
God The Father’s 14 Prayers, His New Covenant,
His 16 New Commandments, and His New Seals

Given by God The Father to His Messenger, Margaret Durbin of Houston, Texas, USA…
God The Father Commands These Prayers
to Be Prayed by His Children 
of All Faiths Everywhere in The World.

Fourth Edition, 2011
Copyright by Do Van Nguyen, 2011

All rights are reserved. These prayers are not for sale, but any donations, love offerings, or gifts are appreciated to achieve their greater dissemination. This document may be copied and distributed freely by anyone if no changes are made to its contents and if there is no intent nor attempt at selling this document or profit making from the Words of God The Father.

Special Note:

The first 14 prayers for the “True New Time” commanded by God The Father to be prayed now by His Children of All Faiths are found in black, bold, print in this book.

Two additional prayers for the “True New Time” which are commanded by God The Father to be prayed by all ordained priests are also available only to priests.

God The Father’s message to all His nuns in the world is also available only to nuns.

See contact information at the end of this book to obtain any of the above.

“I Am That True Holy Spirit. I Am Thee.
I Am The True God The Father, The Creator Of All Of My Children.”

(God The Father, March 5, 2010)

For in Him were created all things in Heaven and on Earth…
All things were created through Him and for Him…
and in Him all things hold together…
For it has pleased The Father that in Him should all fullness dwell…
by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself.”

(St. Paul to the Colossians: Chapter 1, Verses 16-20)

Words of God The Father on March 5, 2010:

“I am The Father of all My children.
I am going to reveal to all of My children the True New Time.”

“ I will send the true Holy Spirit to all of My children. This is a token of My undying Love.”

“All must come to Me now,
and they must all cross their heart and say,
‘Father, I love You
now and forever and ever. Amen.’”

Words of God The Father on Jan 31, 2010:

“I am The Father Who will say all are in the true arena when they can tell Me they love Me, and say it in a holy and devout way. And say it with their hearts… And all will say they will all pray. And they will say they will pray the way The Father in Heaven asks. And if they won’t, there will be repercussion. I will not open the gate to Heaven for anyone who will not pray the way I ask… You will reveal to all the true way I have instructed…”

Introduction to God The Father’s Prayers For All His Children
For The True New Time

God The Father said that His commanded new prayer of five lines following on page 17 (which is the first prayer of His 14 prayers contained herein), will soften the hearts of all His children and prepare them for the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit so that they will listen attentively to Him. God The Father says, “The Truth will be made known to them with a small voice in their heart… I will talk to them in a gentle way and they can also hear Me.” God The Father spoke to Margaret, “… I will say you are the one who will instruct those who will want to pray the way I ask. And My child, these times are the worst mankind will face. They will see the joy of having a simple question answered. And they will soon see the true saint tell all to pray the way I ask.”

On Tuesday, August 24, 2009, God The Father gave a fuller explanation of why He needs to hear from people of all Faiths the first New Prayer that He gave: “My child, do you want Me to say the true reason why I gave you the prayer? My child, I am The Father in Heaven, and the true Father knows My children. They are searching for the truth, and they must learn that I am their Father, that I have full control over all and that I will give them the full control over any evil power that comes in their path if they pray the way I ask… All must learn to know and recognize My voice in their heart, and when they do they can be in the battle of the good and the evil, and they are in the true forefront. I am in the true battle of good and evil. My child, there will be many who will need the true questions: Am I here with them? Will I listen to them? Will I teach them to pray? Will I hear their voice? I am the Father in Heaven… My child, the prayer is the prayer I gave to you on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2008, and it must be prayed with true dignity and real sanctity and neither can it be falsified or told any way that is not befitting a saint.”

God The Father also said, “I want each and every one of you to please help ME. I love ALL MY CHILDREN! I am the great ‘I AM’ Who loves them and the One Who wants their trust. And the True Redeemer will say, ‘I am HE…’”

On April 3, 2009, The Heavenly Father said, ‘My child, you can… tell all that they will soon see the Face of My Son, and the True Face of Jesus will tell all to pray the way The Father instructs.” God The Father also requests the following about His first New Prayer of five lines: “The New Prayer must be prayed faithfully, diligently, and the way to pray must be carried out with great reverence to The Holy Spirit.” The Heavenly Father promises salvation to ALL who help Margaret with His prayers in His following words: “And there will be a big reward for all of those who have helped you. All of those who have helped you in any way will merit Heaven. And they can rest assured that I will forgive their ancestors of all their sins and the sins of theirs and their immediate family.”

God The Father has requested Margaret to read the book of Joel in the Old Testament and the book of Revelation in the New Testament to understand the importance of His commanded prayers for people of all Faiths (contained herein) and His Outpouring of The Holy Spirit.

Ecclesiastical permission is not required anymore for publication and distribution of revelations, visions, and miracles. After Vatican II, our Church leaders knew (through The Holy Spirit) that all of Heaven would be trying to reach us before the end of time. Therefore, they expected a multitude of heavenly messages and insufficient time for all the faithful to gain Church approvals for these messages. Thus, under the leadership of Pope Paul VI, it became possible for the faithful to make available to the people for their own discernment, and without approval of bishops and priests, the urgent messages of these times. More specifically, a decree of the Sacred Congregation for Doctrine of The Faith was published in the “Official Acts of the Holy See” (A.A.S.) 58/16, dated December 29, 1966. Articles 1399 and 2318 of Canon Law are abrogated by this decree. This decree of abrogation was approved October 14, 1966 by His Holiness, the Sovereign Pontiff Paul VI, who ordered at the same time its publication. This approval by the Holy Father took place during an audience accorded to His Eminence, Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect for the Sacred Congregation for Doctrine of The Faith. The decree was made in Rome, November 15, 1966, and it bears the signature of A. Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect, and P. Parente, Secretary. The decree took effect three months after its publication, hence on March 29, 1967. Please take note:

Canon 1399: Canon 1399 forbade by right the publication of certain books such as those that deal with revelations, visions, prophecies, and miracles. This canon has been repealed.

This means that as far as these publications are concerned, the prohibition is lifted as to their being bound by ecclesiastical law. This means that henceforth Catholics are permitted without need of Imprimatur nor of Nihil Obstat, nor any permission, to publish accounts of revelations, visions, prophecies, and miracles. Of course, visionaries and messengers are bound by conscience that these publications not put in danger the Faith or the Morals. There is no longer any prohibition concerning the narrative of seers be they recognized or not by Ecclesiastical Authority. All the more reason is it permitted for Catholics to frequent places of apparitions, even those not recognized by the Ordinaries of the dioceses or by the Pontiff. The faithful are not subject to any ecclesiastical discipline for the distribution of heavenly messages, nor even for their public prayers.

Thus, seers and visionaries can now print and distribute their messages to people everywhere and are not required to obtain the approval of any bishop or any priest to do so. The people discern for themselves.

God The Father has given to His children of all Faiths nine new prayers and five traditional prayers to prepare us for a “True New Time” of “New Saints” on Earth, which is a completely “New Category” in the history of mankind, during which He will reveal to us “New Truths,” using the words of God The Father.

Mary Agnes Kumar, the typist of Margaret Durbin, points out that Truth in Heaven is infinite, and there is still more that God The Father wants to teach us in this New Time. God The Father says that He wants all His children to pray daily these nine new prayers and these five traditional prayers not only now in this True New Time, but throughout the True New Time, and forever into eternity.

God The Father’s messenger, Margaret Durbin, is formerly from Evansville, Indiana, and she lived also in Kentucky. After moving from Kentucky to Florida briefly, she traveled to Houston, Texas where she was invited to give up her first apartment to stay in the Vietnamese community of St. Joseph’s Condominiums in Houston. She remained with her Vietnamese for about six months before she finally moved to an apartment on the southwest side of Houston. Margaret’s Spiritual Director in Kentucky stated that he believes her messages are authentic, and he also referred her to her bishop.

