
Message From God Our Heavenly Father
To Margaret Durbin
On October 20, 2011 At 12:25am:

God Our Heavenly Father is saying, “What I am going to say is now all must all obey and tell Me they will do as I say. I have said I will tell all they are to all pray the way I ask, but I am asking now all (to) do as I ask. I am asking all to all say as many Hail Mary’s as they can all day, all night long. This is to bring Mary our Mother to us and ask her to reveal to us the true nature of her presence in the true sky. She wants to come to Earth and tell us that the true Savior, her Son, wants to come and say how many want to go to Heaven? I want all of My children now all to say they will want to go to Heaven. My child, I want all to all say they want Me to tell them all one by one they all must all prepare themselves, for the true saint has told all she will do the next task. She will tell all they are all to all pray as many Hail Mary’s as must all be allowed, and they must all ask Me to send the true Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. She wants to see us all. She is truly the Mother of Jesus Christ. All must all pray and pray and pray. I am in the true sanctuary, and all must all pray and pray. I will tell all they are all in the True Arena, and all will all say they will all pray the true Hail Mary’s and ask the true Mother does (she) want to bring the True Saint to the true Earth?”

“My child, the True Saint will say all must all pray the way I ask. All will all say they will all pray the way I ask. Mary, our spiritual Mother, will say she is now ready to come to the true Earth and present her Son to the True Arena. She will say please, all must come to Me and pray the way I ask. All must all say they will all do as I ask and tell all they will all pray the way I ask, and all will see the true Mother will present her only Son in the True Arena. The True Saint will say (for) all (to) tell all they are all in the True Arena. All must all pray the way I ask. The True Saint will say all are in the True Arena. My child, the True Saint will say all must all pray the true Hail Mary’s as many times as all will be allowed to pray. The true saint(s) must all do this every day and every night and ask Mary Ever Virgin does she want the world to know her only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ? I am now ready to present Him to the world. A fallen world will now soon see Him, and they should have all prayed the way I ask.”

“The true saints who have told Me they will all pray the way I ask must now ask Me, ‘Heavenly Father, do You know I am waiting to see our Mother?’ I will say all must all know her and say she will tell all she will send her only Son to the True Arena. My child, the True Saint will say all are in the True Arena, and all must all pray the way I ask. I am going to say all are in the True Arena, and all must all pray the way I ask. All who have prayed the way I asked will now pray the true Hail Mary as many times a day and night as they can, and all must all pray with great reverence to the true Holy Mother, the true Mother of Jesus Christ. All must all say they all must all pray the way I have asked, but I will now say I am asking all to all pray the true Hail Mary.”

“The true Mother will soon come and say she will tell all she has the true Son. All must all turn in the true direction. I am going to say all are in the True Arena. All must all pray the way I ask. I am going to say I am almost ready to send My only Son Jesus Christ to a fallen world, and I am going to say I am the true Jesus Christ. I will say all must all pray the way I ask. All will all say they all must all pray the way I insist. I am in the True Arena. I have tried to tell all they all must all pray the way I ask, and they have not done as I asked. So now, I am going to send Jesus’ Holy Mother once more to Earth to tell all her Son is coming. All will all see Him and pray the true way, the way I ask. My child, the True Saint will say now He will tell all they have a true Mother. She will say all must all see the true Mother of God and very soon. She will tell all she has the door open now wide, for the true Jesus Christ will very soon come to the opening and tell all they should have prayed the way I ask. I am in the true opening. I will say all are in the real opening; all who have obeyed and prayed the way I ask.”

“My child, the True Saint will say He will tell all they all must all pray the true Hail Mary as often as they can, day and night. All will very soon see the true Lady in the true sky on a given night, and the true sky will be the true Heaven that will open, and all of My children who have prayed the way I asked can all enter. All will all say they are all going. I am securing all now. All will all say they are all very secure in the knowing that I am going to take all of them to Heaven and very soon. So I will say all must now all pray as many Hail Mary’s as they possibly can, and all must all pray to the true Mother and say she will do as I ask. She will open the door to the true holy sanctuary and tell all they are all in the True Arena.”

