Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 21, 2011 at 11:29 P.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “The early Spring of the year will warrant much, and all will say they all need to evacuate. All will all say they all must all go to a new location and a new place to live or to survive. And all will have to vacate to the nearest area high in elevation… The true saint will say, ‘Continue to do God’s holy and divine work (and) tell all when they are to all evacuate.’ The true warning will soon come and all must all go to a high area and stay there now and forever.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 22, 2011 at 3:43 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “I am going to say all must all go to the nearest refuge in the early Spring of the year… My child, the true meaning of the true word ‘angel’ is the angel whom I gave the true Mother (for) the answer to do what I asked her to do, and the angel will reveal to you the true time. She will appear and all will all see and hear her.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 24, 2011 at 1:55 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “The true saint will say all must all tell him when he can be in the true forefront. I am going to say now that I am going to slay the dragon and really soon. All will see the dragon go. The true temptation of all of My children is the true temptation to buy and sell and do what they want. I am going to say all must not do what they want. They must do as I ask, and they must say, ‘I am now ready to pray and serve the true Father in Heaven.’ My desires to tell them are to do only as I ask, and the true powerful dragon cannot persuade them to do anything else, and all the children must say they will all pray the way I ask. They all must all say they are in the True Arena. The true saint has many times said she would help you to do My work. She will not falter, and I will say all must not falter. There are many who will say they will pray, and they will do My holy and divine Will. I will ask them to crawl and tell Me will they give Me a dime to do My holy work, and say, ‘Heavenly Father, I am going to do as you ask.’ … A world in turmoil knows Me not, and I want to tell them they are all going to pray and stay in the true state of grace. And (say) ‘All my life I have wanted to serve only You.’…. My dear child, the true awakening will soon come to be, and the true awakening will be a promise for all to see for all eternity and all (to see) the lifetime of many. I am going to say all will all experience the true loneliness, the true unfaithfulness; the true rescue will be very soon. The true saints everywhere will say they had the true messenger. The true saints will say all are in the True Arena. All will soon see the true rescue. I am going to allow many to say they are all in the true rescue… And the true saint will say she has had enough. She wants to be rescued too.”
Message rom God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 25, 2011 at 1:25 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
“You will have time to go to the home and pray and say, ‘Father, will you give us a sign to go? And will you tell us when it is time?’ I am going to say all must go in the early Spring when the trees begin to bud forth. This will be when you must go. There will be new growth on the true apple trees, the true cherry trees, the true peach trees, and the true saints can say they will move. There will be a place to harvest and a place to stay, and you will see it. And all will flourish, all will all say they are out of danger… The true fruit trees will all sprout, and the true fruit trees will bear much fruit, but the true fruit trees will signify the coming event also. And this will signify a world-wide catastrophe, and all will be in the world-wide catastrophe.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 26, 2011 at 3:40 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “True to My Word, I am going to slay the true evil and I will take out all evil in the true universe. I am The Lord, Thy God, The Lord of Hosts. I will say all evil will very soon be gone, and all the Holy Spirit will do is deny the existence of any evil…. I am going to destroy all who have ever denied the existence of Me. All of those who have accepted Me will all be spared unless they reject the true existence of My true messenger. She is in the True Arena. She has the true commandments, the true seals, the true prayers to be prayed the true way. One must say they should all say they love Me. If anyone denies you, let them come to Me and say they are in denial. I will punish them severely. I will say ‘Begone to the evil abyss.’ Take up thy cross and follow Me. I am The Lord Thy God, the true Savior of the true universe. I have spoken. I will say all must all listen… My child, the evil in the world will soon diminish. All the true saints will all say they are all in the True Arena. The New Heaven and the New Earth will flourish. The stars and the moon will all shine again. The true satanic forces will all be stopped, and in the course of the true catastrophe, there will be many miracles to occur. The first one will be the calming of the sea after it is all over. Then, the second, the true saints will all have a new home. They will all praise Me forever. The third, the true saints will all say they love Me as they cross their heart also. The given instructions will soon take place, and all will see the true catastrophe… Very soon, there will be many to go to refuges. They will all ask where, why, and how? But, I will say, ‘Did you pray the way I asked?’ I am going to choose those who prayed the way I asked, and those who did not. I will say a true route will be opened if they will listen to My messenger and ask her to guide them. She is in the True Arena. I will say all must all listen to her tell them where they are to go. The true restraint is the true saints. (Thessalonians 2:6)” God The Father gave this scriptural reference.