Throughout approximately 7 ½ years of messages, God The Father has finished giving to Margaret Durbin the following: His 14 Prayers for the True New Time to be prayed by His children of all Faiths, His New Covenantfor the True New Time, His 16 New Commandments for the True New Time (for a complete total now of 26 Commandments), His New Seals for the True New Time, (all of which are contained herein), as well as His two prayers for the True New Time for All Ordained Priests to pray and His message for the True New Time for All Nuns in the world. (God The Father’s two prayers for all priests and His message to all nuns can be requested through the contact information at the back of this book.)

God The Father stated to Margaret: “My child, I will never leave you or forsake you; you are My messenger…” He continues to give messages to Margaret for her further instruction and support in teaching His commanded prayers. God The Father gave a message to Margaret about the “Garden of Love” in Heaven which is a true and unspeakably beautiful garden. She states that the saints in Heaven are not idle, but busy with many joyful activities, and God can send them on wonderful missions as well, which can help account for the reason that the prayers He has commanded are for all eternity. The saints in Heaven are praying now the 14 prayers that follow in this book. Mary Agnes Kumar explains that even after arriving in Heaven, with each new mission assigned, we should ask for a new prayer to begin it, that we may know what God wants to hear from us in preparation for it.

All prayers (both new ones and traditional ones that follow) are printed here in the chronological order (from first prayer to last prayer) as God The Father gave them to Margaret Durbin of Houston, Texas, USA for His children of all Faiths to begin praying daily now throughout the True New Time and for all eternity.

Message from God The Father given to Margaret Durbin on May 31, 2010 in Houston, Texas, USA:

“… I am in the true Sanctuary. I will tell all they all must pray the true ‘Our Father,’ the true ‘Hail Mary,’ the true ‘Glory Be to The Father,’ before they say, ‘Father, do You hear me?’ And they must pray the true ‘Our Father,’ the true ‘Hail Mary,’ the true ‘Glory Be to The Father,’ before each prayer in the book as well. This all must all be done the way I am asking, and it all will be done satisfactorily. And there can be no other way. I am going to insist on this as well…”

Prayers of God The Father
for The True New Time

Before beginning each prayer, pray the “Our Father,” “Hail Mary,” and “Glory Be.” Also, after the Concluding Prayer, pray the “Our Father,” “Hail Mary,” and “Glory Be,” as follows:

Our Father:

“Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.”

Hail Mary:

“Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen”

Glory Be:

“Glory be to The Father, and to The Son, and to The Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

First Prayer

(First New Prayer commanded by God The Father for His children of all Faiths to pray now, throughout the True New Time, daily, and forever. Given by God The Father to His messenger, Margaret Durbin, in her home in Owensboro, Kentucky on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2008.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be
“Father, do You hear me?” (pause and listen)
“Father, will You show me the new way to pray?” (pause and listen)
“Father, are You listening to me?” (pause and listen)
“Father, can I help You do what You ask?” (pause and listen)
“Father, do You want me to do what I hear?” (pause and listen)

Second Prayer

(New “Sinner’s Prayer” commanded by God The Father for His children of all Faiths to pray now, throughout the True New Time, daily, and forever. Given by God The Father to His messenger, Margaret Durbin, in her home in Owensboro, Kentucky, USA on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2008.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Sinner’s Prayer:

“I am a sinner, and I have sinned against my own free will and the Will of The Father in Heaven.”
“I am now going to ask the True Father in Heaven for forgiveness.”
“I am asking the True Father to forgive me of my sins, and then I will try to sin no more.”
“I am the true servant of The Father in Heaven. I am he/she, and
“I will serve The Father in Heaven from now on and forever.”

Third Prayer

(Third New Prayer commanded by God The Father on January 20, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be
“Father, do You hear me?”
“Father, are You The Father in Heaven?”
“Father, can I ask You if I can do Your Holy and Divine Will?”
“Father, will You tell me what You want of me?”
“Father, will You do the truest thing of the truest?”
“Father, will You tell me the most necessary?”
“Father, will I, a sinner such that I am, be in the true Heaven?”
“Father, will You help me instruct all those who come into the true Holy of Holies?”
“Father, will You tell me the true saint can do Your Holy Will?”
“Father, will You tell me the way to Your Heart?”
“Father, will You say I am in the Heart of Your Son?”
“Father, will You tell me the way to the Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, her Heart?”

Fourth Prayer

(Fourth New Prayer commanded by God The Father on January 24, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be
Father, I am now speaking to You Your new questions directed to people of all Faiths, and I will answer “O yes, Father” after each following question:
“Do you want to listen to The Father in Heaven?”
“Do you want to do His Holy and Divine Work?”
“Do you want Me to reveal to you and all the saints the true Holy Eucharist and the real Sacrifice on Calvary?”
“Do you want Me to say I am going to reveal to all the true saints the true ways I want them to honor Me at all times?”
“Do you want Me to give You the true Holy Eucharist with My Hand and let you see the true Holy Eucharist in My Hand?”
“Do you want Me to say all must come to Me in the event they all lose their homes and their churches?”
“I am going to say all must tell Me now that I am their God The Father and I am their Holy Redeemer.”
God The Father, I will now speak to You Your Own response to my answers:
“My child, I am going to be in the true Sanctuary. And all can pray, and they will all listen with their heart. And they must all say they love Me too. I am The Father Who will say all can say the true Sinner’s Prayer.”
“I want all to say they love Me every moment they have and touch their heart I gave to them and say, ‘Father, I am Yours and Yours alone. This is a seal. Amen’.”

Fifth Prayer

(The First Traditional Prayer commanded by God The Father initially on February 8, 2010 for His children of all Faiths is the “Our Father” prayer. He wants it to be prayed in the way He gave it to the Apostles as printed below:

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Our Father:

“Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.”

Sixth Prayer

(The Sixth Prayer is the second Traditional Prayer commanded by God the Father on February 8, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Hail Mary:

“Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

Seventh Prayer

(This is the third Traditional Prayer commanded by God The Father. When Margaret asked God The Father how to call the Third Person of The Holy Trinity, God The Father replied to her that we can call Him “The Holy Spirit.” This traditional prayer was requested by God The Father on February 8, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Glory Be:

“Glory be to The Father, and to The Son, and to The Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

Eighth Prayer

(The Eighth Prayer is the fifth New Prayer commanded by God The Father on March 8, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be
“Father, I am Yours. I am Your servant.”
“Father, when can I receive the true gifts of the true Holy Spirit?” (pause and listen)
“Father, when will I see the true Face of Your Son, Jesus Christ?” (pause and listen)
“Father, when can I start to hear and feel the voice in my heart?” (pause and listen)
“Father, when I get to Heaven will I be able to see my ancestors?” (pause and listen)
“Father, will You tell all they are in the holy accordance of Your Holy Divine Will?” (pause and listen)
“Father, will all the saints tell us they are in the true sanctuary?” (pause and listen)
“Father, will You tell all they must all pray the way You ask?” (pause and listen)
“Father, I will tell all they must pray the way You ask.”
“Father, I tell You I am in agreement with the New Prayer.”
“Father, may I ask you again for the true gifts of the true Holy Spirit?” (pause and listen)
“Father, I will obey You, and I cross my heart saying, ‘I am Yours now and forever and ever. Amen.’”

“Father, I am praying very diligently and sincerely the way You ask, and I joyfully await the gifts of the true Holy Spirit. I am with You in the True Arena. Amen.”

Ninth Prayer

(With God The Father’s message preceding it on “Holy Obedience.”)

(The Ninth Prayer is the sixth New Prayer commanded by God The Father. It is entitled “HOLY OBEDIENCE.” This new prayer below with the message preceding it were given by God The Father on March 8, 2010.)