“My child, I am going to reveal to you the True New Time is now here. All must all pray the true Hail Mary as often as they can, and they all can say, ‘Mother will you bring your only Son to a fallen world, and will you tell all that you will now do as the true Heavenly Father is asking?’ Pray the true Hail Mary as often as you can, and the desire of My Heart will be to tell each one I am going to send my true and holy, divine Son to a very fallen world very soon. All will all see Him, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against Him. No power of darkness will come and break the true Jesus Christ from coming, and all the saints who have prayed the way I have asked will now very soon ask Me, ‘Heavenly Father, do I need a chain to hold me on the ground?’ I will say, ‘No chain. I am suspending you with a very powerful rope now. All will all come up to Heaven with a very powerful rope.’ My child, I am going to show you the true Holy Lady and very soon.”

“I have said all of your efforts have secured many. All will tell all she is in the true prayer home, and she is in the true sanctuary and the true vehicle to tell all she must now do the final task to tell all she has the true statue, the one who will be in the True Arena, the one who will say, ‘My Son is here.’ All will all see her, the true Mary, the true Mother of God; the true Divine Mercy will soon come. All will all see her in the True Arena. All will all say they see the true Morning Star and the brightest star in the East and very soon. My child, I will now secure all in the knowing I am in the true star in the East, and I will say all are going to pray in the true holy sanctuary, and all must all pray and pray and say now, ‘Mother, true Mother of Jesus Christ, will you tell all that I am the True Saint, to tell all you are the true holy Mary Ever Virgin, the true holy Mary, the true holy Mother of My only Son Jesus Christ?’ All will all soon see her. All will ask her to bring the only Son, the true Savior, our true Heavenly Father, and our true Mary Ever Virgin.”

“Now, My child, I have told you many times you will do as I ask, and you must tell all they are all to pray the true Hail Mary as often as they will allow themselves, day and night, and all the time, and never fail, without fail. I have spoken. I am in the True Arena, and I will now say all will be in the final arena. All will all say they will tell all they all must all pray as many Hail Mary prayers as they can, and all will soon see the True Lady come to the truly fallen world. All will say I have told all I am in the True Arena. I have secured all in the True Arena. I will say all will all be in the True Arena when they all see the true Holy Mary, Mother of all, come back to Earth and tell all she will open the door to Heaven and bring her only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to a fallen world. I will say to the whole world now, I have the true messenger in the palm of My Hand. All must all see her tell all to pray the true Hail Mary as often as they can. All must now do this, and Margaret will tell all she is the true messenger, a ‘Rose on (the) Mountain.’ I have redeemed her; I have told her she will do the most challenging task of all. She will tell all now they must now all pray the true Hail Mary as often as they can, and all the time, and ask our Mother, our spiritual Mother, to bring her only Son to a fallen world. She will do as I ask.”

I have asked her to tell all now to do the true task and say all must all pray the way I ask. I am in charge. I will tell all they all must all pray the true Hail Mary as many times a day as they can. I will help them one by one. I will say all are in the True Arena. All will say all must all do as I ask. My child, My desire to tell you this night is to say all must all pray the true Hail Mary and all must all ask the Heavenly Father if He will open the door wide to the true Jesus Christ. I am in the door. I have told you many times you were to tell all they are to all pray the way I ask. And now I am going to say all must all pray to the true Mother of Jesus Christ, and they must all say they will all do as I ask.”

“Today, I will bring all to their knees. I will say all will pray the way I ask. They will all say they are all going to all pray (to) the true Holy Mary, the true Mother of Jesus Christ, and will say all will see the true Mother come and say she has the true Son of the true fallen world, and she will say all must all see Him. All must all pray the true Hail Mary. She will tell all she will open the door to Heaven, and all will all see her Son the true Savior. The true sinner will say they should have prayed the way I asked. I will say all will all see My only Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and very soon. All will say they will all pray the true Hail Mary as often as they can throughout the day and the night. I am in the true Hail Mary.”

“…You have sacrificed your all to do as I have asked. You have said ‘yes’ to Me many times. You have said, ‘Father in Heaven, this challenge is too big for me to handle; I need help.’ And now I am sending you the help you need. The true Hail Mary must be prayed night and day all the time in My Most Holy and Divine Name, now and forever and ever. Amen.”

A Messenger
in Christ,
Margaret Durbin
for God The Father,
Mary Agnes Kumar
for God The Father,
Do Van Nguyen

Do Van Nguyen
PO Box 262482
Houston, TX 77027

October 15, 2011