“They have prayed and asked Me to assist them, one by one. Now, I have given them the power to take away all evil. Now, I will say all must all do as I ask… Then, there will be absolute peace in the world, no trouble, no strife, no suffering, but there must be suffering and strife for all who do not want to serve Me until the end… Now, I am going to allow a dangerous catastrophe to happen in the true Middle East, and all will all die. Now, I will say all must all die. I have known the region. I have seen the horror of the injustice. I am not going to release the most dangerous of the danger to the true people that have disobeyed Me and My commands. I am now going to rescue all those who have all prayed the way I ask. The continuous disturbances everywhere are continuing to grow and are mounting day after day, and the true saints must be prepared to go to higher ground and very soon… Many will die, many will suffer, at the hands of the injust, and the true saints will be persecuted injustly, and the world will see a huge catastrophe.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 27, 2011 at 12:40 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “The desire of My heart is to tell all they are to all prepare to go to the refuges. There they will find out the true instructions I have given to prepare them for many things. There they will find a way to do many things. The true value of the true saints will now be found. All the saints will see their true found values and destinies. And all will all say they are all a new family, a true family of the true God The Father, the true Son, the true Holy Spirit. The true prayer book will be recognized. There will be many to be put into print, and many will say they know you, and all the saints who have known of you… And now the time has come to go to the refuges. An increase of volcanic activity will soon erupt in the true ocean. All will all say they are going to die in the true eruption. The true people will announce the true eruption of the most serious kind, and very soon. They will say it is the most serious of its kind. All must all go to higher ground. The true eruption will soon take place. All must all leave the area, those that can. And all those who cannot go must perish. They will have a true home with Me. I have chosen you to tell all they all must do as I ask. All must do as I say. Then, I will ask them, ‘Do they believe in Jesus Christ? Do they want to follow His teachings? Do they want to say I am their God The Heavenly Father?’ I am going to say I will tell all they all must say the true following: They must tell all they are all going to pray the way I ask. The true saints will say all will all believe her when the true catastrophe occurs, and all will all pray the way I ask.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 28, 2011 at 1:50 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “The true crisis in the world will very soon erupt, and all the whole world will see a crisis very severe in the making. The severity of the crisis will very soon take place, and all are in the crisis. All will all say they have nowhere to go. They are in the true way of the true enemy. All must all say they will pray the way I ask.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 29, 2011 at 2:00 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “Now is the critical time. I am going to reveal to the world very soon that they are all in true jeopardy. They all must all pray and pray and pray, and the desire of My heart will be that they will reach a safe haven.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 31, 2011 9 (Continued from Previously Typed Message), Now at 5:00 P.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “I will never delay anything anymore. The true catastrophe, the true war, the true saints, the true evil, are all going to suffer greatly. All will all say they must all go to a new place to a new refuge. All must do as I ask. I am going to say all will all know the true wrath I have. I have told all to all pray the way I ask, and I am not going to say anymore. They are going to be surprised, and they are going to cry and beg for My true Mercy. All will all say they wish they had all prayed the way I ask. I am going to say all will all see the true danger of the true war. They will all see the true danger of the true nuclear devices. They will all see the true danger of the true volcanic gasses, and the true volcano will destroy all the true South Pacific, and the True Arena where all the saints are along the coastal parts of the true South Pacific in the true United States.”