Message from God The Father on Holy Obedience:

“The lesson of Obedience is the only true lesson that I will teach to you and all My children before I send the true Holy Spirit. I will say this lesson will tell all to all pray the way I ask. All must now obey. And all can say they will all obey. My child, do you know of this lesson? I am going to say Holy Obedience is the lesson of the true saint, and all must all pray. And all can say they will tell all they will all pray the way I ask. And many must come to Me and say, ‘Father, I will obey.’”

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Holy Obedience (Prayer):

“I will obey with the heart and soul.”
“I am the saint who must obey.”
“I am the saint who must tell the truth.”
“I am the saint who must tell all they will always say they love You in the true sanctuary.”
“After this prayer, I am praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer, the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer, and the ‘Glory Be’ prayer. I know You have hung and died on the cross and all must tell You they will all obey, and we all must. I know You are in charge of all the prayers that You have given to us. And all are in the True Arena with You and must all pray. And all must say they will all obey.”

Tenth Prayer

(The Tenth Prayer is the fourth Traditional Prayer commanded by God The Father on March 10, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Angel of God Prayer
(Prayer to the Guardian Angel):

“Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.”

Message from God The Father about the above prayer: “And ask this angel to please tell them where they can go to the nearest sanctuary and be free from the harm that awaits them as well. And all of My children must now pray to this angel. And they can all say they will be saved from all harm. My child, there are many who must pray this prayer and tell Me they are all going to pray this prayer. I am going to say all of My children must all pray the prayer to their guardian angel, and they can all say this angel will keep them free from all harm. And the true angel will now tell them they must all pray… My child, there are many who must pray to their guardian angel and ask the angel to help guide them to the safe place.”

Eleventh Prayer

(The Eleventh Prayer is the fifth Traditional Prayer commanded by God The Father on March 10, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Act of Contrition:

“O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.”

Message from God the Father about the above prayer: “My child, I am now going to say all of My children must all pray the true ‘Act of Contrition,’ and they must say they will all pray it.”

Twelfth Prayer

(The Twelfth Prayer is the seventh New Prayer and it contains Words from God The Father for us to read back to Him. It was commanded by God The Father on March 18, 2010.)

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be
“I am God The Father, The Son, The True Holy Spirit; I am all Three, One God, the True Holy Trinity and the Holy Sacrifice on Calvary. I am the true Jesus Christ Who became man and was born of the Holy Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother. I sacrificed for all of My children to suffer and die on the Cross for their sins, and they now say I am not The Father in Heaven? I am the true Father, the true God The Father. I am now going to say once more, ‘The true saints to give you the New Prayers are Margaret Durbin and Do Van Nguyen.’”

Thirteenth Prayer

(The Thirteenth Prayer is the Eighth New Prayer and “Final New Prayer.” It was commanded by God The Father on March 18, 2010.)

Introductory Message from God The Father to the Final New Prayer:

“My child, I am going to give you one more prayer, and then you can say it will be the final prayer, and it goes like this.”

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Final New Prayer:

“I will say the prayer in the sanctuary and the true church and the true homes of the true saints, and I will say the prayer in the car, the airplane, and anywhere, the true synagogue, the true mosque, in the true Faiths of all denominations of the true saints everywhere:
‘I am the true Father in Heaven. I will deliver all My children from the bondage they are in, and I will say they all must pray the way I ask now and forever. Amen.’”

Concluding Prayer

This 14th Prayer is the Ninth New Prayer commanded by God The Father on April 24, 2010, and it consists of two concluding questions as follows to be asked to God The Father after the Final Prayer has been prayed:

Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be
“Father, when will I see the true Holy Spirit?” (pause and listen)
“Father, when will I go to Heaven?”
Our Father -- Hail Mary -- Glory Be

Concluding Message from God The Father given on the same date:

And I will say this must be asked after they have all prayed the FINAL PRAYER, and this must be. I am the true God The Father… After the final prayer is prayed, this must be prayed. My child, there will be one to say you cannot do this. I am in charge. I am saying all will all know my true Wrath if My commands are not followed. And all must do as I ask. And the true Command will be justified. I am the true God The Father in Heaven, and the true saint I am telling this to is the true Margaret Durbin. All must tell all they can all pray. Now I am giving you the true prayer to be prayed when you are in need: Ask the true God The Father, When will we see the true Holy Spirit? When will we go to Heaven?’”

I will ask all to all ask Me, ‘Father, when can I say the true prayers?’ I will say they must be prayed all night and all day and from now on and forever and ever. In the true Heaven, all are praying all the prayers I gave to you. I am going to say all of My children will tell each other they are to all pray. They all must. And they must all pray the way I ask.

My child, there are many in the True Arena, and they will say they are not going to all pray. But I will know them by name. I am going to tell them they have this time to pray. I will say that they will all pray. And all must. And all the saints are all praying to tell them they will all see the true Son of the true Father in Heaven, the true Jesus Christ. Now, My child, the final prayer will be told to all of My children and prayed everywhere they can all pray:

“I will say the prayer in the sanctuary and the true church and the true homes of the true saints, and I will say the prayer in the car, the airplane, and anywhere, the true synagogue, the true mosque, in the true Faiths of all denominations of the true saints everywhere:

“I am the true Father in Heaven. I will deliver all My children from the bondage they are in, and I will say they all must pray the way I ask now and forever. Amen.”

My child, there will be one to say the True Faith will have a New Mass. And this will be very soon… My child, the true Roman Catholic Pontiff will say the Mass will all be prayed in the true fashion of the true way.

“… My child, I am going to say all the children will all be in the True Arena… I am going to say all will fight the fight… And I can say all will be a real blessing in the New Truth. And all will say they can all pray.

Throughout His many messages to Margaret Durbin, God The Father has repeated Himself over and over, again and again, that all His Children of all Faiths must now pray the way He asks…

And they must all pray all the true prayers the way I ask. And all must.” (April 24, 2010)

Message from God The Father given to Margaret Durbin on April 19, 2010 in Houston, Texas, USA:

My child, one has stated that the prayers be altered. I am in charge and say, No, none of this, I will say these can be the true Words I have given and this must be’. (Question from Margaret: ‘Father, are the prayers to be prayed after Jesus comes? after we go to Heaven as well?’) “I am in the true Holy Sanctuary. They must all be prayed now and forever on Earth and in Heaven, and for all eternity. A divine intervention is the true intervention and no other. I am in charge. I will say all must pray the way I askAnd all must not change anything. I am in chargeAnd all can say they will tell all to all pray. My child, I am in the true Sanctuary and the true saint will say she has the true right to be in the pathway… All must work together to bring about the true restoration of My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and all must work together to do this… They must all pray the prayers everyday and the true prayer must be prayed every night. My child, you must tell all they can pray all the prayers any time of the day or night. I am not limiting any of them.

“And they can say I will answer them. I will express the true certainty of the true saint”…

Message from God The Father given to Margaret Durbin on April 5, 2010 in Houston, Texas, USA:

“I am the True Revealer. I am the True Luxurious. I am the True Saint. I am the True Son of The Father, the True Holy Spirit. I am the real, Holy Blessed Mary Ever Virgin. I am All of These. I am the True Sacrifice in the Holy Mass that is the only Sacrifice to be created on Earth in all the churches. I am All of This. My child, I am the true saint’s only Refuge and the true saint’s only Revealer. I am the True Saint. I am going to say all will tell all to all pray, and I will always say I am the True Father. I am the only Father in Heaven. I am the only Holy Redeemer. I am the True Sacrifice of the True Saint. I am the Real Saint. I am the True Father in Heaven.”

All Prayers That Follow Have Also Been Commanded
By God The Father For All His Children

Prayer to The Holy Spirit

(Opening prayer of the “Chaplet of the Precious Blood” in the “Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ” prayer book):

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the Earth.
L: Let us pray.
O God, Who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of The Holy Spirit, grant that by the same Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The Holy Rosary of the True Blessed Virgin Mary

God The Father requested on January 10, 2011 that the Rosary be added in its entirety to His Prayer Book for the True New Time
for all His Children.

