Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207