“I am going to say a true saint will say a true upheaval will soon develop in the true Middle East. All will all perish. All will all say they should have prayed for all those who are in the true catastrophe. The true enormous task is now beginning, and the true saint said she will do it. The true enormous task will be to tell all they all will all perish. They all must all go to the nearest, safest refuge. All will all say they are all going to go to the true refuge as well. This is the refuge of My Holy and Immaculate Heart. The true refuge of My Holy and Sacred Immaculate Heart is the only refuge for many. All will all say they are in the true refuge… The true saints are all going to get a glimpse of the true Heaven and the true Hell very soon. They are all going to say they should have all prayed the way I asked… The true loading and unloading will now begin for everyone. And the true saints will say they are all going to do this as well… the desire of My Heart is to tell all they are now going to a New Heaven and a New Earth. All things of the Earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away (Revelation 21:1).” God The Father provided the scripture reference here.
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on December 31, 2011 at 1:57 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
“My child, I am pleading for all, the whole world, to come to the Mercy of My Son, Jesus Christ. The whole world now needs to come to Him and pray for the unification of the whole universe. This is a grave way of asking the whole world to come to the true rescue of all souls, and all souls must now come to Him in order that all can be saved. This must be done. I am in the true heavenly realm, asking, pleading to all that all come to My Son Jesus Christ. They must all cease the fighting. The true victory is My Son Jesus Christ, and all His children must now come to Him, acknowledge to Him that they want a true victory over all evil. Many are in the darkness of upheaval, and they are not aware of the danger they are all in when they honor the satanic powers of darkness. My child, this must be made known, and it must be told to all of My children and right away. My child, this urgency must be met, and right away. And all will all say they are all in the urgency.”
“I am going to slay the dragon. I will tell all the true dragon will soon be slain. And I will tell all they all must now do as I ask. They have postponed many things, but now is the time I will no longer prevent anything from happening. All destruction will be met, and very soon the true destruction will occur. There will be much chaos and turmoil, and all will all see it in the near future. And all the children will have to flee their homes, businesses, churches, and everything they once inhabited. It will soon be the True New Time. I will say all must all go to the true refuge. The true refuge of the truest, the true sanctuary, the only sanctuary they can find to go to for safety. All must all go to the true safety net, and all say they must all go. And all will all be revealed very soon. A true act of My Mercy will prevail. All must see My true act of Mercy. I have the true messenger to say she will tell all she is the true messenger. She has the true God, the true Heavenly Father. I have all in the palm of My Hand. All must see this.”
“Very soon all will be revealed. A heartfelt anguish is the only plea. I can and will give no more pleading, no more asking to pray the way I ask. I am going to tell all they all must reconsider the harm they are all about to do to the world. I am going to convey the wrongdoing must be stopped. My holy and divine Hand is going to come down once and for all. My child, the most urgent message must be dealt with and right away. In all urgency, you must tell all they must all stop the true atrocity of the true evil. I am the Lord, Thy God. There shall be no other before any of you. I have spoken. I have commanded. I have demanded. And now I am going to put forth a true statement in accordance to My holy and divine Will. I am not going to do anything for anyone again if the evil does not stop. I have promised many things to those who have helped My messenger. They must now do the true task. They must help her to do what she needs to do as well. I am the Alpha and the Omega, and the Supreme Ruler over all the Heaven and the Earth. I have the power to chastise and to give all the true essence of My authority. I will now do this. I am in the true evil. I am in the true good. I have spoken, and these words must be carried out. I am in control. I have the true commandments and the true infused knowledge to give to all these who will listen. All must now say they will all obey and do now as I have asked, pleaded, and given time to be obedient.”