God The Father and Jesus provide the introductory words to each decade of the Rosary that follows here.

All must all pray like this:

I believe in God, The Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, His Only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by The Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead and into Hell. On the third day He rose again, ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right Hand of God The Father Almighty, from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in The Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

*Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

*Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.* (3 times)

*Glory Be to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

‘Fatima Prayer’ which was given by Our Blessed Mother Mary at Fatima, Portugal to be prayed after each Glory Be of the Rosary as follows.

O My Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of Hell. Relieve the holy souls in Purgatory, especially the most abandoned.”

The Joyful Mysteries:

First Decade - The Annunciation:

“This is when the angel appeared to the Holy Mary, the true Virgin, and announced She was to become the true Mother of Jesus Christ.”

Our Father…. 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Second Decade - The Visitation:

“My children, this must be remembered because this was when the true Saint Joseph asked all to be the true saints to practice love of the neighbor.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Third Decade – The Nativity, the Birth of Jesus:

“My dear children, remember Me, Jesus Christ, when you pray the true Our Father, the true Hail Mary’s. And say all must be done now according to My Holy and Divine Word of praise and all thanksgiving.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fourth Decade - The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus in the Temple:

“My children must all pray this and remember Me, Jesus Christ, when I (later) went to the temple to teach to all the true truths of My Kingdom, and to tell them all they must all pray the way I ask.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fifth Decade - The Finding of Jesus in the Temple:

“My children, this must be taught to tell all of Our children they must not stray away from Us, the true Holy Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and Saint Joseph, the true foster father of Jesus, and the true Holy Trinity, The Father, The Son, and the true Holy Spirit.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

The Luminous Mysteries:

First Decade - The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus:

“This must be remembered, as the true Saint John the Baptist did this as well to Me, your Jesus Christ. One must be purified and made whole to be in the true Kingdom.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Second Decade - Jesus Manifests Himself at Cana:

“This was the true wedding feast. I, Jesus Christ, performed My first miracle there, and the true Mary, My Mother, told the true Pharisees to do as I ask.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Third Decade - Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom of God:

“I am that Kingdom, Jesus Christ; I have lived, suffered, died, and hung on the Cross for all to be saved from their sins; yet, they say I am not their God The Father?”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fourth Decade - The Transfiguration of Our Lord, Jesus Christ:

“This must be told: I am going to say all must now know I was dead, I returned to life, and I appeared to My true apostles and told them, ‘I am He; I am Jesus Who has risen; touch My Holy Wounds and believe’.”

“God The Father, (Margaret continues), “For the Luminous Mystery of the Transfiguration, You spoke of the appearances of Jesus after His resurrection. Is this my human error in the transcription of Your message?” God The Father replies, “My child, the true Jesus came and told His apostles He would ascend to The Father, and they said, ‘There must be another.’ My child, there will be one to tell one, ‘There is one who will say all must be accomplished.’ I am in the accomplishment.” Mary Agnes Kumar says (to me, Margaret), “The Transfiguration shows Jesus in His glorified state of accomplishment even before His Sacrifice took place on the Cross which was to come. God The Father links the Transfiguration with Jesus’ appearances after the Resurrection to highlight the accomplishment of Jesus and God The Father, and Their accomplishment still yet to come.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fifth Decade - The Institution of the True Holy Eucharist:

“I will say I am Jesus Christ, the true Body, the true Blood; I will say all must all believe in Me; all must all know, I AM their True Savior; I have come to reveal to all they all must all pray the way I ask.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

The Sorrowful Mysteries:

First Decade - The Agony in the Garden:

“By this, I, Jesus Christ, prayed to The Father in Heaven when I was told I was to be the True Sacrifice on Calvary; all must know and all believe.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Second Decade - Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar:

“I, Jesus Christ, was whipped. My Flesh was all torn away and the true angels came and carried Piece by Piece of My Flesh to Heaven.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Third Decade - Our Lord is Crowned with Thorns:

“This must be to tell all the Anti-Christ will say you are his. And you can never remember anything, but to risk Me, Jesus Christ, and your soul to disobey. So pray.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fourth Decade - Our Lord Carries His Cross:

“The true Cross in life must be redeemed to be the true sacrifice which we all must be. ‘Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.’” (Margaret adds, “These are the Words of Jesus Christ.”)

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fifth Decade - The Crucifixion:

“This must be remembered as the true sacrifice on Calvary. I, Jesus Christ, was that ultimate and Holy and Divine Sacrifice to be in the true face of sinners.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

The Glorious Mysteries:

First Decade – The Resurrection:

Margaret asks God The Father, “How do you want the first Glorious Mystery in the true prayer book worded?” Jesus responds, “My child, the true mystery must be read thus: ‘I am the Resurrection. I am the Life. And there must be one to say I died and was buried, and then I went to the true dead. The true Father was waiting for the true just to be judged, so I sent them to Him. I then went to Hell and told them they should have listened and obeyed. They will be there for all of eternity.’”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Second Decade - The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven:

“I, Jesus Christ, am the Giver of all life. I went to The Father in Heaven to tell Him, ‘I am the True Saint; I am the True Deliverer, and I have done what You asked of Me, Your true Jesus Christ, Our True Savior of all mankind.’”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Third Decade - The Descent of the True Holy Spirit:

“I, Jesus Christ, will soon come and say, ‘I am here on Earth to tell all they must all pray the way I ask. And they must all ask Me for the true seven gifts of the true Holy Spirit.’ I must do this; I must say they will be rewarded according to their good deeds.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fourth Decade - The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Mary into Heaven:

“Mary, Jesus’ Holy Mother, was taken into heaven to show to all She was the most pure, the most sinless, the most sincere, the truest Mother of all Her children and of Jesus Christ, the true Savior.”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Fifth Decade - The Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth:

“Mary is Jesus Christ’s true Mother. She is the true Queen of all the saints and the angels. She is the true Mother of all Her children; you must all remain faithful to Her as well, and repeat, ‘I love You,’ cross your heart and say, ‘I will be Yours now and forever and ever.’”

Our Father… 10 Hail Mary… Glory be to The Father… O My Jesus… (Fatima Prayer)

Hail, Holy Queen
(Final prayer of the Rosary)

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! Our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, Thine eyes of mercy towards us; and after this our exile show unto us the Blessed Fruit of Thy Womb Jesus;

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
− Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God
− That we may become worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

Original Prayer to St. Michael

(To be prayed holding Crucifix aloft, and found in the “Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ” prayer book):

O Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.

Fight this day the battle of The Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wonders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the Earth in order to blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.

These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of the most Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee Holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of Hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of Peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of The Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

L: Behold the Cross of The Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.
R: The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered.
L: Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.
R: As we have hoped in Thee.
L: O Lord, hear my prayer.
R: And let my cry come unto Thee.
L: Let us pray

O God, The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy Holy Name, and as supplicants we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin, Immaculate and Our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen.

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O fountain of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.

“O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus, as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You.” (3 times)
Our Father – Hail Mary – Apostles Creed
(On large beads) Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins, and those of the whole world. 
(Small beads) For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
(Finishing the Chaplet) Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. (3x)
Eternal God, in Whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments, we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your Holy Will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.
Jesus, I Trust in You. (3 times)

The Chaplet Of Renewal
(The Roses of the Glorious Reign)

To be recited on ordinary Rosary beads

(This was given on June 9, 2003 by Our Blessed Mother to the visionary of the Precious Blood Devotion, Barnabas Nwoye, in Nigeria.)

Our Lady said: “I come to offer you and the whole world another great gift from the Hand of the Eternal Father. It is a gift of joy for all hearts that have received God's Kingdom and also a gift of true repentance to all who receive it with hope. The gift is the Roses of the Glorious Reign... Receive it from me, for blessed are the hands that will receive it. This prayer shall be used to welcome the feast day of the Glorious Reign at midnight from the 13th to the 14th of September, and to close the day by 11:00 pm on the 14th of September before the kissing of the cross at midnight. The prayer shall be sung and offered with candlelight adoration to welcome the Spirit of the New Pentecost.”

Prayer to The Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the Earth.
L: Let us pray:
O God, Who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of The Holy Spirit, grant that by the same Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Apostles Creed* (On crucifix) ...
 Our Father* & Hail Mary* (on first bead)...
Glory Be's* (on set of 3 beads) ...


O Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth, as It is in Heaven.


The Eternal Father's Plan to Redeem the World by Sending His Only Begotten Son
(Pause and meditate)

A voice cried out from the Highest Throne saying, “Whom shall I send, who will go and redeem the world and bring My Kingdom down to them?” In the absence of any response, Jesus the Eternal Word said, “Here I am, send Me Father.”
O God, by the merits of this mystery, make me an instrument of salvation and renewal for the world. Amen.
Our Father* & Hail Mary* (on first bead)...
L: Come Holy Spirit, come into my heart and fill the hearts of the faithful
R: And renew the face of the Earth. (on 10 beads)
Glory Be* ...


O Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth, as It is in Heaven.


A Little Girl Called Mary was Chosen to be
the Daughter of God the Father,
Mother of God The Son
and Spouse of God The Holy Spirit
(Pause and meditate)

God sent an Angel to a little girl named Mary in the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to announce the birth of His only begotten Son. At the greeting of the Angel, The Holy Spirit descended upon her, and she conceived of The Holy Spirit. In the end, she gave birth to the Redeemer of the world.
O God, by the merits of this mystery, give me the grace of purity and of humility, so that by humility I will crush the head of Satan and by purity my soul will be Your tabernacle. Amen.
Our Father* & Hail Mary* (on first bead)...
L: Come Holy Spirit, come into my heart and fill the hearts of the faithful
R: And renew the face of the Earth. (on 10 beads)
Glory Be* ...


O Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth, as It is in Heaven.


God Reveals His Son to the World
(Pause and meditate)

When the time came, God revealed His Son to the world: First at His Baptism in the river Jordan when God said, “This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.” (Mt 3:17) and again, during the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor when He added, “Listen to Him.” (Mt 17:5)
O God, by the merits of this mystery, give me the grace to be what You created me to be, so as to do what You created me to do. Amen.
Our Father* & Hail Mary* (on first bead) ...
L: Come Holy Spirit, come into my heart and fill the hearts of the faithful
R: And renew the face of the Earth. (on 10 beads)
Glory Be* ...


O Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth, as It is in Heaven.


Jesus Proclaims
the Kingdom of God on Earth
(Pause and meditate)

When the right time came, after fasting and being tempted by the devil, Jesus went into the cities of the world and proclaimed the Kingdom of God saying, “Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand.” He went about doing good and calling sinners back to God:
O God, by the merits of this mystery, give me the grace to proclaim Your Kingdom on Earth by words and actions, so that Your Kingdom will reach the ends of the Earth soon. Amen.
Our Father* & Hail Mary* (on first bead)...
L: Come Holy Spirit, come into my heart and fill the hearts of the faithful
R: And renew the face of the Earth. (on 10 beads)
Glory Be* ...


O Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth, as It is in Heaven.


Triumph on the Cross
(Pause and Meditate)

As man was defeated on the tree, man will be redeemed on the tree; so that the tree of man's downfall will be the tree of man's resurrection. And He came to His people, but His people did not welcome Him. Rather, they dragged Him to the mountain called Golgotha where they nailed Him on the Cross. On that Cross, Christ announced His Triumph saying, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)
O God, by the merits of this mystery, strengthen the faith of Your little ones on Earth. May they unite with Your Church to conquer the Red Dragon for the manifestation of Your Glorious Reign. Amen.
Our Father* & Hail Mary* (on first bead) ...
L: Come Holy Spirit, come into my heart and fill the hearts of the faithful
R: And renew the face of the Earth. (on 10 beads)
Glory Be* ...


O Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth, as It is in Heaven.
(3 times)

Hail Holy Queen*
(which is the final prayer also of the Rosary.… See Rosary for this prayer.)

Note: The Chaplet continues with the Litany of the Saints, the Consecration to the Precious Blood, and Prayers for all Benefactors of the Precious Blood Devotion, which follow.


Note: All responses are printed in bold. Only respond when you see a star*.

Lord, have mercy on us*
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us*
Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of Heaven*
*Have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world*
God The Holy Spirit*
Holy Trinity, One God*
Holy Mary*
*Pray for us
Holy Mother of God*
Holy Virgin of virgins*
Saint Michael*
Saint Gabriel*
Saint Raphael*
All ye holy Angels, And Archangels*
All ye holy orders of blessed spirits*
Saint John the Baptist*
Saint Joseph*
All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets*
Saint Peter*
Saint Paul*
Saint Andrew*
Saint James*
Saint John*
Saint Thomas*
Saint James*
Saint Philip*
Saint Bartholomew*
Saint Matthew*
Saint Simon*
Saint Thaddeus*
Saint Matthias*
Saint Barnabas*
Saint Luke*
Saint Mark*
All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists*
All ye holy Disciples of Our Lord *
All ye holy Innocents*
Saint Stephen*
Saint Lawrence*
Saint Vincent*
Saints Fabian and Sebastian*
Saints John and Paul*
Saints Cosmas and Damian*
Saints Gervase and Protase*
All ye holy Martyrs*
Saint Sylvester*
Saint Gregory*
Saint Ambrose*
Saint Augustine*
Saint Jerome*
Saint Martin*
Saint Nicholas*
All ye holy Bishops And Confessors*
All ye holy Doctors*
Saint Anthony*
Saint Benedict*
Saint Bernard*
Saint Dominic*
Saint Francis*
All ye holy Priests And Levites*
All ye holy Monks And Hermits*
Saint Mary Magdalen*
Saint Agatha*
Saint Lucy*
Saint Agnes*
Saint Cecilia*
Saint Catherine*
Saint Anastasia *
All ye holy Virgins and Widows*
All ye holy Men and Women, Saints of God*
Interceed for us
Be merciful*
Spare us, O Lord
Be merciful*
*Graciously hear us, O Lord
From all evil*
*O Lord, deliver us
From all sin *
From Thy wrath*
From a sudden and unprovided death*
From the deceits of the devil*
From anger, hatred, and all ill-will*
From the spirit of fornication*
From lightning and tempest*
From the scourge of earthquake *
From plague, famine, and war*
From everlasting death*
Through the mystery of Thy Holy Incarnation*
Through Thy coming*
Through Thy Nativity*
Through Thy Baptism and holy fasting*
Through Thy Cross and Passion*
Through Thy Death and Burial*
Through Thy Holy Resurrection*
Through Thine admirable Ascension*
Through the coming of The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete*
In the day of Judgement*
We sinners*
*We beseech Thee, hear us
That Thou wouldst spare us*
That Thou wouldst pardon us*
That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance*
That Thou wouldst govern and preserve Thy Holy Church*
That Thou wouldst preserve our Apostolic Prelates and all ecclesiastical orders in the holy religion*
That Thou wouldst humble the enemies of Thy Holy Church*
That Thou wouldst give peace and true concord to Christian kings and princes*
That Thou wouldst grant peace and unity to all Christian people*
That Thou wouldst bring back to the unity of the Church all those who have strayed from the truth, and lead to the light of the Gospel all unbelievers*
That Thou wouldst confirm and preserve us in Thy holy service*
That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires*
That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors*
That Thou wouldst deliver our souls and those of our brethren, relations, and benefactors from eternal damnation*
That Thou wouldst give and preserve the fruits of the Earth*
That Thou wouldst give eternal rest to all the faithful departed*
That Thou wouldst graciously hear us*
Jesus, Son of the Living God*
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world*
Spare us, O Lord
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world*
Graciously hear us, O Lord
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world*
Have mercy on us
Christ, hear us*
Christ, graciously hear us
Lord, have mercy*
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy*
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy*
Lord, have mercy.