“The desire of My Heart is to prevent a true all-out war and a true world-wide catastrophe from happening, but I will say all must now cooperate to the true fullest. There will be no more who will beg, plead. They are now going to say they will do as I ask. No more faltering and saying they have to do this or that. They must now obey and do as I ask. My child, the urgency of this must be met. And the finality must be done to the fullest of the truest and the most sincere in the hearts of all concerned. I have given you the authority to say all must all be accomplished. All must all be done in a holy and contrite manner. I am going to secure all in the true knowing they will do as I have asked, and they all must know I am not going to preserve the hard hearts for any reason.”…
“They all must all pray and ask Me to give to them the true Holy Mary, the true Holy Mother. She is coming to ask all who have listened if they will be in the true heavenly realm, if they want to come to Jesus Christ, if they want to solve the world’s problems in a prayerful and sublime way. All must all be revealed and very soon. And all will be revealed in a manner befitting the true saints and the true Child, Jesus Christ… My child, the true saint has told many, and they should all know the true midnight will be the beginning of the new day and this is when she is coming. The true 12th ends at 12:00 midnight, and the new day, 13th begins. This is when she is coming. She will appear in the easterly direction of the true sky, and she will be in the light of the true light.”…
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 2, 2012 at 6:27 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “A powerful saint will say all must be forgiven. All must all say they will all forgive one another. I am in the true forgiveness. I will say all must all pray for the true forgiveness of one another. There are many who must pray for the true conversion of the true saints. All must all pray and forget the past mistakes of the other one. And they must say I am never going to do anything to hurt anyone again… I will say all the children of Mine will all be involved in going to the true refuges and very soon. They will have to occupy a new safe place to go. Now, I will say all must all go by the new safe way. All must ask Me to direct them. I will help them to go to a safe place.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 3, 2012 at 4:30 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “The True Saint will say She will give all the true angel when she comes to safeguard them throughout life. A true angel will walk with them and console them. They are the true saints who must do as I ask.”…
Message continued at 1:25 p.m.: … “The fate of one will soon be revealed, and the true satanic power will be overthrown. I will say all will all see the fate of one revealed. The true injustice received will be the injustice inflicted on every human being and all the true saints. There are many who must take an initiative to serve the true leader in the true Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. Now, all lives are all in danger. Many have said they want to destroy the true leader, the true pontiff. He will be in the true forefront. This will soon take place. The true leader of the true Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church must take an initiative to go to the safest place to occupy and tell all that he is in hiding, and then he can continue the true work, the true work of the true Heavenly Father. The true saint will say he will come again, he will tell all he will reveal himself to all in a different way. All will all see his departure, and they will say the end is very near. They will say they have to go to the nearest refuge as well, and this will be imminent”…
Message continued at 2:14 p.m. as follows: “The true outlying of the new territory will soon be revealed. And the true saints will have to go to the nearest refuge and pray and pray. All will be in the true outline of the true territory. There will be many who will have to seek new homes, places to pray, places to go to church. There will be many who must be prepared to go to the nearest sanctuary to receive the true blessing I want to give to them. I will say all of My children must now see the new territory that I want them to go to. All of them will say that they are all going. The true territory will be the true territory I am going to show you… And the new real truth will soon be discovered.” …
Message continued at 6:11 a.m. as follows: “But, I am going to say all must all go out of their homes very soon. The true tidal wave is coming, and very soon this will happen. All will all see the strange phenomenon occur. All will wish they had all left their homes and told Me they wish they had all prayed… My Hand is coming down now, and I will never seek refuge for anyone after I allow this to happen. I have given many warnings, I have given My all. Now, I will say I am now going to tell all, ‘The true saints have the true message and all has been revealed, all has been told. All must now be prepared to leave their homes and go to higher ground and go to safety.’ A disturbance has now occurred in the true South Pacific and all there will see the true catastrophe occur… I am going to cover you and your family and your close friends and all who have helped you in any kind of way to be in the True Arena, as well as the true heavenly realm. I have the true covering. All will all see My holy and divine Mercy prevail. I will say if they do not want to move, they will be taken up to Me. I will secure them in the net, the true way to bring them up to Me. They will be entitled to the true rescue. No more suffering, no more tears, no more of the true saints to tell all they must all do as I ask. And those who can go to the refuges must all pray and pray and stay in the true state of the true graces I have and I will give them.”