Consecration To The Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ

Conscious, merciful Savior, of my nothingness and of Thy sublimity, I cast myself at Thy feet and thank Thee for the many proofs of Thy grace shown to me, Thy ungrateful creature. I thank Thee especially for delivering me by Thy Precious Blood from the destructive power of Satan. In the presence of my dear Mother Mary, my guardian angel, my patron saint and of the whole company of heaven, I dedicate myself voluntarily with a sincere heart, O dearest Jesus, to Thy Precious Blood, by which Thou hast redeemed the world from sin, death and hell. I promise Thee with the help of Thy grace and to the utmost of my strength to stir up and foster devotion to Thy Precious Blood, the price of our redemption, so that Thy adorable Blood may be honored and glorified by all. In this way, I wish to make reparation for my disloyalty towards Thy Precious Blood of love and to make satisfaction to Thee for the many profanations which men commit against that precious price of their salvation. O would that my own sins, my coldness and all the acts of disrespect I have ever committed against Thee, O Holy Precious Blood, could be undone. Behold, O dearest Jesus, I offer to Thee the love, honor and adoration, which Thy most Holy Mother, Thy faithful disciples and all saints have offered to Thy Precious Blood. I ask Thee to forget my earlier faithlessness and coldness and to forgive all who offend Thee. Sprinkle me, O divine Savior, and all men with Thy Precious Blood, so that we, O crucified Love, may love Thee from now on with all our hearts and worthily honor the Price of our salvation. Amen.

We fly to your patronage, O Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and Blessed Virgin. Amen.

Prayers for All Benefactors
of the Precious Blood Devotion:

Our Father* … Hail Mary* ... Glory Be* ...

Additional Prayers Later Requested By God The Father
To Be Added To This Book Of His Prayers
For The “True New Time”

X Three New Prayers requested by God The Father

God The Father later gave three additional prayers on December 10, 2010 for His children of All Faiths to pray as follows which are included here in His Prayer Book for the True New Time:

1.) “Please send The Holy Spirit and reveal to me the true way to pray. I am a sinner and I have sinned against The Father’s Holy and Divine Will. And I am going to try to achieve a better way to live, and tell all that I am going to do better, and say I am in the Holy and Divine Arena. All glory be given to The Father, The Son, and The True Holy Spirit, and all glory be given and must be given to the True Blessed Holy Mary, The True Mother of Jesus Christ.”

2.) “I am in the true Heart of Your Son. I will ask Him to reveal to me the true way to pray, and I will ask You to seal all of those whose lives are all in the true balance and who do not know how to pray. Father, I am a sinner. I will tell all they all must all pray. I love You in the true sense. I know You have given all one last chance to know You before You send the True Holy Spirit. You are The True God The Father.”

3.) “You are the True Father in the true Heaven. All must come to You now and say they will all pray the way You ask. We all will trust in You, our Holy and Divine Savior, and we all will say we want to be in the True Arena as well. I will obey. I will do as The True Father is asking, and I will do as The True Holy Mary, The True Mother of Jesus Christ, has told all of Your visionaries and messengers and all the saints who have listened to Her to tell all they all must now know the true Rose on the Mountain, and the true Margaret Durbin, whom You have chosen to represent Yourself. We all must say we have the true knowledge of her and tell her she can be in the True Arena, and all must all pray the way You ask. We all must agree with Your Plan, the final plan for all of mankind. We know You are in the Plan, and all must all obey and say we will all trust in You. All must say, ‘You are The True Father in Heaven, Who is going to send The True Holy Spirit to each one very soon.’ We all must obey and say we will all pray the way You ask, and we all must listen to Your messenger and ask her to tell the true power of the true Prayers and Seals You have given this night and this day. Amen.” (Dec 10, 2010).

God the Father’s New Covenant,
His Sixteen New Commandments and His New Seals
for the “True New Time”
as given to His Messenger, Margaret Durbin of Houston, Texas, USA.

New Covenant:

I am God The Father of ALL My children.” On March 31, 2009 in Owensboro, Kentucky, God The Father gave a New Covenant to Margaret Durbin with His Words as follows: My child, I am now going to say there is a sign of the New Covenant: My child, I am God The Father of ALL My children. And this is a New Covenant and a New Seal of the new millennium. Never will there be another… I am the New Covenant. I am The True Father in Heaven… And the Everlasting Covenant will be the Memorandum for all of Eternity… On April 3, 2009, God The Father said to Margaret, “My child, you are the true saint who will tell all to pray… and the true saint can say that the true Faith will never be the old Faith. I am going to bring about a New Church and the True Church will always be the one I have established, and the Glorious Reign of Peace will be forever and ever.”

God The Father has repeated again and again to Margaret Durbin that ALL His children are in the arena with Him. He stated on March 5, 2010 in Houston, Texas to Margaret Durbin, “I am The Father of all My children. I am going to reveal to all of My children the True New Time. I will send the true Holy Spirit to all of My children. This is a token of My undying Love. All must come to Me now, and they must all cross their heart and say, ‘Father, I love You now and forever. Amen.’”

God The Father now prepares us for the glorious “True New Time” before the arrival of Jesus in Person. God The Father repeats that this True New Time is a time of new saints, and all His children will experience the New Truths that He will pour out into the world “from Heaven’s ocean into all the tributaries on Earth.” God The Father has said that He will deliver all His children from the bondage they are in. All the children of God The Father owe a big thanks to Our Blessed Mother, Mary Ever Virgin in Heaven, for obtaining for us this “grace period” for the establishment of peace and the salvation of many souls before the arrival in Person of Her Divine Son Jesus.

Now is the True New Time.

Sixteen New Commandments Given By God The Father
For His “True New Time.”

God The Father has given to His children of all Faiths sixteen New Commandments to carry us through the True New Time. The sixteen New Commandments given over a period of time by God The Father to His messenger, Margaret Durbin, are:

Eleventh Commandment:

All the children of God The Father must pray the way God The Father instructs.

Twelfth Commandment:

All the children of God The Father must obey Him.

Thirteenth Commandment:

The New Truths will be known, and we must cooperate with God The Father in making known to all His children His New Truths.

Fourteenth Commandment:

We must listen to God The Father and to His messenger, Margaret Durbin, to whom He has given His New Covenant, entrusted all the New Commandments (to be carried out to the fullest), and given His 14 prayers for the True New Time (to be taught to all His children of all Faiths.)

Fifteenth Commandment:

All must trust in God The Father and His Great Mercy.

Sixteenth Commandment:

We must instruct all those whose lives are in the balance.

Seventeenth Commandment:

All must say they will remain true to the Commands of God The Father.

Eighteenth Commandment:

All must say they all know God The Father, and no other gods will be the true God. Words of God The Father: “I am the true Infinite Spirit of the True Heaven, and I am going to say there shall be no other gods they can serve; only Me.”

Nineteenth Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “All are going to see the True Son, Jesus Christ, walk the true face of the Earth, and this will be very soon, and this will tell all they can all pray the way I ask.

Twentieth Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “All will be accomplished in accordance with My Holy and Divine Will now, and all will obey, trust, and pray in the true fashion.”

Confirmation of Twentieth Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “I am going to say all will not pray the way I ask. But all must. All will. I am going to say all will… and they will all say they all must, all can, all will; I am going to say all will… the true saint must tell all now the truth and everything I have told you so far… then there will be a Great Awakening… a True Awakening. I am going to say all of My children will then begin to all pray the way I ask. And all must.”

Twenty-first Commandment:

Tell all the true boundary of The True Holy Spirit: “They must all pray to the True Holy Spirit to give each one the True Faith of the true Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and this will say I am in the True Arena.”