“There are going to be those who will help all the rest to discover the true Anti-Christ, the true tyrant throughout the lost world. The true saints who do not want to go to the refuges must all say they have lost everything, and they will not recover anything anymore. All will all see their loss. The true homes, the cars, trucks, their businesses, or churches, the true hospitals, the true doctors, nurses, the true places to go for entertainment all will be gone. This will occur in the true northwest of the true United States along the coast of the true Pacific Ocean. The true part of Canada, the true Virgin Islands, the true Canary Islands, all the true bodies of water everywhere, there will be much flooding, and people will all die, and the seafood will all perish. Any living creatures in the tidal wave path will not live. All will all perish in the aftermath of the true volcanic activity in the true ocean. There will be many to say they will not ever again say you are not My messenger. You have been given the true and new commandments, the new covenant, the new seals, the 14 new prayers. All must all be prepared to die, be prepared to leave their homes.”…
“The true traveler must tell Me he or she is going and where is the destination, how long are they going, now long will they be on the road. I will secure them from any danger whatever. And if they go by air, they must also tell Me how long they will travel or by boat or any mode of transportation. I want them to be safe in the Arms of Mine.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 5, 2012 at 6:30 A.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
“My child, the desire of My Heart is to tell you all must help each other to discover their true self, to help the other one to see the real world. By this, I mean that the true saints will tell all they all must discover a true way to go about doing anything. A way of life will be very different, and they all will all say this as well. to be able to wash dishes or to cook will be a very hard task, and the simple things in life we took for granted will be more increasingly hard to do, and the true saints everywhere will find that they all must work much harder. And they must do anything they do together, and they must share all they have in the way of worldly possessions. There will be no way of going to get anything from anywhere for a period of time. All will all see this as well. There will be no way to go to a faucet and get something to drink. There will be no way to flush a commode or any way to do laundry. All must be done by hand. You will find a pond or a creek bed will become very useful.”
“The true saint has said she would have never believed life would have gotten so hard to live, but the time is coming for all to be the ones to struggle to do anything. They will not be able to go to the nearest gasoline station or the nearest grocery or the nearest restaurant. There will be no business to be open. There will be no electricity, no gas to cook, no way to heat a home. Those who survive will freeze, and those whose lives do have a wood burning stove will see a great hardship as well. to cut down a tree will be the most difficult and prolonged task, and the true saints must struggle to do this as well. There will be no gas to buy at all. A prolonged effort will tell all they have had the true saint; they have had the true messenger. Even she will not be able to give you all the messages as freely as she once did, and it has been a difficult situation with her as well. There will be much crying and much screaming, and much yelling, and much stealing and running for their lives, and the world will never be the same anywhere again. There will be no nearby sanctuary. People will have to walk for miles and miles. Transportation will be very hard to come by. A mode of transportation will be by horse and a buggy. And the true donkey can carry things. And the true camel. And the true saint will say they will all struggle to survive. The true saints everywhere will not be able to do the true normal things at all. No way to cook or wash dishes or clothes, and the simplest of the tasks will be very difficult. No air conditioning, no electricity, no gas for the auto. The true oil will be very scarce. Anything at all will be very hard to come by in the stores for a very long time. A survivor will say the horror of life has begun. The true saints everywhere all will suffer the true horror, and there will be many to say they are in the true horror.”
“My child, the true saints will experience long periods where they will say life is no way to live, and they will say they are going to go to the eternal ruin rather than go on. I am going to say now, I am going to tell them now, if they do anything against My Will, I am not going to allow them to go to Heaven at all. The true generosity I have had will not be the true generosity all will have anymore. There have been many times I have said I will do this or that, but I allowed it to be the way that would shake the saints up, and the saints live better for a while, but no more. There will be no more excuses, no more will they say they will put their hat and gloves and coat on and proceed. I am going to say, they will have to walk for miles to go anywhere for anything. Many times they will say they can’t find a doctor or a nurse or any hospital at all. The struggle will be very grave. The true mother will have to give birth any way she can. There will be much pain. Many will die during the birth of a child, and the children will die too. The true struggle has begun. All will all be in the true struggle. All will all say they are all in the true struggle. They will no longer be able to tell each other they are too busy to help them. All must all work together for the true common good. All will have to work together and pray together, share a meal with one who has nothing, and they must tell all they will all do as I ask.”
“My child, the true saint will say she is in the True Arena. She has many times said she would do the next task. She has told Me she will do all she can to tell Me she is in the True Arena. I have many times pleaded with My people to help each other, but they did not want to. They refused for one reason or another. Now, there will be those people who will need the help. They all will all say they are so very sorry they did not help the other one. My child, to ignore the other when the person is in need must now be no more. The true saint will say all must now be attended to. This must not be anymore. The true saint will say she will tell all they are all in the True Arena, and all must all be prepared to do whatever they can to assist the other. All must all say they are all so glad to help the other one. All must show love. All must tell the other there is no way they will be alone in the true struggle to do anything. Everyone must help each other. They all must not allow the trouble they have to interfere. There will be many to say they are not going to struggle the true way, but I will say it will be the only way to do anything ever again.”
“The true cry of the poor will be heard throughout the land. No one will survive the true nightmare hardly at all. There will be hardly any survivors of the true catastrophe that is to come to the true fallen world. For several days and nights there will be no light, and the true saints have already said they are fully aware, but they are not aware of the true reality that will befall them. They are no only going to suffer. They will think for many times about the true way they have all sinned against me. They will say they are very sorry… The true saints must find a way to heat their own homes, to secure their homes, and to be in a safe environment. A true saint will say all are in the True Arena.” ….
“The true saint will say you are the true messenger. You have given your all to help all the world to see the new reality, and all will all soon see it. And the true atrocity of the true catastrophe will be very horrendous. There will be no where they can go if they do not go very soon, and this warning now will be the last warning I will give. Then, I will say all must all evacuate and get to a higher level and fast while they have time to go. They will have the news to tell them of the impending event, but I am no longer going to ask them to do My holy and divine Will. They are all going to be on their own, and they should have prayed the way I have asked. A bouncing toy will be the only answer and the true answer. A precise message in their hearts will be the only way I can communicate.”
“Those who go to the refuges will be taken care of, and I will say life will no longer be easy to live. The daily task will be very difficult, and in all they do they will all say they all want to pray and say, ‘Heavenly Father, I am your servant.’ I will tell all they all must all do the true task of sparing and giving to one another. The true saints will not be able to do the true normal tasks of anything. There will be many times one will say this is so hard, and they do not know how to do anything at all. The true saint will say he will find a way to provide. The answer will come, and the seriousness of anything will be no more. They can live, they can breathe, they can do the next task, and the next, as long as they have the true Heavenly Father. It will be harder, but they can make do to survive.”…
“The true saints will all discover the true reality of doing anything the hard way. They are all going to do as I ask. They will all say they have all been in the True Arena. The true saint will no longer be able to tell Me when they are going anywhere when the true catastrophe occurs. This will be very soon, and the true saints will no longer be able to find a place to go. They must all prepare the true home with enough fire wood, water, and the necessary items that are needed to live. They must evacuate where evacuation is necessary. They must say enough is enough, and all will all say they must leave all behind. And all will have to be destroyed or repaired when they can enter again. And the true highway will be jammed. There will be many who cannot get to their destination. Many will not be able to pray for the fear they will have. The True Deliverer will say all are in the True Arena. All must all say they will now do as The Father is telling them all to do.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 6, 2012 at 2:52 P.M. In Evansville, Indiana:
… “The true trial will soon begin, and this will be the real trial. I am going to say all of My children must all be in the trial, and the true saints all will all say they have a true trial, and the trial will be to test everyone to help Me. They will say a lost article must be found. Now I will say I am in the true trial. I am the true Judge to help all. I am going to say all of My children must now all pray and say they will be in the true trial. I am going to say the true trial will be dealt with, and the true saints will all say they will all pray the way I ask.”