Twenty-second Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “(This commandment) will say I am the Resurrection and the Life. All who believe in Me will have everlasting life. And all who do not want to believe that I am God The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit will not get to Heaven. They will be in another state of eternity, and all (of them) will not know of Me at all. My child, I will say all are not going to say they will all pray the way I ask. But, I will say I am in the True Arena…”

Twenty-third Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “All of My children must all say I am the true God The Father. I will say I am the true Son of The Father. I am the true Holy Spirit. All of My children can say they will tell Me they will all say that I am the true God The Father. I will tell all they can all pray the way I ask. The true commandments are all fulfilled; they have all been all redeemed now. My child, I am going to say all are in the True Arena. And all can say they will tell all they can all pray the way I ask…”

Twenty-fourth Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “This will be the true commandment to tell all they can all say they have a true Mother in Heaven. She will say all are going to honor Her. And all will see Her on the 13th of every month in the true sky at 12 midnight if they are outside. They can all pray the true ‘Hail Mary’ (to the) Queen of Heaven. All will say they have a true Mother. My child, I have never done this as a promise. I am going to say all will all see My Son’s Holy Mother in the sky on the 13th of every month. All will say She is the true Mother of Jesus. And all can say they must all pray, and ask Her to intercede for them as well. All will see Her in the true sky on the 13th of every month. And they should go outside and look, and they will see Her. My child, all will see Her when She comes to the big city of Houston, Texas. My child, I am going to say all will see Her at the true 12 midnight at the 13th of every month. She will say She is the true Mother of all of My children.”

Twenty-fifth Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “(This commandment) will tell all they can now say they are all in the true Real Arena. And they have all accomplished all they are supposed to do. And they can say they will all pray the way I ask. And all must…”

Twenty-sixth Commandment:

Words of God The Father: “My child, I am going to give you one more Commandment, and this will be the true Commandment to tell all that they have a true messenger. And all are not to tell her she is not chosen by Me. I am in charge. I am going to say all must tell her they will listen to her, and say they will all listen to her, and say they will all obey and trust her. She has the right to tell all they must all obey, trust, and say they will all be soon in the True Arena. My child, I am going to say all will say they must all obey and say they can trust, but I am going to say all will, all should, and all will, see that you are My messenger very soon. And all will all say they will all listen; all must. And all will see the true Wrath I have. All will tell Me they can all pray the way I ask.”

God The Father continued with the following Words following the twenty-sixth commandment:

“My child, I am going to tell you (in) the True New Time all will say they must all pray and be in the True Arena for the Blessed Mother to come… My child, I am going to say all must tell you now that all will obey and say they will all pray the way I am asking. And all will say they understand all the Commandments… And they all must tell Me they will all listen to you, and all will all obey and say they are all in the True Arena…”

This concludes the New Covenant and the New Commandments given to date by God The Father for His True New Time through Margaret Durbin of Houston, Texas, USA.

Seals of God The Father
for the True New Time

(Printed here in chronological order according to the dates they were received.)

1) March 31, 2009:

The first New Seal granted by God The Father for the True New Time is given in God The Father’s New Covenant as follows: “My child, I am going to say there is a sign of the New Covenant: My child, I am God The Father of ALL My children. And this is a New Covenant and a New Seal of the New Millennium. Never will there be another… I am the New Covenant. I am The True Father in Heaven… And the Everlasting Covenant will be the Memorandum for all of Eternity…

2) April 29, 2009:

The New Seal Of Protection For Margaret Durbin And All Who Help Her:

“My child, I will say I am going to give you a New Seal also, and this will be to protect you and all those who have helped you do My Work. And this will be to provide protection against any and all (harm); from anything they may encounter, any diseases, any catastrophes; (from) anything I will protect them. My child, I will say that this Seal will help all encounter anything, any catastrophe of any kind, and they will do the Will of The Father.”

3) January 24, 2010:

The Seal that must be made by the children of God The Father with Him and which is found at the end of the fourth prayer given by God The Father, as follows: “Father, I am Yours and Yours alone. This is a Seal. Amen.”

This same Seal from us was requested earlier by God The Father on March 28, 2009 and March 31, 2009.

4) May 01, 2010:

The Seal of Everlasting Life: “I am going to seal My Children with the Seal of Everlasting Life. And all will all know Me. A triumphant Victory and Entrance to My Heavenly Home will be their final reward. And I am going to say all must now pray the way I ask…”

5) December 10, 2010:

The Seal For All Those Whose Lives Are In The True Balance And Who Do Not Know How To Pray:

“Now, My child, I am going to ask all to repeat after Me, and say they are all in the true Heart of My Son. And they will say they will ask Him to reveal to them the true way to pray and ask Me to seal all those whose lives are all in the true balance who do not know how to pray. All those whose lives are in the balance, who do not know how to pray, who do not know Me, must all have one last chance to repent to be in the True Arena.”

6) December 10, 2010:

The Seal For Those Who Have Not Been In The True Arena Yet:

“I am the True Father in the True Heaven. Now, I am going to seal all those whose lives have not been in the True Arena and all those whose lives will not trust in Me enough to tell Me they all love Me.”

7) December 10, 2010:

The Seal To Establish That All Will Come To God The Father, Pray The Way He Asks, Trust In Him, And Say They Want To Be In The True Arena:

“I am giving you one more Seal, and this will be to say all must come to Me now and say they will all pray the way I ask. And they will all say they will all trust in Me, their Holy and Divine Savior, and they will all say they want to be in the True Arena as well.”

God The Father Says That
The Stigmata Will Be Placed
On The Foreheads Of All His Children Who Obey Him

(See His Words Below)

Four Lessons Of Holy Obedience, given by God The Father to His Messenger, Margaret Durbin, on April 5, 2010 (Monday after Easter Sunday) at 3:15 p.m. at the St. Joseph Condominiums in Houston, Texas, U.S.A.:

First Lesson:

“All will be revealed in the true time. A true mark in the form of a true Cross will appear on each person whom I have chosen, and this mark will be a true red Cross. I will say this will be a permanent sign to say I am going to reveal to all of these, My children, they will all be the true Christians to be in the First Resurrection and they will all say they are all ready to go to Heaven. And, my child, they must all know I am going to do this. I will tell all they will all learn of this, and they can prepare themselves for the true Resurrection. They will all say they will all pray, and they will all do as I ask. And they all must. I am in the true sanctuary.”

Second Lesson:

“(The Second Lesson) will be to tell all they can all pray the way I ask. And they must all ask Me when am I going to put the red Cross on the foreheads of those whose bodies will be resurrected? And I will say this will be very soon. And they will all know I am their God The Father. I will give to all of My children the true Cross, the true stigmata they all deserve, and they will all say, ‘Father, I am not worthy of such an honor.’ But, I will say, ‘It is My Honor to do this as well.’ My child, there are many in the arena. And they must all pray the way I ask. And all of My children will tell all they can all pray. They all must. And My children will all ask Me, ‘Father, will You tell us when You will do the things You have said?’ My child, I will say all will soon have My Mercy. And all will be in the True Arena. And they can all pray the way I ask. And all will very soon have the true stigmata. And they can all have the real saint to help them all to pray. My child, there are going to be many in the True Arena. Those whose lives I have spared will tell all they will all pray. And they all must. And they can say they all will be in the True Arena. And they can all pray.”

Third Lesson:

“I will say all must know of this lesson as well. And they can say they are all in the True Arena. And they can all pray. And they can all say they have a red Cross on their forehead, and they can all say they have the True Father in Heaven. And they can all say they will all know Me as the True Father in Heaven. The True Resurrection will be the Final Resurrection and the one that I will make with all the saints who have truly done My Holy Will. I will say, ‘All will know Me as the True Father in Heaven.’ And all will all say they will all pray. I will ask each one ‘Will you pray the way I ask?’”