“I am going to say I will give all specific instructions to do the truest things. I will say all must be revealed to give each other the true instructions. There will be many who need the true instructions, and all will all say they will read all the true instructions. The true instructions will be as follows: I am going to say I will tell all they must all pray the way I ask. I am going to tell all they all must all help Me to slay the true dragon. The true instructions will soon be a way of life for all of My children. These true instructions will be to tell all they are all to go to the true saintly place of rescue. I am going to name the true rescue, so all will know this is the true place of rescue. I am going to say the true pieces to the puzzle will now begin to be played… All must all be prepared to go to the true refuges. I am going to give a map to all the true saints who have helped you. They will say they all must all go to the nearest refuge. The true saints must take the instructions I give. They must pray the true way. I am in the true way.”
Message from God Our Heavenly Father to Margaret Durbin on January 7, 2012 at 7:58 A.M.:
“I will describe to you the different maps. I am going to say the first map is to be in uniform of the true saint. It will help you to go to the true refuge that will be safe… I want you to tell all they all will see the true map of where to go and very soon. The forces of nature will very soon tell us the true volcano is erupting in the Canary Islands, and the true saints all everywhere must all evacuate. There will be a series of explosions, and these explosions will make a severe of the severest tidal wave, and this will destroy the middle of the true United States and the true half of the United States, and the true saints will say they all should have evacuated. And they all must go to higher ground. There will be many sea life to die, and the birds of the air, and the true people, and the true ships and boats that will be on the ocean will be destroyed. Many will not recover. The survivors will say they wish they had not lived. They will say they are all alone, no money, no food, no way to see, no way to run anywhere.”
“A true story will unfold, and the true reality will soon come to be. And the true saints everywhere will live a totally different life. All must all go to a new refuge, a new place to pray. A true sanctuary will be a home they can go to… A new day will be the most blessed of all when the true Holy Mary comes. I am going to say the true map I will give to you, and the saints will be the truest, the safest, the most rarest. This will be to secure all in the true way to each of the true refuges to which all must all go. There will be a true ravine in the True Arena. All must not cross the true ravine. This will be the true dividing line of the true refuges. They will go to this. One must be told they are in the true dividing line. They must do as I ask, or the true consequences will be given to them in the most harshest conditions. I am in the consequences. I have told all they all must listen to My true messenger, Margaret… The true life will never be the same. All will say they are not going to be able to live the way they once did. There will be many changes that will affect them all, one by one, and the true changes must be made. The true sins of all the world have been horrifyingly sinful, and the true saints have done the true sinfulness as well. My child, the true blindfold will be very soon lifted, and the true saints will say they are all in the True Arena… All will all see their sins. This will be very soon. A powerful lesson will be learned, and very soon. A desperate cry for help for Me will be heard throughout the whole world.”
“I am going to prepare all for the true danger of the true Anti-Christ… The most painful lesson is the lesson I will give to all My saints, and this will be very soon. And the strike of the clock will reveal to all they are all in the true lesson. The true lesson will be very soon. This will be to say you are in the true lesson. I will say all of My children will all learn a true lesson… A deadly search will find no life, and this will be very soon. There will be several to search for something so valuable, and there will be no life. I have given all the right to life. All have not pursued that right. I am going to take away the true privilege of the true right to live. I am going to say it is time to die, and not to live. All must all die. The true saints who are left will not say they are in the true Arms of the true Father in heaven. The true deadly catch will be the true saints when they are all found dead, and the true sea will be the true killer of all. I am the killer as well. The desire of My Heart is to instruct all the true way to say, ‘I love You, Heavenly Father.’ I want to reach all of My children and tell them they are to all pray the way I ask.”
A Messenger in Christ, Margaret Durbin | Typist for God The Father, Mary Agnes Kumar | Distributor for God The Father, Do Van Nguyen |
Anthony Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77207
(Note: This is the new blog.
The old one http://margaretdurbin.blogspot.com
is removed)