Fourth Lesson:

“I will say, ‘This lesson will reveal to all the true accuracy, the true account, of the True God The Father.’ I will say, ‘All must know the true credibility of the true saint. She will allow Me to give her the true Cross first, and this will be the first one.’ My child, I will say, ‘Are you ready to be the first one?’ I will say, ‘All of My children will see the true Cross I put on your forehead. And this will be forever and ever. All will see the true weeping Cross on your forehead. All will know I am their Father in Heaven. I have spoken. I am in the True Arena.’ My child, I will reveal to you and to all of My children the importance of your mission. I will say all will know you as the saint, true saint to be with Me forever and ever.” (God The Father then asked Margaret Durbin to read the Book of Revelation, Chapter 7, Verse 3 of the New Testament in the Bible, which she did. That verse is as follows: “Saying: Hurt not the Earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads.”)

Special Note Regarding These Prayers Given By God The Father
For The True New Time:

Earlier when God The Father first began His work with Margaret Durbin He requested that His first two prayers be posted on church doors. Margaret Durbin posted them on the doors of churches in Owensboro, Kentucky, and Mary Agnes Kumar posted them on the doors of St. John Vianney Church in Houston, Texas. When God The Father gave the first two New Prayers, He also requested that they be sent to the Pope and to all Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops of the world. Mary Agnes Kumar assisted Margaret Durbin to achieve that to the best of their abilities. After that, God the Father requested that the first two New Prayers be placed before everyone, and so they were mailed to heads of state around the world and faxed and emailed to news media around the world with the help of Mary Agnes Kumar of Houston, Texas and other faithful in Owensboro, Kentucky.

Then, God The Father gave His third and fourth New Prayers for the True New Time, and spoke as follows: “The other prayers I gave to you must also be given to all the churches and all the synagogues and all the prayer houses and all places of worship. All must learn of the true saint, and the saint who does all of her work must be known.” The first two prayers given by God The Father were circulated through a one-page flyer which later became two pages and finally three pages at the direction of God The Father.

Finally under the specific directions of God The Father and according to His design, Margaret Durbin, with the help of Do Van Nguyen and Mary Agnes Kumar, compiled the first fourteen prayers of God The Father into the first edition of His prayer book.

God The Father requested Mary Agnes Kumar and Do Van Nguyen, through Margaret Durbin, to place His first fourteen prayers in all churches, synagogues, and all houses of prayer in Houston, Texas. They did this to the best of their abilities. These first fourteen prayers constitute the first edition of this prayer book of God The Father.

Mary Agnes Kumar explains that God The Father wants all of His Prayers for the “True New Time” to be placed in houses of worship of all Faiths everywhere. Through the help of Do Van Nguyen of Houston, Texas, USA, these prayers are being placed where God The Father wants them to go, and God The Father has stated that He wishes for Do Van Nguyen to be known also for this work. On April 19, 2010, God The Father told Margaret Durbin in the Vietnamese community of St. Joseph Condominiums in Houston, that these prayers are to be prayed any time of the day or night and forever. He stated this again on April 24, 2010. The second edition of God The Father’s prayer book included more information from Him for the True New Time, and the third edition organizes it better. This fourth edition contains still more.

Excerpts Of Messages
From God The Father To Margaret Durbin

A timeless Warning 
from God The Father on April 30, 2009:

“… I am going to reveal to you
a timeless warning.
There will be many who will not want
to pray the way I have asked,
and these are the people
who will be doomed in Hell for all eternity.

And their souls will suffer eternal damnation
and the fire of all eternity.
Now, my child, they will never see
the Face of My Son Jesus,
and they will never see the Face
of His Holy Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother.

They are doomed forever,
and the True Saints
will never pray them out of Hell.
My child, you are the true saint
who has tried so hard to tell those of My Warning,
and even you have failed
and they did not want to listen.”

Words of God The Father on April 19, 2010:

“The saints in Heaven
are praying now these prayers.”

“I am in the true Holy Sanctuary.
They must all be prayed now and forever
on Earth and in Heaven, and for all eternity.”

“In the true Heaven, all are praying
all the prayers I gave to you.
I will say they must be prayed
all night and all day
and from now on and forever and ever.”

Words of God The Father on April 19, 2010:

“All must work together
to bring about the true restoration
of My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church,
and all must work together to do this…”

“They must all pray the prayers everyday
and the true prayer must be prayed every night.”

“My child, you must tell all they can pray
all the prayers any time of the day or night.”

“I am not limiting any of them.
And they can say I will answer them.
I will express the true certainty of the true saint.”…

Words of God The Father on December 23, 2010:

“I am going to spare all of My children
from the true perils of the true Anti-Christ
if they all pray the way I ask.”

Words of God The Father on January 4, 2011:

“I am going to do the true inevitable;
I am going to say, I am going to do,
I am going to bring a terrible catastrophe
to all who do not listen to Me
and to My messenger.
I have told her, and told her repeatedly.

… I am asking all to come back to Me now,
and there will be no more time left.
I am not going to give them any more time.

Many times, I have asked, have pleaded
with all My people, to pray, fast,
and stay in the state of grace.
Now, I am going to say all will be done,
all according to My Holy and Divine Word.
I am not going to say any more.
I am going to punish all who do not pray
the way I am asking,
and they will all see their punishment
that I will give to them as well.
And all will all say they must all pray
the way The Father is asking.”

Words of God The Fater on January 09, 2011:

“When they are no longer in the True Arena
they must do as the true Anti-Christ
tells each one to do.
This will be when he takes over.
And all the saints then will have to (do) as he says.
I am no longer going to tell them
they must all pray the way I ask.
I am going to say,
‘I am in the true heavenly realm,
and you disobeyed and did not pray
the way I asked.’”

Words of Our Blessed Mother on January 04, 2011:

“To all of My little children,
the true sacrifice you all have made
has the power to move any mountain
and all the oceans and rivers
in the True Arena you all live in…

There has been many who have not wanted
to listen to His words.
And they must all suffer now
as the chastisements all come…”

Words of God The Father on September 8, 2011  
regarding assistance to Do Van Nguyen to support the distribution of this prayer book for God The Father:

“My child, the true saint will do the inevitable. He will say now all must all do the next task. All must all help him to secure all the prayer books in order that they can be given. And he will say all must help him to distribute the prayer books. And they all must. They all must help pay for the postage, the printing and the distribution of the prayer books. All of my children must all have at least one in every family. And all of My children must all help each other to do as I ask.”


A blog to feature the work of God The Father with His messenger, Margaret Durbin of Houston, Texas, USA can be accessed at the following address:

For more information, you may contact:

Mrs. Mary Agnes Kumar
1527 Darnley Lane
Houston, Texas 77077 – USA
Tel: 1-832-512-5668
Email: preciousbloodtexas@yahoo.com

Mr. Do Van Nguyen
P. O. Box 262482
Houston, Texas 77207 – USA
Email: dovannguyen07@yahoo.com
Donations to help with the printing and shipping of these books should be mailed to Do Van Nguyen at his address on the previous page. A recommended donation for each book is $6.00, and shipping expense for one book is approximately $1.50.

God The Father in His message on September 8, 2011 says: “… All of My children must all have at least one in every family. And all of My children must all help each other to do as I ask.” (Please see page 108.)

The first 14 prayers of God The Father for the “True New Time” were printed and released for the first time in Houston, Texas, USA during the month of June, 2010. The second edition, which includes the New Covenant and New Commandments, was released for the first time in October, 2010, and again later to include the New Seals of God The Father.

God The Father continued to add prayers to His prayer book. The third edition places all of God The Father’s prayers together. These prayers are followed by His New Covenant, His New Commandments, His New Seals, and some of His important messages. The third edition was released for the first time in March 2011. This fourth edition is released in September 2011.

Posted on October 28, 2011
in Houston, Texas, USA.
God The Father
The Father of All Mankind